Speakly Review: Unlock Fluent Conversations with Innovative Language Learning

Updated on: November 23, 2023
Speakly review

Speakly is a language learning app designed to assist individuals in acquiring a new language with precision and efficiency. In the bustling landscape of language learning applications, Speakly plays a significant role by offering a structured and practical approach to language acquisition.

Unlike other apps that may emphasize gamification or vocabulary memorization, Speakly stands out for its commitment to fostering conversational fluency. It achieves this through a systematic approach that centers on essential, everyday vocabulary and phrases. This makes Speakly a compelling choice for those who prioritize practical language skills.

Throughout this review, we will delve into the core features of Speakly, explore its language offerings, list its pros and cons, detail the pricing plans, and compare it to other popular language learning apps. Let 's start!.

Speakly Overview

Speakly Features

Speakly Languages

Speakly Pricing

Speakly Alternatives

Speakly Review: Final thoughts


Speakly Overview

Speakly focuses on teaching the most common words and phrases used in everyday conversations. The app employs innovative methods to teach users the most relevant vocabulary in their chosen language. Through dynamic exercises, interactive content, and speech recognition technology, Speakly immerses learners in real-life conversations. 

Regarding the language industry, Speakly's role in the language market is that of a niche player, catering to a specific audience seeking real-world language proficiency. While not the most comprehensive language app on the market, it excels in its target area, focusing on providing users with the tools to engage in practical conversations in a new language.

In general terms, the platform approach is methodical, emphasizing repetition and practice to reinforce learning. There may be better choices than Speakly for those seeking comprehensive language education. However, for individuals aiming to grasp the basics and engage in everyday conversation quickly, it is a great choice.

Speakly Features

Within the Speakly app, you'll find a range of features carefully crafted to enhance your language learning experience. These features are designed to promote practical language acquisition and proficiency in everyday conversations. Let 's explore it.

Practical Vocabulary

Speakly prioritizes practical vocabulary and common phrases, ensuring that learners focus on the words and expressions they are most likely to use in everyday conversations. This approach equips users with the language skills needed for real-world communication.

Dynamic Exercises

The app offers a variety of interactive exercises that enable users to actively engage with the language. These exercises encompass speaking, listening, and comprehension, making the learning process dynamic and comprehensive.

Speech Recognition

Speakly incorporates cutting-edge speech recognition technology. This feature allows users to practice their pronunciation and speaking skills while receiving instant feedback, enabling them to fine-tune their language abilities and sound more natural in their conversations.

Real-Life Scenarios

The content and exercises within Speakly are thoughtfully designed to replicate real-life scenarios. By learning in context, users can better understand how to apply their language skills in practical situations.

Repetition and Reinforcement

Speakly's methodical approach involves systematic repetition and reinforcement of language concepts. This repetition aids in the retention of knowledge and boosts learners' confidence as they progress.

Interactive Content

The app's content is interactive, adaptive, and tailored to the user's skill level and learning pace. This personalized approach not only makes the learning process enjoyable but also ensures that learners receive content that matches their proficiency.

Speakly Languages

Speakly offers a diverse array of languages, encompassing both widely spoken global languages and those of more specialized interest. Users can choose from languages like English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian,Estonian and Finnish. However, the platform constantly offers new languages. 

Proficiency Levels

Speakly employs a well-structured system of proficiency levels to facilitate a tailored learning experience. These levels are designed to help learners improve their language skills and select content that matches their proficiency. Speakly typically categorizes learners into levels that range from beginner to advanced.

  • Beginner Levels: At the beginner levels, users start with the fundamentals, focusing on basic vocabulary and common phrases to lay a solid foundation.
  • Intermediate Levels: Intermediate levels build upon the basics, introducing more complex vocabulary and sentence structures, enabling users to hold more in-depth conversations.
  • Advanced Levels: Advanced levels are geared towards honing conversational skills, fine-tuning pronunciation, and expanding vocabulary, making learners proficient in various real-life scenarios.

Speakly Pros & Cons

When considering a language learning app like Speakly, it's essential to weigh its strengths and weaknesses to determine if it's the right fit for your language learning process. Let’s see which are the main pros and cons of using Speakly:

Practical Vocabulary: Speakly focuses on teaching everyday vocabulary and phrases, making it ideal for users who want to communicate effectively in real-life situations.

Speech Recognition: The app's speech recognition technology provides valuable feedback on pronunciation, aiding users in improving their spoken language skills.

Interactive Learning: Speakly offers interactive exercises that engage users actively in the learning process, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Structured Proficiency Levels: The app's proficiency levels enable users to gauge their language skills and access appropriate content, ensuring a tailored learning experience.

Repetition and Reinforcement: Speakly's systematic repetition of content and exercises strengthens language retention and boosts learner confidence.
Limited Language Depth: While effective for practical conversations, Speakly may not provide in-depth language education for advanced learners or academic purposes.

Focused Approach: The app's primary focus on conversation might not be suitable for users seeking comprehensive grammar or cultural knowledge.

User Interface Complexity: Some users have reported that the app's interface can be complex to navigate, potentially impacting the user experience.

Subscription Costs: Speakly's premium version comes with a cost, which may not be ideal for budget-conscious users seeking entirely free language learning options.

Limited Cultural Content: The app may not provide extensive cultural insights or materials that some learners desire when studying a new language.

Speakly Pricing

When it comes to Speaker's pricing structure, it adopts a straightforward approach, offering both free and premium versions. In this section, we'll provide a comprehensive breakdown of the pricing plans and highlight the distinctions between them as well as remark how the platform uses discounts and promotions.

Free Version for 7 daysSpeakly provides a free version that grants users access to a selection of basic features. While it allows users to get a feel for the app and practice fundamental language skills, it may come with limitations, such as restricted content access and more limited proficiency levels.NA
Premium PlansFor users seeking a comprehensive language learning experience, Speakly offers premium subscription plans. Premium users often enjoy access to all languages,statistically relevant words,  writing and speaking exercises, challenges and personal support.Monthly:$9,99
Lifetime: $137,99

Business Solutions

Speakly extends its services to businesses, recognizing the importance of language skills in the corporate world. Businesses can access tailored language learning solutions to enhance the language proficiency of their employees. This approach allows companies to promote effective communication and engagement with international clients and partners, ultimately contributing to business success.

Discounts and Promotions

Speakly occasionally offers discounts and promotions that can make premium plans more affordable for users. These discounts may vary, so it's advisable to keep an eye out for special offers that align with your language learning goals.

Speakly Alternatives

Speakly vs.HelloTalk

HelloTalk stands out for its language exchange approach, connecting users with native speakers for conversational practice. Speakly, on the other hand, is tailored to learners seeking a systematic and structured approach to language acquisition. 

While HelloTalk excels in facilitating real-world conversations and cultural understanding, Speakly's strength lies in its practical vocabulary focus. If you prefer a conversational exchange with native speakers, HelloTalk might be the better choice. However, if you're looking for structured language learning with a focus on vocabulary and phrases, Speakly offers a distinct approach.

Annual: $47,99
Lifetime: $137,99
Monthly: $12,99
Annual: $79,99
Lifetime access: $149,99

Speakly vs.Lingoda 

Lingoda and Speakly cater to different learning styles. Lingoda provides live online language classes with qualified teachers, offering a guided and classroom-like learning experience. In contrast, Speakly focuses on independent learning with a practical vocabulary emphasis. Lingoda is an excellent option for those seeking a more traditional language learning setting with personalized instruction, while Speakly suits those who prefer a self-paced approach with a focus on everyday vocabulary.

Annual: $47,99
Lifetime: $137,99
5 classes: $79,99
12 classes:$163,99
20 classes:$239,99
40 classes: $449,99

Speakly vs. Duolingo 

Duolingo and Speakly both offer user-friendly interfaces and a broad selection of languages. However, they differ in their approach to language learning. Duolingo gamifies the learning experience, making it engaging and motivating for beginners. In contrast, Speakly's approach is more structured and centered around practical vocabulary

Duolingo is ideal for those who enjoy gamification and a diverse language selection. Speakly, with its concentration on everyday conversation, suits those who prioritize communication skills over gaming elements.

Annual: $47,99
Lifetime: $137,99
Basic plan: Free
Super Duolingo Monthly: $12.99
Super Duolingo Yearly: $ 83.99

Speakly vs.Babbel

Babbel and Speakly both emphasize practical conversation skills, but their methods differ. Babbel provides structured lessons, guiding users through real-life scenarios and interactions. Speakly, while also focusing on practicality, has a more independent learning approach with a strong vocabulary emphasis

Babbel's strength is its systematic curriculum, making it suitable for learners who prefer a guided path. Speakly, on the other hand, is ideal for those who want a self-paced, independent learning experience with an emphasis on everyday vocabulary.

Annual: $47,99
Lifetime: $137,99
6 months: $47,94
12 months: $ 96,88
Lifetime: $319

Speakly Review: Final thoughts

In this review, we've delved into Speakly, providing an in-depth exploration of its features, language offerings, pricing structure, and comparisons to popular alternatives. Speakly sets itself apart with its dedication to teaching practical vocabulary and phrases, making it a compelling choice for those aiming to engage in real-life conversations swiftly and effectively.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that the right language learning app for each learner depends on the individual preferences and learning style. As we've discussed in our comparisons, alternatives like HelloTalk, Lingoda, Duolingo, and Babbel offer distinct approaches, from language exchange to structured lessons and gamification.

Language learning is a personal process, and the path you choose should align with your aspirations. Whether you opt for Speakly or one of its alternatives, we wish you success in achieving your language proficiency goals.


What is Speakly, and what does a Speakly review entail?

Speakly is a language learning app designed to help individuals acquire new languages with a focus on practical conversation skills. A Speakly review is an in-depth assessment of the app, which explores its core features, language offerings, pricing plans, and comparisons to alternatives. It aims to provide potential users with a comprehensive understanding of what the app offers.

How does Speakly's language teaching approach differ from other language learning apps?

Speakly distinguishes itself by concentrating on practical vocabulary and phrases used in everyday conversations. The app utilizes speech recognition technology and interactive exercises to engage users actively in language learning. While other apps may emphasize gamification, grammar, or cultural content, Speakly prioritizes real-world communication skills.

What languages are available on Speakly, and how do the proficiency levels work?

Speakly offers a diverse range of languages, including widely spoken and less commonly studied ones. The app categorizes users into proficiency levels, typically ranging from beginner to advanced. These levels help learners gauge their language skills and access appropriate content. Beginners start with fundamentals, while advanced levels focus on honing conversational skills.

Is Speakly free to use, or are there premium plans, and what do they offer?

Speakly provides both free and premium versions. The free version offers basic features but may have limitations in content access. Premium plans, available for a monthly, annual or lifetime fee, grant access to a broader range of features, including advanced proficiency levels, access to all languages, unrestricted content, and additional tools for enhanced language learning.

How does Speakly compare to other language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, Lingoda, and HelloTalk?

Speakly distinguishes itself from alternatives through its focus on practical vocabulary and real-world conversations. Duolingo offers gamified learning, while Babbel concentrates on structured lessons. Lingoda provides live online classes with qualified teachers, and HelloTalk facilitates language exchange. The choice between these options depends on individual learning preferences, goals, and priorities.

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.