How to Learn Norwegian Fast: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide

Updated on: October 30, 2023

Whether you dream of exploring Norway, immersing yourself in its rich literature, or simply expanding your horizons, knowing how to learn Norwegian is your first step toward these goals.

Learning Norwegian enhances your cognitive skills, boosts your confidence, and opens doors to new friendships. It also can broaden your career prospects, making you a valuable asset. As you discover the world of the Norwegian language, you'll find yourself mastering and unlocking a world of opportunities.

Norway's contributions to technology, business, and the arts are gaining international recognition. Learning Norwegian can give you a competitive edge, allowing you to tap into a market brimming with potential. Whether you aspire to work for a Norwegian company or simply wish to communicate with the global Norwegian community, this guide will set you on the path to success.

Getting Started: How to Learn Norwegian

Norwegian Alphabet

The Norwegian alphabet shares a lot of similarities with its English counterpart.

Here are the different letters from the English alphabet that you can find in Norwegian:

  • Æ (æ): The letter "æ" is often found in Norwegian words like "fjæra" (feather) and "nære" (near), representing a sound that is somewhat similar to the English "ai" in "sail."
  • Ø (ø): In Norwegian, "ø" appears in words like "følelse" (feeling) and "nøkkel" (key). It represents a sound similar to the English "uh" sound in the middle of the word "bird."
  • Å (å): The letter "å" is present in words like "måne" (moon) and "år" (year) and is pronounced like the English "aw" sound in "law."
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To master the Norwegian alphabet, begin with the basics. Utilize resources like flashcards and language learning apps for pronunciation and recognition. A solid alphabet foundation is essential for success in Norwegian grammar and vocabulary, so practice regularly to progress toward mastery.

Basic Grammar

Norwegian's fundamental rules are relatively straightforward. Let's begin with constructing simple sentences. In Norwegian, the word order is similar to English: subject, verb, object (SVO). 

  • For example, "I eat apples" in Norwegian would be "Jeg spiser epler." 

To excel in Norwegian grammar, keep an eye out for common pitfalls. One such challenge is gendered nouns. Norwegian nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Learning the gender of nouns as you go along is essential. 

Embrace your mistakes; they're a natural part of the learning process. With patience and consistent practice, you'll become more comfortable with Norwegian grammar, opening doors to richer conversations and more profound language proficiency.

Common Norwegian Phrases

Let's kickstart your Norwegian language learning with some essential phrases that will have you speaking confidently in no time. These common phrases will guide you to your basic communication in Norwegian:

  • Hello - Hei: Use this greeting to say hello to someone.
  • Goodbye - Ha det bra: This phrase is your go-to.
  • Please - Vær så snill: Use this when making a request.
  • Thank you - Takk: Express your gratitude with this simple phrase.
  • Yes - Ja: For agreement or affirmation.
  • No - Nei: When you need to disagree or say no.
  • Excuse me - Unnskyld meg: Use this to get someone's attention or apologize.
  • I don't understand - Jeg forstår ikke: Handy when you feel a bit lost in conversation.
  • How are you? - Hvordan har du det?: A common way to inquire about someone's well-being.
  • My name is... - Jeg heter...: Introduce yourself with this phrase followed by your name.

Now, let's ensure you're pronouncing and using these phrases correctly. Norwegian pronunciation often aligns with English, but there are a few nuances to remember:

Æ, Ø, and Å: These are unique Norwegian vowels. 

  • "Æ" is pronounced like the "a" in "cat." 
  • "Ø" is similar to the French "eu" sound.
  • "Å" sounds like the "o" in "more."

R's: Norwegian "r" is softer than in English, almost a mix between "r" and "l."

T's and D's: The "t" and "d" sounds can be softer, almost like a "d" and "th" respectively.

Tips and Tricks for Learning Norwegian Faster

One powerful technique is to employ mnemonic devices. These memory aids can help you remember new vocabulary or tricky grammar rules. 

  • For example, to remember the word for "book" in Norwegian, "bok," you might visualize a book with a big "B" on its cover. 

Additionally, establish a daily practice routine. Consistency is key when learning a new language. Dedicate a specific time each day to study, even if it's just 15 minutes. This regularity will help reinforce what you've learned and keep your momentum going.

Integrating language learning into your daily life can significantly accelerate your progress. 

  • Start by changing your device settings to Norwegian. This minor tweak will expose you to the language whenever you use your phone or computer. 
  • Label everyday household items with their Norwegian names to reinforce your vocabulary. 
  • Keep a language journal to jot down new words and phrases you encounter. 
  • Surround yourself with Norwegian media, such as books, movies, or music. Even if you don't understand everything initially, exposure to the language in context is incredibly valuable. 
  • Find a language exchange partner or join online language learning communities. Interacting with others who share your interest in learning Norwegian can be motivating and fun. 

Advanced Learning Tips

Once you have a solid foundation, it's time to delve into more complex grammar and expand your vocabulary. Consider investing in advanced language learning resources, like comprehensive grammar books or online courses designed for intermediate learners. Focus on understanding the following topics: 

  • More intricate sentence structures
  • Verb conjugations.
  • Idiomatic expressions. 

This more profound knowledge will make your conversations in Norwegian more nuanced and sophisticated. Immersion is a powerful tool for advancing your language skills, and there are plenty of enjoyable ways to do it. 

  • Dive into Norwegian culture through movies, music, and literature. Watch Norwegian films or TV series with subtitles, gradually increasing the difficulty as you become more comfortable. Look for the TV Show "Skam."
  • Explore Norwegian music, paying attention to lyrics to boost your vocabulary and grasp the rhythm of the language. Look for this song: "Sucker Punch" by Sigrid.
  • Reading Norwegian books or articles can also be immensely beneficial. Start with more straightforward texts and gradually progress to more challenging material. Immersing yourself in these forms of media not only enhances your language skills but also deepens your understanding of Norwegian culture and context.
  • Seek out opportunities to converse with Norwegians in person or online. Language exchange partners are an excellent resource for practicing speaking and getting valuable feedback. 
  • Join language learning forums or social media groups focused on Norwegian. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your progress. Connecting with fellow learners and native speakers can provide a supportive environment for your journey. 
  • If possible, consider visiting Norway or participating in language immersion programs. Real-life interactions will boost your confidence and allow you to apply what you've learned in practical situations. 

Online Courses for Learning Norwegian

Whether you're a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an intermediate learner aiming to refine your skills, online courses provide structured lessons, interactive exercises, and the convenience of learning from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Babbel: is a popular choice. Babbel's Norwegian courses are designed to help learners become conversational quickly. What sets Babbel apart is its focus on practical language skills. You'll learn to speak and understand Norwegian in real-life situations. Babbel's interactive lessons include listening and speaking exercises, ensuring you're prepared for conversations. It's a fantastic option for those who want to apply their language skills in practical scenarios.
  • NorwegianClass101: This platform offers in-depth lessons at various skill levels, from beginner to advanced. You'll gain access to a vast library of audio and video lessons, along with downloadable resources. What makes NorwegianClass101 stand out is its cultural insights and personalized learning paths, helping you develop a deeper understanding of Norwegian language and culture.
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): It offers a free online course known as "Norwegian on the Web" (NoW). This course is designed specifically for beginners and covers all aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural insights. "Norwegian on the Web" provides interactive exercises, quizzes, and audio recordings to enhance your listening and speaking skills. It's a valuable resource for those who want to learn Norwegian from a reputable institution and gain a solid foundation in the language.

Norwegian Language Tutoring

Tutoring plays a pivotal role in language learning by offering personalized guidance and fostering significant improvements in language skills. Having a tutor provides the opportunity to receive individualized attention, practice speaking and listening in real-time, and gain valuable insights into the nuances of the Norwegian language.

  • Italki: Is a popular platform that connects learners with Norwegian tutors from around the world. It offers a diverse range of tutors with varying teaching styles and specialties. This diversity allows learners to choose a tutor whose teaching approach aligns with their goals, whether it's mastering grammar, improving conversational skills, or delving into Norwegian culture. Italki also provides flexibility in scheduling lessons, making it convenient for learners with busy schedules.
  • Preply: Is another excellent platform for finding Norwegian tutors. Preply carefully selects experienced tutors who offer personalized lessons tailored to individual learning needs. This one-on-one interaction allows learners to receive immediate feedback, practice speaking and listening, and focus on areas that need improvement. Preply's user-friendly interface makes it easy to book lessons and track progress, ensuring a seamless learning experience.
  • Verbling: It stands out as a platform that offers live, small-group Norwegian lessons. Learners can participate in interactive classes with experienced teachers and engage in meaningful conversations with fellow students. This group dynamic fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Verbling's structured courses cover a range of proficiency levels, ensuring that learners find a class that suits their needs while benefiting from the advantages of group interaction.

Apps for Learning Norwegian

Mobile apps have revolutionized language learning by offering the convenience of studying Norwegian anytime and anywhere. These apps provide a flexible and accessible way to progress in your language learning.

  • Duolingo: Is a very popular language learning app that offers Norwegian courses for beginners. It's known for its gamified approach, turning language learning into a fun and engaging experience. Duolingo's Norwegian course covers essential vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It tracks your progress and encourages daily practice. The app's bite-sized lessons are perfect for short study sessions, making it easy to squeeze language learning into your busy schedule.
  • Memrise: Is another fantastic app for Norwegian language learners. Memrise focuses on vocabulary acquisition and retention through spaced repetition and engaging exercises. The app's user-generated content means you'll find a wide range of Norwegian courses, from basic to advanced levels. Memrise's multimedia approach includes videos of native speakers, enhancing your listening and pronunciation skills. With its interactive and visually appealing design, Memrise makes vocabulary building enjoyable.
  • Drops: Is a language learning app that emphasizes visual learning. It's a great choice for those who are visual learners or appreciate a minimalist design. Drops offers a Norwegian course that covers a broad range of topics and includes thousands of vocabulary words. What sets Drops apart is its daily time limit, encouraging short, focused sessions. You can also practice speaking and listening with native pronunciation. Drops' engaging and straightforward approach ensures that you can make steady progress in Norwegian without feeling overwhelmed.

Norwegian Language Learning Books

Books offer comprehensive lessons, in-depth explanations, and the opportunity to learn at your own pace.

  • "Complete Norwegian" by Margaretha Danbolt Simons: Is an excellent starting point for beginners. This comprehensive book covers the fundamentals of Norwegian grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It includes practical dialogues and exercises that help learners build essential communication skills. With a focus on real-life scenarios, "Complete Norwegian" ensures that you can confidently navigate various situations in Norwegian-speaking environments.
  • "Colloquial Norwegian" by Kari Bratveit: Is a top choice! This book is designed to teach colloquial, everyday Norwegian. It offers dialogues, cultural insights, and exercises that emphasize practical communication. "Colloquial Norwegian" is perfect for learners who want to engage in meaningful conversations and understand the nuances of spoken Norwegian.
  • "Norwegian Verbs and Essentials of Grammar" by Louis Janus: This book focuses on the intricacies of Norwegian verb conjugation and grammar rules. It provides clear explanations, numerous examples, and exercises to reinforce your understanding. Mastering verbs and grammar is a crucial step towards fluency, and this book is an indispensable guide for learners at all levels.

Videos and Podcasts

Videos and podcasts have become powerful tools for immersive language learning experiences. They allow learners to hear, see, and engage with the Norwegian language in real-world contexts. 

  • NRK (Norsk rikskringkasting): Is Norway's national broadcasting company and offers a wealth of video and audio content through its website and app. NRK provides a wide range of materials, including news broadcasts, documentaries, and TV shows, all available in Norwegian. One standout feature is the availability of subtitles in Norwegian, which can assist learners in understanding spoken language while reading along. NRK content covers various topics, ensuring that learners can explore their interests while improving their language skills.
  • "Norsk på 1-2-3": Is a YouTube channel created by a Norwegian language teacher. It's tailored for beginners and intermediate learners, offering engaging video lessons on various aspects of the Norwegian language. The channel covers pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and practical phrases. "Norsk på 1-2-3" also incorporates cultural insights, helping learners understand the context in which the language is used. The lessons are easy to follow and are a great resource for those looking to grasp the basics and build a strong foundation.
  • "Learn Norwegian Podcast": Is an exceptional auditory resource for Norwegian language learners. This podcast series offers a wide range of episodes designed to improve listening comprehension, expand vocabulary, and enhance overall language skills. Each episode features engaging discussions, real-life dialogues, and explanations of Norwegian grammar and culture. "Norwegian Language Learning Podcast" is a valuable tool for learners who want to immerse themselves in the language and gain a deeper understanding of Norwegian in context.


So, are you ready to take on Norwegian?

Start by mastering the basics through online courses and apps, allowing you to build a strong foundation. Dive deeper into the language with the help of books, videos, and podcasts that offer diverse learning experiences. Don't forget the power of tutoring to receive personalized guidance and practice with native speakers.

With the resources in this article, you have the tools needed to succeed. Remember that consistency and practice are the keys to becoming proficient in Norwegian. Happy learning!


How long does it take to learn Norwegian? 

The time it takes to learn Norwegian varies depending on factors like your prior language learning experience, dedication, and the level of proficiency you aim for. It may take about 600-750 hours of study to reach a basic conversational level.

How hard is it to learn Norwegian? 

Norwegian is considered moderately challenging for English speakers due to its unique vocabulary and grammar. However, it shares some similarities with English and other Germanic languages, making certain aspects easier to grasp. It's achievable for most learners with consistent effort and the right resources.

How can I learn Norwegian quickly? 

Learning Norwegian quickly requires a focused and immersive approach. Consider taking intensive courses, practicing daily, immersing yourself in the language through media and conversations, and using language learning apps and resources. The more consistently you practice, the faster you'll progress.

How can I learn Norwegian at home on my own? 

Learning Norwegian at home is entirely possible. Start with online courses, language learning apps, and textbooks to build your foundation. Incorporate Norwegian media like movies, music, and podcasts into your daily routine. Connect with native speakers through language exchange platforms or online communities to practice your skills.

How can I become fluent in Norwegian? 

Achieving fluency in Norwegian requires dedication and consistent practice. Focus on developing all language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Engage with native speakers, participate in conversations, and seek out advanced resources to deepen your understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Fluency will come with time, practice, and perseverance.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.