How To Learn Croatian: The Complete Guide to Learning Croatian Online

Updated on: January 24, 2024

Want to find out how to learn Croatian? Then this guide is just right for you.

Speaking Croatian can be a unique asset, setting you apart in the job market. It opens up opportunities for international careers and business ventures in Croatia, a rapidly developing European nation. Employers often value multilingual candidates, and your ability to converse in Croatian could be the key to your dream job.

The language's global popularity is on the rise, making it a valuable asset for travelers and business professionals alike. Croatia's stunning landscapes, bustling cities, and coastal splendors draw tourists and investors worldwide. Learning Croatian gives you an edge, allowing you to navigate this country and engage in meaningful interactions easily.

Croatian Online Courses

Online courses are a structured and effective way to embark on the journey of learning the Croatian language from scratch. These courses not only provide structured lessons but also offer valuable insights into Croatian culture and society. 

  • Transparent Language: It's a deep dive into Croatian culture and language, which is ideal for those who want to truly understand the context in which the language is used. The course provides access to a treasure trove of resources, including video lessons, audio materials, and cultural insights. By using this platform, you'll gain not only language skills but also an appreciation for the history and customs of Croatia. 
  • Udemy: A versatile and accessible platform for learning the Croatian language, offering a wide selection of courses taught by expert instructors, self-paced learning, and a variety of interactive materials. With affordable pricing, the convenience of lifelong access, and the insights provided by learner reviews, Udemy is a practical choice for individuals of all proficiency levels who seek to master Croatian at their own pace.
  • Preply: Is a versatile and user-friendly platform for personalized Croatian language learning, offering direct access to experienced tutors who can tailor their instruction to your specific goals. With a focus on one-on-one interaction, Preply enables you to learn Croatian at your own pace, gaining confidence in speaking, grammar, and cultural insights through interactive lessons. The platform's flexibility in scheduling, diverse tutor selection, competitive pricing, and the opportunity for trial lessons make it an excellent choice for individuals seeking a tailored and practical approach to mastering the Croatian language.

Tutoring for Learning Croatian

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Online tutoring offers a one-on-one learning experience that adapts to your specific needs, whether you're an absolute beginner or striving to fine-tune your language skills. 

  • iTalki: A popular platform that connects language learners with native speakers for personalized language lessons. For those looking to master Croatian, iTalki offers a treasure trove of tutors who can guide you through the intricacies of the language. What sets iTalki apart is the opportunity to choose your tutor based on your preferences, be it accent, teaching style, or expertise in aspects of Croatian, such as grammar or pronunciation. The flexible scheduling and pay-per-lesson system ensures that you have control over your learning journey, and many tutors offer trial lessons, allowing you to find the right fit before committing.
  • Tandem: Takes a unique approach to language learning by fostering mutual learning exchanges. The platform pairs you with native Croatian speakers who, in return, want to learn your language. This exchange creates an interactive environment where you can practice speaking and listening in Croatian and provide help in your own language. Tandem is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the language and culture, and it's particularly valuable for those who appreciate the opportunity to teach as they learn. The platform offers a sense of community, where you can build friendships while mastering the Croatian language.
  • ConversationExchange: Is a global language exchange platform that connects learners with Croatian speakers around the world. The platform allows you to search for language exchange partners based on location, interests, and proficiency level. By engaging with native Croatian speakers, you can practice conversational skills and improve your language fluency. Whether you're looking for casual conversations or more structured learning, ConversationExchange offers diverse language exchange partners who can help you reach your Croatian language goals. 

Apps to Learn Croatian

Mobile apps have revolutionized language learning, allowing you to practice Croatian wherever and whenever you have spare moments. These apps enable you to make productive use of your time while working toward Croatian language proficiency.

  • Drops: This app offers a unique, visually engaging approach to language learning, emphasizing vocabulary acquisition. Drops' simple and intuitive interface presents you with a wide range of common Croatian words and phrases, each accompanied by colorful illustrations. It employs a spaced repetition system to reinforce your memory and improve long-term retention. Drops are perfect for learners who prefer a more visual and interactive learning style, helping you quickly build a practical vocabulary for everyday use.
  • Memrise: Focused on vocabulary and pronunciation, making it an ideal option for those who want to sound like a native Croatian speaker. The app offers a variety of Croatian courses, including some dedicated to pronunciation and phonetics. Memrise uses multimedia components like video clips of native speakers, helping you grasp the nuances of Croatian pronunciation and tone. Its spaced repetition technique ensures that you retain what you've learned, enhancing your ability to converse in Croatian confidently. Whether planning a trip to Croatia or simply aiming to improve your language skills, Memrise is a valuable tool for perfecting your pronunciation and vocabulary.
  • Mondly: Is a versatile language learning app that stands out for its interactive lessons, gamified approach, and advanced features like speech recognition and virtual reality experiences, making it an excellent choice for mastering the Croatian language. This multifaceted platform offers daily lessons, progress tracking, and a broad range of languages, accommodating both beginners and those looking to enhance their language skills while keeping learners engaged and motivated on their Croatian language journey, accessible at any time through the convenience of a mobile app.

Croatian Learning Books

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Books offer a structured and comprehensive approach to Croatian learning that appeals to a wide range of learners.

  • "Croatian for Beginners" - A Solid Foundation: If you're starting from scratch, "Croatian for Beginners" is an excellent choice. This book provides a solid foundation by covering the basics of the Croatian language. Expect to find lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and essential phrases for everyday communication. This resource is designed to be accessible, making it ideal for those with no prior knowledge of Croatian. With clear explanations and practical exercises, "Croatian for Beginners" ensures that you grasp the fundamentals of the language.
  • "Conversational Croatian": This book emphasizes spoken Croatian and everyday conversations. You can anticipate learning useful phrases, expressions, and dialogue examples that will help you engage in real-life situations. "Conversational Croatian" is particularly beneficial for travelers and individuals who want to communicate effectively with Croatian speakers in a variety of contexts.
  • "Croatian Grammar in Use": This resource is suitable for learners who seek a more in-depth understanding of the language. Inside, you'll find explanations of Croatian grammar rules, verb conjugations, and sentence structures. While it may not be the most engaging read, "Croatian Grammar in Use" serves as a valuable reference tool for those striving to master the intricacies of Croatian.

How to Learn Croatian Language for Free

There are free resources available online to help you on your language-learning journey. Finding these resources is the first step, and it doesn't have to be a daunting task. To effectively learn Croatian for free, consider:

  • Croatian Language School: A valuable online resource for those seeking to learn Croatian. Offering a range of free language courses that cater to all proficiency levels, this platform provides structured lessons, exercises, and quizzes to help learners build a solid foundation in Croatian. With a user-friendly interface and an emphasis on practical language skills, the Croatian Language School ensures that learners can progress at their own pace and steadily develop their Croatian language abilities, making it a reliable and accessible resource for those starting their Croatian language learning.
  • SEELRC Croatian: Is a valuable online resource offered by the South East European Language Resource Center. This platform provides free Croatian language materials, including lessons, reading resources, and audio materials, making it an excellent choice for learners of all levels. SEELRC Croatian's content is comprehensive and accessible, allowing learners to delve into the language's grammar, vocabulary, and cultural context. With a focus on fostering language proficiency, SEELRC Croatian provides a structured and supportive environment for those looking to master the Croatian language, making it a notable resource in the realm of free language learning materials.
  • Reddit: Presents a online community where individuals passionate about the Croatian language come together to discuss, share, and learn. It serves as a valuable resource for language learners and enthusiasts, offering a platform for asking questions, engaging in conversations, and exchanging insights on all things related to Croatian. Users can seek guidance, receive practical advice, and even practice the language through interactions with fellow learners and native speakers. This Reddit community provides a supportive and dynamic space for those looking to expand their Croatian language skills, whether they are beginners seeking to understand the basics or more advanced learners striving for fluency.

Videos and Podcasts to Learn Croatian

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Teach yourself to listen to croatian spoken naturally and engage with real-life conversations. Explore three platforms and channels that provide free videos and podcasts, each offering unique content and advantages to enhance your Croatian experience.

  • Croatian Lessons on YouTube: YouTube has become a treasure trove for language learners, including those eager to master Croatian. Numerous channels offer free Croatian lessons catering to diverse learning styles. For instance, "Learn Croatian Language" provides structured lessons that cover grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The "Royal Croatina Tour" channel focuses on language lessons embedded within cultural contexts, making it engaging and informative. Whether you prefer formal lessons or a more relaxed learning atmosphere, YouTube's Croatian language content ensures that you can find a style that suits you.
  • CroatianPod101: Is a dedicated platform that offers comprehensive Croatian language podcasts. It caters to learners at various levels, from beginners to more advanced speakers. The podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including language essentials, cultural insights, and practical conversations. What sets CroatianPod101 apart is the structured approach it provides, making it easy to navigate through lessons, track your progress, and review previous content. With regular updates, you can keep your Croatian language skills sharp and immerse yourself in the language through diverse audio content.
  • Radio Garden: Is a unique platform that offers an immersive experience in the Croatian language. It allows you to explore live radio stations from Croatia and other Croatian-speaking regions around the world. By tuning in, you can listen to real conversations, music, news, and cultural content, providing an authentic insight into the language as it's used in daily life. This platform offers a more unscripted and spontaneous way to improve your listening skills and adapt to various Croatian accents and dialects. Radio Garden serves as a valuable resource for those who want to understand Croatian within the context of its culture and daily communication.

Popular and Common Phrases in Croatian

Mastering a new language isn't just about vocabulary and grammar; it's also about understanding the phrases and expressions that people use in their daily conversations. These are essential for basic communication and will help you connect with native speakers on a more personal level.

  • "Dobar dan" - Good day.
  • "Hvala" - Thank you.
  • "Molim" - Please / You're welcome.
  • "Kako se zovete?" - What is your name?
  • "Ja se zovem…" - My name is…
  • "Molim vas" - Please (formal).
  • "Hvala puno" - Thank you very much.
  • "Gdje je WC?" - Where is the restroom?
  • "Koliko košta?" - How much does it cost?
  • "Mogu li dobiti račun?" - Can I have the bill?
  • "Kako se kaže na hrvatskom?" - How do you say it in Croatian?
  • "Kako ide?" - How's it going?
  • "Što ima novo?" - What's new?
  • "Jako mi je drago" - Nice to meet you.


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Learning the Croatian language is not only attainable but also a richly rewarding experience. Armed with the right tools, free online resources, and a steady learning routine, you're on the path to mastering this beautiful language.

As you delve into its intricacies, engage with native speakers, and immerse yourself in Croatian culture, the day will come sooner than you think when you'll find yourself conversing confidently in Croatian.

Remember that consistency is key, and every step you take brings you closer to the goal. So, start today, and you'll be amazed at how soon you'll be speaking the language with confidence, opening up a world of new connections, experiences, and opportunities. 


How long does it take to learn Croatian? 

The time it takes to learn Croatian depends on several factors, including your native language, prior language learning experience, and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying. For basic conversational skills, it may take a few months of consistent practice. Achieving fluency can take a few years of dedicated effort.

How hard is it to learn Croatian? 

Croatian can be a moderately challenging language to learn, primarily due to its complex grammar and distinct alphabet. However, with regular practice and the right resources, it is achievable for most learners. Your dedication and commitment are key factors in determining the ease of your learning experience.

How can I learn Croatian quickly? 

To learn Croatian quickly, immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Take advantage of free online resources, engage with native speakers, and practice regularly. Setting specific language goals and creating a structured learning routine can also help you progress faster.

How can I learn Croatian at home on my own? 

Learning Croatian at home is entirely feasible. You can start by using online language learning platforms, apps, or resources like YouTube lessons. Join language forums or engage with Croatian speakers through language exchange platforms. Building a study routine, setting goals, and seeking out a tutor or language partner can further enhance your learning experience.

How can I become fluent in Croatian? 

Achieving fluency in Croatian requires dedication and consistent practice. To become fluent, engage in daily language practice, immerse yourself in Croatian media, such as films, books, and music, and communicate with native speakers whenever possible. Consider taking formal courses or working with a tutor to receive structured guidance on your language journey. Fluency is attainable with patience, effort, and a passion for the language.

Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.