50+ Compliments in Spanish: Master the Art of Spanish Compliment

Updated on: February 7, 2024

Paying heartwarming compliments in beautiful Spanish is an easy way to practice the language and connect with friends. As you're learning Spanish, mastering some common compliments can make your daily conversations, whether casual or flirty, more charming.

This guide will help you learn how to effectively compliment someone's outfit, looks, talents, or job well done. You'll also learn proper responses when receiving a compliment. With key phrases, pronunciation tips, and examples, you'll be well equipped to confidently give sincere praise in Spanish.

Compliments in Spanish 1

30 best compliments in Spanish

1. Eres increíble (EH-rehs een-kreh-EE-bleh) - You are amazing  

  • Meaning: A general compliment expressing admiration for someone's character or actions.

2. Tienes una sonrisa hermosa (TYEH-nehs OO-nah sohn-REE-sah ehr-MOH-sah) - You have a beautiful smile  

  • Meaning: Appreciation of someone's smile, implying it's attractive and possibly uplifting to others.

3. Tu inteligencia me impresiona (too een-teh-LEE-hen-see-ah meh eem-preh-SYO-nah) - Your intelligence impresses me  

  • Meaning: Recognition of someone's intellectual abilities or cleverness.

4. Qué guapo/a estás (keh GWAH-poh/ah ehs-TAHS) - You look handsome/beautiful  

  • Meaning: A compliment on someone's appearance, typically used when they look particularly attractive at the moment.

5. Eres muy talentoso/a (EH-rehs mwee tahl-ehn-TOH-soh/ah) - You are very talented  

  • Meaning: Acknowledgment of someone's skills or natural ability in a certain area.

6. Tienes un gran corazón (TYEH-nehs oon grahn koh-rah-SOHN) - You have a big heart  

  • Meaning: Praising someone's kindness, generosity, or empathy.

7. Tu estilo es único (too ehs-TEE-loh ehs OO-nee-koh) - Your style is unique  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's personal style or fashion sense, highlighting its distinctiveness.
Compliments in Spanish 2

8. Eres muy divertido/a (EH-rehs mwee dee-vehr-TEE-doh/ah) - You are very funny  

  • Meaning: A compliment on someone's sense of humor or ability to entertain others.

9. Tienes una mente brillante (TYEH-nehs OO-nah MEHN-teh bree-YAHN-teh) - You have a brilliant mind  

  • Meaning: Admiration for someone's intelligence or creativity.

10. Tu creatividad es impresionante (too kreh-ah-tee-vee-DAHD ehs eem-preh-see-ohn-AHN-teh) - Your creativity is impressive  

  • Meaning: Appreciation for someone's creative thinking or artistic abilities.

11. Siempre luces radiante (see-EHM-preh LOO-sehs rah-dee-AHN-teh) - You always look radiant  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's glowing, vibrant appearance or personality.

12. Eres un gran amigo/a (EH-rehs oon grahn ah-MEE-goh/ah) - You are a great friend  

  • Meaning: Recognition of someone's qualities as a loyal and supportive friend.

13. Tu bondad es inspiradora (too bon-DAHD ehs een-spee-rah-DOH-rah) - Your kindness is inspiring

  • Meaning: Praising someone's acts of kindness and their positive influence on others.

14. Tienes un sentido del humor increíble (TYEH-nehs oon sen-TEE-doh dehl oo-MOR een-kreh-EE-bleh) - You have an incredible sense of humor  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's ability to make others laugh or their witty personality.

15. Eres muy trabajador/a (EH-rehs mwee trah-bah-hah-DOHR/ah) - You are very hardworking  

  • Meaning: Acknowledgment of someone's dedication and effort in their work or pursuits.
Compliments in Spanish 3

16. Tienes una energía contagiosa (TYEH-nehs OO-nah ehn-ehr-HEE-ah kon-tah-GYO-sah) - You have contagious energy  

  • Meaning: Praising someone for their vibrant and positive energy that influences others around them.

17. Tu voz es melodiosa (too voz ehs meh-loh-DEE-oh-sah) - Your voice is melodious

  • Meaning: A compliment on the pleasant and musical quality of someone's voice.

18. Eres muy perspicaz (EH-rehs mwee pehr-spee-KAHS) - You are very insightful  

  • Meaning: Acknowledgment of someone's ability to understand and analyze situations deeply and clearly.

19. Tienes un gran sentido de la moda (TYEH-nehs oon grahn sen-TEE-doh deh lah MOH-dah) - You have a great fashion sense  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's ability to dress stylishly and fashionably.

20. Tu pasión es admirable (too pah-see-OHN ehs ahd-mee-RAH-bleh) - Your passion is admirable  

  • Meaning: Praising someone's enthusiasm and strong commitment to their interests or causes.

21. Eres muy culto/a  (EH-rehs mwee KOOL-toh/ah) - You are very cultured  

  • Meaning: Recognizing someone's knowledge and appreciation of arts, literature, and other cultural areas.

22. Tienes una voz encantadora (TYEH-nehs OO-nah voz en-kahn-tah-DOH-rah) - You have a charming voice  

  • Meaning: A compliment on someone's voice that is pleasant and captivating.

23. Tu optimismo es contagioso (too op-tee-MEEZ-moh ehs kon-tah-GYO-soh) - Your optimism is contagious  

  • Meaning: Praising someone's positive outlook on life that tends to spread to others.

24. Siempre sabes qué decir (see-EHM-preh SAH-behs keh deh-SEER) - You always know what to say  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's ability to say the right thing at the right time, often in comforting or wise ways.

25. Tu generosidad no tiene límites (too heh-neh-roh-see-DAHD noh TYEH-neh LEE-mee-tehs) - Your generosity knows no bounds  

  • Meaning: Acknowledging someone's selflessness and willingness to give to others.

26. Tienes un alma bella (TYEH-nehs oon AL-mah BEH-yah) - You have a beautiful soul  

  • Meaning: A deep compliment reflecting someone's inner beauty and goodness.

27. Eres muy atento/a (EH-rehs mwee ah-TEHN-toh/ah) - You are very thoughtful  

  • Meaning: Recognizing someone's consideration and care for the needs and feelings of others.

28. Tu valentía es inspiradora (too vah-len-TEE-ah ehs een-spee-rah-DOH-rah) - Your courage is inspiring  

  • Meaning: Admiration for someone's bravery and the inspiration it provides to others.

29. Tienes un espíritu aventurero (TYEH-nehs oon ehs-PEE-ree-too ah-ven-too-REH-roh) - You have an adventurous spirit  

  • Meaning: Complimenting someone's willingness to take risks and try new experiences.

30. Eres la luz de la fiesta (EH-rehs lah looz deh lah fee-ehs-TAH) - You are the life of the party  

  • Meaning: Praising someone's ability to bring joy, energy, and fun to social gatherings.

How do you compliment someone in Spanish?

Using compliments in Latin America or other Spanish-speaking countries involves more than just knowing the right words; it's about timing, context, and sincerity. Whether it's praising someone's clothes, skills, or achievements, the key is to be genuine and considerate, ensuring your words match the moment and resonate with the person you're speaking to.

Receiving compliments: how to respond to a Spanish compliment?

Compliments in Spanish 4

Responding to compliments is about showing gratitude and acknowledging the kind words you've received. It's common to express thanks, deflect the compliment modestly, or return a compliment. Here are five examples of how to respond to compliments in the Spanish language:

1. Muchas gracias, eso es muy amable de tu parte (MOO-chahs GRAH-see-ahs, EH-soh ehs MOO-ee ah-MAH-bleh deh too PAHR-teh) - Thank you very much, that's very kind of you  

  • Meaning: A polite and gracious way to accept a compliment, acknowledging the kindness behind it.

2. ¡Qué lindo lo que dices! (keh LEEN-doh loh keh DEE-sehs) - That's so nice of you to say!  

  • Meaning: Expressing appreciation for the compliment and the positive sentiment behind it.

3. No lo había visto así, gracias (noh loh ah-BEE-ah VEE-stoh ah-SEE, GRAH-see-ahs) - I hadn't seen it that way, thank you  

  • Meaning: A modest response that appreciates the compliment while suggesting you hadn't thought of it yourself.

4. Me alegra que pienses así (meh ah-LEH-grah keh PYEHN-sehs ah-SEE) - I'm glad you think so  

  • Meaning: Showing happiness for the compliment and agreement with the giver's opinion.

5. ¡Gracias! Tú también eres increíble (GRAH-see-ahs! too tam-BYEHN EH-rehs een-kreh-EE-bleh) - Thanks! You are amazing too  

  • Meaning: A gracious way to accept the compliment while also complimenting the other person in return.

Saying compliments in Spanish to a girl

Compliments in Spanish 5

1. Tu sonrisa ilumina el día (too sohn-REE-sah ee-loom-EE-nah ehl DEE-ah) - Your smile brightens the day  

  • Meaning: A compliment on her smile, suggesting it's so bright and cheerful that it can improve anyone's day.

2. Tienes un estilo impresionante (TYEH-nehs oon ehs-TEE-loh eem-preh-see-ohn-AHN-teh) - You have an impressive style  

  • Meaning: Praising her fashion sense and the way she presents herself.

3. Tu belleza es natural y única (too beh-YEH-sah ehs nah-too-RAL ee OO-nee-kah) - Your beauty is natural and unique  

  • Meaning: Complimenting her natural beauty and emphasizing its uniqueness.

4. Eres inteligente y sabia (EH-rehs een-teh-lee-HEN-teh ee SAH-bee-ah) - You are intelligent and wise  

  • Meaning: Acknowledging not just her intelligence but also her wisdom in making decisions or giving advice.

5. Tu amabilidad toca el corazón (too ah-mah-bee-lee-DAHD TOH-kah ehl koh-rah-SOHN) - Your kindness touches the heart  

  • Meaning: Praising her kind nature and its effect on others, suggesting it deeply moves or affects them.

6. Eres fuerte y valiente (EH-rehs FWEHR-teh ee vah-lee-EHN-teh) - You are strong and brave  

  • Meaning: Recognizing her strength and courage, possibly in facing challenges or standing up for what she believes in.

7. Tienes una voz encantadora (TYEH-nehs OO-nah voz en-kahn-tah-DOH-rah) - You have a charming voice  

  • Meaning: Complimenting the pleasant and appealing sound of her voice, whether in speech or song.

8. Tu risa es contagiosa (too REE-sah ehs kon-tah-GYO-sah) - Your laugh is contagious  

  • Meaning: Praising the infectious nature of her laughter, suggesting it spreads joy to those around her.

9. Eres una persona muy creativa (EH-rehs OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah mwee kreh-ah-TEE-vah) - You are a very creative person  

  • Meaning: Acknowledging her creativity, either in artistic pursuits, problem-solving, or thinking outside the box.

10. Tienes una energía positiva increíble (TYEH-nehs OO-nah ehn-ehr-HEE-ah poh-see-TEE-vah een-kreh-EE-bleh) - You have an incredible positive energy  

  • Meaning: Complimenting the positive vibe she brings, suggesting her presence or attitude uplifts others.

Saying compliments in Spanish to a guy

Compliments in Spanish 6

1. Tu confianza inspira a los demás (too kon-fee-AHN-sah een-SPee-rah ah lohs deh-MAHS) - Your confidence inspires others  

  • Meaning: Praising his confidence and the positive effect it has on the people around him.

2. Tienes un gran sentido del humor (TYEH-nehs oon grahn sen-TEE-doh dehl oo-MOR) - You have a great sense of humor  

  • Meaning: Acknowledging his ability to make others laugh and enjoy themselves.

3. Eres muy inteligente (EH-rehs mwee een-teh-lee-HEN-teh) - You are very intelligent  

  • Meaning: Complimenting his intelligence and possibly his ability to think critically or solve problems.

4. Tu determinación es admirable (too deh-tehr-mee-nah-see-OHN ehs ahd-mee-RAH-bleh) - Your determination is admirable  

  • Meaning: Recognizing his persistence and dedication towards achieving his goals.

5. Tienes una fuerza increíble (TYEH-nehs OO-nah FWEHR-sah een-kreh-EE-bleh) - You have incredible strength  

  • Meaning: This could refer to either physical strength or inner strength in facing challenges.

6. Eres un líder nato (EH-rehs oon LEE-dehr NAH-toh) - You are a born leader  

  • Meaning: Acknowledging his natural ability to lead and inspire others.

7. Tu creatividad no tiene límites (too kreh-ah-tee-vee-DAHD noh TYEH-neh LEE-mee-tehs) - Your creativity knows no bounds  

  • Meaning: Praising his imaginative and innovative thinking.

8. Tienes un gran corazón (TYEH-nehs oon grahn koh-rah-SOHN) - You have a big heart  

  • Meaning: Complimenting his kindness, generosity, or empathy towards others.

9. Eres muy buen amigo (EH-rehs mwee bwehn ah-MEE-goh) - You are a very good friend  

  • Meaning: Recognizing his qualities as a loyal and supportive friend.

10. Tu pasión es contagiosa (too pah-see-OHN ehs kon-tah-GYO-sah) - Your passion is contagious 

  • Meaning: Praising his enthusiasm and dedication to his interests, which inspires others to be passionate as well.

Avoiding misunderstandings with compliments in Spanish

Compliments in Spanish 7

When giving compliments in Spanish, certain phrases or words might not translate as intended and could lead to misunderstandings. Here are ten examples of such situations, along with explanations to help readers avoid them:

1. Eres más inteligente de lo que pensé- You are smarter than I thought  

  • Misunderstanding: This implies you had low expectations of their intelligence, which can be insulting.

2. Pareces joven para tu edad - You look young for your age  

  • Misunderstanding: This might be interpreted as suggesting that their actual age is usually associated with looking older, which can be sensitive.

3. Te ves bien cansado pero feliz - You look really tired but happy  

  • Misunderstanding: Pointing out someone looks tired can be taken negatively, overshadowing the compliment.

4. Has adelgazado, ¿estabas más gordo antes? - You've lost weight, were you fatter before?  

  • Misunderstanding: Commenting on someone's weight loss by implying they were "fatter" before can be seen as rude or insensitive.

5. Eres bastante bueno para ser un principiante - You are quite good for a beginner  

  • Misunderstanding: This can diminish their achievements by attributing their success solely to their beginner's status.

Conclusion: Compliments in Spanish

Compliments in Spanish 8

Mastering compliments in Spanish is not just about expanding your vocabulary but understanding the cultural nuances that make your words in Spanish resonate positively. It's a blend of choosing the right phrases and delivering them with sincerity, ensuring they are appropriate for the context and relationship.

Remember, the best compliments are those that come from the heart and are tailored to the individual. As you practice, be mindful of the subtle differences in language and culture to avoid misunderstandings. With these insights and examples, you're well-equipped to spread kindness and positivity in your Spanish conversations, building stronger, more meaningful.


What are some common compliments in Spanish related to someone's appearance?

Common compliments related to appearance include "Te ves muy bien" (You look very good) and "Qué guapo/a estás" (How handsome/beautiful you look). These are generally safe and appreciated when given with sincerity.

How can I compliment someone's personality in Spanish without causing a misunderstanding?

Focus on specific traits and be sincere. Phrases like "Eres muy amable" (You are very kind) and "Tienes un gran corazón" (You have a big heart) are positively received and highlight personal qualities.

Is it appropriate to use compliments in professional settings in Spanish-speaking cultures? 

Yes, but keep them professional and related to work performance or achievements, such as "Excelente trabajo" (Excellent work) or "Tu dedicación es admirable" (Your dedication is admirable).

How do gender and formality affect compliments in Spanish?

Be mindful of the adjective endings (-o for masculine, -a for feminine) to match the gender of the person you're complimenting. In formal settings, use "usted" forms to maintain respect, and choose compliments that are appropriate for the relationship and setting.

What are some tips for responding to compliments in Spanish?

A simple "Gracias" (Thank you) is always appropriate. If you want to be modest, you might say, "Qué amable, gracias" (How kind, thank you). To return a compliment, you could say, "Igual tú" (You too).

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.