An In-Depth Clozemaster Review: Master Languages Faster

Updated on: December 25, 2023
Clozemaster review

Clozemaster is a unique language learning platform that focuses on building fluency through comprehension of real-world sentences. It appeals to a wide range of learners, from travelers looking to pick up essential phrases to dedicated polyglots working towards fluency in multiple languages.

At its core, Clozemaster utilizes cloze exercises, or fill-in-the-blank activities, to expand vocabulary and test sentence comprehension. This context-based approach aims to equip
learners with practical communication skills to apply in the real world.

In this Clozemaster review, I’ll explore the platform’s offerings, strengths, and limitations to offer a balanced perspective to help you determine if it aligns with your language goals.

Clozemaster Overview

Clozemaster's unique approach to language learning centers on practicality and context. This platform places real-world sentences in the forefront of your language acquisition journey. Instead of isolated vocabulary memorization, Clozemaster immerses you in sentences that provide a meaningful context for understanding language, enhancing your grasp of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.

Using Clozemaster is straightforward and user-friendly. It boasts an extensive database of sentences in multiple languages, ensuring a comprehensive language learning experience. Users have the flexibility to select their proficiency level, aligning the content with their current language skills. This adaptability caters to both beginners seeking a strong foundation and advanced learners looking to refine their language abilities. 

Clozemaster enhances the learning process through gamification elements, making language acquisition engaging and enjoyable. This approach keeps users consistently engaged and committed to improving their language skills, making Clozemaster a valuable tool for those dedicated to mastering a new language.

Clozemaster Features

Clozemaster offers a range of features designed to facilitate effective language learning. Here, we'll look into these key elements to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of the platform.

Sentence-Based Learning

At the core of Clozemaster's approach is sentence-based learning. Users are presented with real-world sentences in their target language, allowing them to understand vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure in context. This approach is particularly beneficial for practical language use, as it fosters comprehension and application.

Progress Tracking

Clozemaster includes robust progress tracking features, enabling users to set and monitor their language learning goals. This feature fosters motivation and ensures that learners can measure their achievements as they advance in their language proficiency.

Vocabulary Building

Clozemaster's focus on real-world sentences promotes effective vocabulary acquisition. Users engage with words and phrases in meaningful contexts, making it easier to remember and use them in practical situations.


The platform offers customization options, allowing users to tailor their learning experience. You can select your target language and specific language pairings, giving you control over what you want to learn and practice.

Sentence Collection Diversity

Clozemaster's extensive sentence collection is a notable feature that contributes to its effectiveness. It offers sentences from a wide range of sources, including books, newspapers, and websites. This diversity ensures that learners are exposed to various writing styles, tones, and contexts, helping them become proficient in understanding and using the language in different real-world scenarios. 

Spaced Repetition System (SRS)

This feature is essential for effective long-term memory retention. It presents words and phrases at intervals that optimize memory recall, helping users remember and reinforce their language learning. By strategically repeating words and phrases, Clozemaster ensures that users not only learn new vocabulary but also retain it over time.

Community and User-Generated Content

Clozemaster fosters a sense of community among its users. It allows learners to contribute sentences and translations, creating a dynamic environment where users can collaborate and improve the platform's content. This feature empowers users to play an active role in enhancing the learning experience for themselves and others. Additionally, user-generated content ensures that Clozemaster stays current and relevant, accommodating new words, phrases, and expressions that emerge in the ever-evolving landscape of language. 

Clozemaster Languages

Clozemaster's versatility extends to its language offerings. The platform provides an extensive array of languages, with around 70 options making it suitable for learners with diverse linguistic interests. 

Clozemaster is not limited to popular languages like Spanish, French, or German; it extends its support to less common languages as well. This inclusivity is a significant advantage for individuals looking to master languages that may not be readily available on other platforms like Toki Pona, Welsh, Amharic, Yiddish among others.

In addition to the broad spectrum of languages, Clozemaster facilitates language learning by tailoring content to different proficiency levels, ensuring that users of varying language abilities can find suitable challenges.

Proficiency Levels

Clozemaster offers a proficiency level customization, which allows users to tailor their language learning experience. Here's an explanation of the proficiency levels:

  • Beginner: The beginner level is suitable for those who are just starting their language learning process. It offers content designed to build a solid foundation in vocabulary and sentence structure.
  • Intermediate: The intermediate level is ideal for users who have some familiarity with the language but want to strengthen their skills. It provides content that challenges learners to expand their vocabulary and comprehension abilities.
  • Advanced: Advanced learners who seek to refine their language proficiency will find content at this level both stimulating and comprehensive. It delves into more complex vocabulary and sentence structures, allowing for an in-depth understanding of the language.
  • Fluent: For those striving for fluency, the fluent level offers advanced content that mirrors native-level language usage. It challenges users with complex sentences and idiomatic expressions, promoting a high degree of language mastery.

Clozemaster Pros & Cons

To offer a balanced perspective on Clozemaster, it's essential to examine both its advantages and potential drawbacks. Let’s see what users can expect when using this language learning platform.

Clozemaster Pros

  • Practical Vocabulary Acquisition: Clozemaster's focus on real-world sentences makes vocabulary acquisition practical and relevant. Users learn words and phrases in context, enhancing their ability to use the language effectively in everyday situations.
  • Adaptive Proficiency Levels: Clozemaster's proficiency level customization caters to learners at different stages, from beginners to advanced users. This adaptability ensures that users can find content that suits their specific language learning needs.
  • Progress Tracking and Motivation: The platform's progress tracking feature helps users set and monitor language learning goals, maintaining motivation and providing a sense of achievement as proficiency improves.
  • Gamification Elements: The inclusion of gamification elements, such as points and rewards, makes learning engaging and enjoyable. Users are encouraged to practice regularly, enhancing their language skills.

Clozemaster Cons

  • Limited Speaking and Listening Exercises: Clozemaster primarily focuses on vocabulary and reading comprehension. As a result, it may not be the ideal platform for users seeking extensive speaking and listening exercises to improve their conversational skills.
  • Structured Learning: While Clozemaster offers a valuable approach to practical language use, it may not be as structured as some other language learning apps. Users seeking a highly regimented curriculum might find this aspect less appealing.

Clozemaster Pricing

Clozemaster offers a transparent and flexible pricing structure that caters to users with varying preferences and budgets. In this section, we will find the pricing options available, helping you understand the cost and features associated with each.

Free VersionClozemaster provides a free version that grants access to fundamental features. Users can engage in sentence-based exercises, explore vocabulary, and begin their language learning process without any financial commitment.N/A
Premium VersionFor users seeking an enhanced learning experience, Clozemaster offers a premium version. This subscription unlocks additional features, including offline access, unlimited sentence training, and an ad-free environment. The premium version comes with a subscription fee, which varies based on the subscription length.Monthly: $8
Yearly: $60
Lifetime: $140

Discounts and Promotions

Clozemaster frequently runs discounts and promotions, making the premium version more accessible to users interested in exploring the full range of features. Keep an eye on their website or announcements for potential savings.

Clozemaster Alternatives

To provide you with a comprehensive perspective on language learning options, we'll compare Clozemaster to other prominent language learning apps in the market considering various aspects, such as user interface, effectiveness, and pricing.

Certainly, let's compare Clozemaster to some popular language learning alternatives while highlighting the benefits of each:

Clozemaster vs. Rosetta Stone

Clozemaster stands out with its practical approach to vocabulary acquisition through real-world sentences, offering flexibility and affordability with proficiency customization and gamification. In contrast, Rosetta Stone provides an immersive experience with a structured curriculum and strong pronunciation emphasis, making it suitable for comprehensive language learning, although at a higher cost.

ClozemasterRosetta Stone
Monthly: $ 8
Yearly: $ 60
Lifetime: $ 140
Monthly: $11.99
Yearly: $299

Clozemaster vs. Mondly

Clozemaster excels in contextual sentence-based learning, enabling users to understand language in meaningful contexts, and offers cost-effective premium plans with engaging gamification. On the other hand, Mondly emphasizes daily lessons and conversation practice, making it a practical choice for speaking-focused learners, though it comes with subscription fees for full access.

Monthly: $ 8
Yearly: $ 60
Lifetime: $ 140
Monthly: $6.55 (one language)
Yearly: $32.37 (one language)

Clozemaster vs. Rocket Languages

Clozemaster's unique focus on vocabulary and comprehension through real-world sentences makes it a user-friendly and cost-effective choice, with flexible premium plans. In contrast, Rocket Languages emphasizes speaking and pronunciation in comprehensive courses, making it ideal for verbal communication, but it tends to be more expensive.

ClozemasterRocket Languages 
Monthly: $ 8
Yearly: $ 60
Lifetime: $ 140
One time payment
Level 1: $ 149,95
Levels 1 & 2: $ 299,90
Levels 1,2 & 3: $ 449,85
6 month plan
Levels 1,2 & 3: $ 449,85

Clozemaster vs. Babbel

Clozemaster offers practical vocabulary building and flexibility, catering to various language levels with both free and premium versions, appealing to self-motivated learners. Conversely, Babbel provides structured courses with a focus on practical conversation, offering an organized curriculum and intuitive interface, although it involves subscription fees for full access.

Monthly: $ 8
Yearly: $ 60
Lifetime: $ 140
6 months: $47,94
12 months: $ 96,88
Lifetime: $319

Clozemaster vs. Memrise

Clozemaster's contextual sentence learning approach is ideal for practical language use, accommodating different proficiency levels with cost-effective premium options. On the other hand, Memrise specializes in vocabulary and visual memory through flashcards, known for its extensive course library and offering a free version, with subscription options for additional features. 

Monthly: $ 8
Yearly: $ 60
Lifetime: $ 140
Basic plan: Free
Pro Monthly: $14.99
Pro Annual: $ 89.99

Clozemaster Review: Final Thoughts

In this comprehensive review, we've explored Clozemaster, an innovative language learning app that distinguishes itself through practical vocabulary acquisition in real-world contexts. It caters to a wide range of language learners, offering customizable proficiency levels, progress tracking, and gamification elements that keep users motivated on their language learning path.

While Clozemaster boasts several advantages, it's essential to remember that no single language learning app suits every individual's preferences and goals. The right choice depends on what you prioritize in your language learning experience, whether it's vocabulary acquisition, speaking skills, structured curriculum, or cost-effectiveness.


What is Clozemaster, and how does it work?

Clozemaster is a language learning app that focuses on practical vocabulary acquisition through real-world sentences. It presents users with sentences in their target language and helps them understand vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure in context. Users can customize their proficiency levels, track their progress, and enjoy gamification elements for an engaging learning experience.

Is Clozemaster suitable for beginners in language learning?

Yes, Clozemaster is suitable for beginners. It offers content for learners at various stages, including those just starting their language process. The ability to choose your proficiency level ensures that beginners can build a solid foundation while more advanced learners can access more challenging content.

What languages are available on Clozemaster?

Clozemaster provides a wide range of languages, from widely spoken ones like Spanish and French to less common and even endangered languages. This diversity makes it an excellent choice for learners interested in a variety of linguistic options.

How much does Clozemaster's premium version cost?

The cost of Clozemaster's premium version varies depending on the subscription length. They often offer discounts and promotions, making it affordable for users seeking enhanced features such as offline access, unlimited sentence training, and an ad-free experience. 

What are the limitations of Clozemaster?

While Clozemaster excels in vocabulary acquisition and context-based learning, it may have limited speaking and listening exercises. If your language learning goals prioritize conversation skills or a highly structured curriculum, you may want to supplement your learning with additional resources that focus on these aspects.

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.