ASL Bloom Review: Learning American Sign Language with Features, and Comparisons

Updated on: December 31, 2023
ASL Bloom review

Learning American Sign Language (ASL) fosters the connection between the Deaf and hearing communities. This review explores an innovative ASL learning app, ASL Bloom. ASL Bloom aims to provide users with a holistic and engaging experience in mastering ASL, from its comprehensive curriculum to adaptive learning paths. Join us as we explore the features that set ASL Bloom apart, including its visual dictionary, practice quizzes, grammar and culture tips, and more. 

In this ASL Bloom review we'll learn about its progress tracking, periodic review exercises, and adaptive learning paths, making ASL accessible to learners at all levels. Let's get to it. 

ASL Bloom Overview

ASL Bloom is an app designed to help users learn American Sign Language (ASL) in a fun and effective way. It offers free modules and lessons and a premium subscription to access all learning materials on the platform. The app includes 23 modules with 120 lessons and 1300+ signs and sentences, a visual dictionary, practice quizzes, and more. The app is produced by Signlab, which makes sign language teaching apps for various national sign languages. 

ASL Bloom aims to bridge the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities and provides a comprehensive learning environment for ASL learners at all levels. 

ASL Bloom Features

The ASL Bloom app offers a range of features to help users learn American Sign Language effectively. These features aim to make learning ASL engaging, effective, and accessible for users of all ages and skill levels.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The app provides 23 modules with 120 lessons and 1300+ signs and sentences. These modules include: 

  • Introduction to common signs and phrases used in everyday communication.
  • Lessons on ASL's grammar rules and structure and how to form sentences.
  • Practice modules that simulate real-life situations allowing users to apply what they've learned in conversations.

ASL Bloom features 23 modules covering various topics, each containing 4-7 gamified lessons. The modules are designed to help users acquire new signs and sentences engagingly. Additionally, the app offers practice quizzes, dialogues, periodic review exercises, progress tracking, and adaptive learning paths to cater to individual learning needs. 

The modules cover essential vocabulary and topics such as appearance, weather, food, and more, making it suitable for beginners. The app aims to provide a well-rounded learning experience by incorporating aspects of deaf culture and other important elements of American Sign Language.

Visual Dictionary

It includes a visual dictionary with all signs across the lessons. The ASL Bloom app's visual dictionary encompasses all signs covered in the lessons, providing users with a comprehensive resource for learning and referencing ASL signs. This feature allows users to quickly check signs they may have forgotten, enhancing the learning experience and supporting the retention of ASL vocabulary. 

The visual dictionary is designed to be easily accessible within the app, contributing to a user-friendly and engaging learning environment.

Practice Quizzes and Dialogues

Users can engage in practice quizzes and dialogues to reinforce their learning. The ASL Bloom app's practice quizzes and dialogues are designed to be fun and engaging, providing an interactive way for users to reinforce their learning. 

The app's website states, "Quizzes are designed to be fun and engaging, and the more you learn, the more points you earn!". The app's gamified lessons, conversation exercises, and spaced repetition approach provide an entertaining and compelling learning environment. ASL Bloom aims to make learning ASL enjoyable and accessible, particularly for beginners, by providing engaging and effective learning tools and resources.

Grammar and Culture Tips

The app offers grammar and culture tips to provide a well-rounded learning experience. The ASL Bloom app provides grammar and cultural insights to enhance the learning experience. The grammar and cultural insights feature includes lessons on ASL grammar for proper structuring, cultural tips for social etiquette, and insight into the deaf community. 

The app offers contextual learning for practical understanding, making it a comprehensive resource for those learning ASL. Also, the app's website mentions that ASL Bloom introduces information about deaf culture to help users understand how and why ASL works the way it does, indicating a focus on providing a well-rounded learning experience. 

The emphasis on Grammar and Culture Tips in the ASL Bloom app signifies a commitment to offering learners a rich and multifaceted educational experience in American Sign Language (ASL).

  • Practical Application: Including cultural tips and grammar insights suggests a focus on practical application. By understanding not only the rules of grammar but also the cultural nuances, learners are better equipped to use ASL effectively in real-life situations.
  • Social Awareness: Cultural tips for social etiquette are particularly important in ASL, where non-manual signals and body language are essential communication components. Being aware of cultural norms within the Deaf community fosters respectful and effective interactions.
  • Deeper Understanding of ASL Grammar: Lessons on ASL grammar contribute to a more profound understanding of the language structure. This includes information on sentence formation, word order, and the use of classifiers, all of which are vital elements in ASL.

Periodic Review Exercises

Users can benefit from periodic review exercises to reinforce their knowledge. The ASL Bloom app incorporates periodic review exercises into its learning approach. These exercises are designed to help users reinforce their knowledge and skills in American Sign Language (ASL) at regular intervals. 

Incorporating Periodic Review Exercises in the ASL Bloom app reflects a thoughtful approach to language learning. The app aims to enhance retention, promote skill maintenance, and contribute to a more effective and engaging learning experience in American Sign Language by allowing users to revisit and reinforce their knowledge regularly.

Progress Tracking

The app employs progress tracking to help users monitor their advancement in learning American Sign Language. This feature allows users to keep track of their learning milestones and achievements as they progress through the app's modules and lessons. 

  • Milestone Monitoring: Users can set and achieve learning milestones, and progress tracking enables them to monitor their attainment of these goals. Whether it's mastering a set number of signs or completing specific modules, the feature allows users to see their progress over time.
  • Lesson Completion Tracking: The feature likely includes tracking the completion of individual lessons and modules. Users can easily see which lessons they have completed, which are in progress, and where they might need to focus their efforts.
  • Visual Representation of Progress: Progress tracking often includes visual representations, such as progress bars or charts, to give users a clear and intuitive overview of their advancement. This visual feedback can motivate and help users stay engaged with their language learning goals.

Adaptive Learning Paths

ASL Bloom offers adaptive learning paths to cater to individual learning needs. Adaptive learning paths in ASL Bloom refer to personalized learning routes tailored to individual users' progress and needs. This feature allows the app to adapt to the user's learning pace, style, and proficiency level, providing a customized learning experience. 

By tracking the user's progress and performance, the app can dynamically adjust the content and difficulty of the lessons, ensuring that the learning material aligns with the user's abilities and objectives. This personalized approach aims to optimize the learning process, making it more effective and engaging for each user.

Easy Accessibility

The app is accessible from multiple devices and does not require extensive prior knowledge.

ASL Bloom is designed to be easily accessible to users. The app is available for download on multiple devices, including Android and iOS, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

The app's user-friendly interface and gamified lessons make it easy to use, even for those without prior knowledge of ASL. The accessibility and personalized approach aim to make learning ASL engaging, effective, and accessible for users of all ages and skill levels.

  • Gamification Elements: Gamification elements can be integrated into progress tracking, making the learning journey a more engaging and enjoyable experience. For instance, users might earn badges or unlock achievements for completing specific modules, reaching milestones, or consistently practicing.
  • Interactive Learning Analytics: The app might offer learning analytics to provide a more interactive experience. Users could explore detailed breakdowns of their progress, including time spent on lessons, quiz accuracy, and areas of strength or improvement. This detailed feedback fosters self-awareness and a deeper understanding of learning patterns.
  • Dynamic Learning Dashboard: Progress tracking often involves a dynamic dashboard or interface where users can access a snapshot of their progress. This centralized hub may include visual indicators, such as percentage completion, badges, or other achievement markers.

ASL Vocabulary Enhancement

The ASL Bloom app's "ASL Vocabulary Enhancement" feature aims to enrich users' ASL vocabulary and improve their daily communication in sign language. This feature includes the following components:

  • Expand Vocabulary: Users can expand their ASL vocabulary with a robust dictionary encompassing many signs and sentences covered in the lessons.
  • Translation: The app allows users to translate phrases and sentences, facilitating improved understanding and communication in ASL.
  • Improving Daily Communication: By enhancing users' vocabulary and translation capabilities, ASL Bloom aims to improve users' daily communication in American Sign Language.
  • Breaking Down Language Barriers: The app's vocabulary enhancement feature is designed to help users easily break down language barriers, promoting effective communication in ASL.

The "ASL Vocabulary Enhancement" feature in ASL Bloom is intended to provide users with the tools and resources to expand their ASL vocabulary, improve their communication skills, and foster a deeper understanding of sign language.

Pricing and Subscription Model

ASL Bloom offers a subscription-based pricing model for its premium content. The app provides free modules and lessons for users to try before subscribing to the premium content. 

Annual ASL Bloom Premium subscription$98.99 per year ($8.25 per month)Full access to all premium content, including all lessons and features currently available and any additional content added in the future.
Quarterly subscription$47.99 every three months ($15.99 per month)

Payments for the premium subscription are charged to the user's iTunes account, with auto-renewal that can be managed or turned off in the iTunes Store settings. 

Pros & Cons

ASL Bloom Pros 

  • The app offers 23 modules with 120 lessons and 1300+ signs and sentences, providing a thorough learning experience.
  • ASL Bloom is accessible from multiple devices, and no extensive prior knowledge is required, making it user-friendly.
  • The app provides adaptive learning paths, allowing users to learn at their own pace and tailored to their individual needs.
  • Users can expand their vocabulary with a robust dictionary, translate phrases and sentences, and improve daily communication in ASL.
  • The premium subscription offers complete access to all premium content and regular updates, enhancing the learning experience.

ASL Bloom Cons 

  • Premium Subscription: While the app offers free modules and lessons, access to all premium content requires a subscription, which may be a limitation for some users.
  • Auto-Renewal: The premium subscription is set for auto-renewal, which may require users to manage their subscription settings to avoid uninterrupted charges.


ASL Bloom stands out as a dedicated platform, offering a comprehensive curriculum, engaging features, and a commitment to bridging the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities.

From its visual dictionary to adaptive learning paths, it's evident that the app strives to provide a well-rounded and accessible learning environment. ASL Bloom caters to a diverse range of needs, whether you're a beginner navigating the basics or an advanced learner seeking cultural insights.

We hope you discover the perfect app that match with your learning style and makes mastering American Sign Language fun. Happy learning!


What is ASL Bloom, and who is it designed for?

ASL Bloom is an app dedicated to teaching American Sign Language (ASL). It is designed for the Deaf and hearing communities, offering a comprehensive learning experience for individuals interested in mastering ASL at various proficiency levels.

What features does ASL Bloom offer to enhance the learning experience?

ASL Bloom provides a range of features, including a comprehensive curriculum, visual dictionary, practice quizzes, grammar and culture tips, periodic review exercises, and progress tracking. These features contribute to a well-rounded and engaging learning environment.

How does ASL Bloom compare to other language-learning apps?

ASL Bloom is a specialized platform for ASL, focusing on visual-gestural communication. Compared to general language learning apps like Rosetta Stone, Mondly, and Rocket Sign Languages, ASL Bloom tailors its content specifically to ASL learners.

Is ASL Bloom suitable for beginners, or is it more advanced?

ASL Bloom caters to learners at all levels, from beginners to advanced. Its adaptive learning paths and progress tracking allow users to start at their current proficiency level and advance at their own pace.

How can I access ASL Bloom, and what is the pricing model?

ASL Bloom is accessible through mobile devices. While it offers free modules and lessons, there is also a premium subscription for access to all learning materials. The pricing model varies; users can explore subscription options that align with their learning goals.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.