Example in Arabic | Translation in English |
عندما تسجد لربك .. فإنه حتماً يغفر لك | ...for now when you prostrate, God yanks His feet away. |
فبدأ بارتداء الملابس الفارسية والتاج الملكي الفارسي بل وجعل الناس تسجد أمامه على الطريقة الآسيويه | So he started wearing Persian clothes and the Persian royal crown, and even making people prostrate themselves in front of him in the Asian manner. |
ربما قد أسامحكِ لو سجدتِ على الأرض وتوسلتي من أجل ذلك | Perhaps if you prostrated yourself on the floor and begged my forgiveness. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
English | prostrate | French | prosterner,se prosterner, se prostituer, se protocoliser, se prussifier, se prussiser, se purger, se pustuler, se putrifier, se quadricarrer, se quadrupler, se quartzifier, se québéciser, se quiller, se quimper, se quintupler, se rabaisser, se rabattre, se rabibocher, se rabistoler |
Italian | prostrare | Japanese | ひれ伏す, 突っ伏す |
Portuguese | prostrar | Spanish | postrar |