怒る?これは 信頼の問題よ | It'll never happen again. |
怒る? | Are you angry with me? |
私の話を 聞いてくれて、 絶対に 怒らない。 | They always listen and never get angry. |
怒った? | I've upset you. |
だとすると 怒った 元顧客かも知れん | Could be, uh, angry former client? |
鳥 怒った | Bird angry. |
何だ? 怒った? | Oh what, are you mad at me? |
怒って、混乱してる かげんは悪い | He's angry, confused, and sick. |
怒って 飛び出した | She's got grounds. |
俺が落第した時 怒って 校長に頭突きを食らわせた | She brought me up. She was a great old lady. I got expelled from school once, 'cause she nutted the headmaster when I came bottom in French. |
二度と会わないと彼に言ったら 怒って 私に 会いに来たの | I told him that I couldn't see him again, and... he got angry, and... he came to see me... |
怒られる | What'll she say? |
怒れ 怒れ! | Get angry! Even more! |
怒り | A sadist. |
心に多くの感情が 恐怖 恨み 怒り | But... ...he's got a lot on his mind. |
怒り! _私ドン2' | Anger! |
故意に置き忘れたのかな 父親の母親に対する態度に 怒り 償わせようとして | Is there a part of you that left that key out intentionally because you were angry at your dad for the way he was treating your mom, and you wanted him to pay for it? |
怒り 憎しみ 攻撃... | Anger, hate, aggression. |