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Togliere (to take off) conjugation

73 examples
This verb can also mean the following: take out

Conjugation of togliere

Present tense
I take off
you take off
he/she/it takes off
we take off
you all take off
they take off
Present perfect tense
ho tolto
I have taken off
hai tolto
you have taken off
ha tolto
he/she/it has taken off
abbiamo tolto
we have taken off
avete tolto
you all have taken off
hanno tolto
they have taken off
Past preterite tense
I took off
you took off
he/she/it took off
we took off
you all took off
they took off
Future tense
I will take off
you will take off
he/she/it will take off
we will take off
you all will take off
they will take off
Conditional mood
I would take off
you would take off
he/she/it would take off
we would take off
you all would take off
they would take off
Past impf. tense
I used to take off
you used to take off
he/she/it used to take off
we used to take off
you all used to take off
they used to take off
Past perfect tense
avevo tolto
I had taken off
avevi tolto
you had taken off
aveva tolto
he/she/it had taken off
avevamo tolto
we had taken off
avevate tolto
you all had taken off
avevano tolto
they had taken off
Future perfect tense
avrò tolto
I will have taken off
avrai tolto
you will have taken off
avrà tolto
he/she/it will have taken off
avremo tolto
we will have taken off
avrete tolto
you all will have taken off
avranno tolto
they will have taken off
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I take off
(if/so that) you take off
(if/so that) he/she/it take off
(if/so that) we take off
(if/so that) you all take off
(if/so that) they take off
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia tolto
I have taken off
abbia tolto
you have taken off
abbia tolto
he/she/it has taken off
abbiamo tolto
we have taken off
abbiate tolto
you all have taken off
abbiano tolto
they have taken off
Imperative mood
take off!
take off!
let's take off!
take off!
take off!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei tolto
I would have taken off
avresti tolto
you would have taken off
avrebbe tolto
he/she/it would have taken off
avremmo tolto
we would have taken off
avreste tolto
you all would have taken off
avrebbero tolto
they would have taken off

Examples of togliere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Mano Veloce" è la tecnica che utilizzo per togliere i pantaloni.Mine is Quickly Hand to take off pants
"Non mi voglio togliere le scarpe."I don't want To take off my shoes.
"Rimuovere il test dall'involucro e togliere il tappo"."Remove the test stick from the foil wrapper and take off the over-cap."
(INVITATI RINGRAZIANO) Se vi poteste togliere le scarpe...Could you take off your shoes?
- Almeno fagli togliere l'uniforme.- At least let him take off the uniform.
"aspetta, mi tolgo gli occhiali"."hang on, let me take off my glasses."
- Aspetta che le tolgo il bavaglio.~ Wait while I take off the gag.
- Aspetta, mi tolgo il cappotto.- Hold on, I'll take off my coat. - I'm taking off my gloves.
- Lily, ora ti tolgo il guinzaglio.Lily, I'm gonna take off this leash.
- Lo facciamo una volta al mese, ed io non mi tolgo neanche la maglia.- We do it once a month, and I don't even take off my T-shirt.
- Allora togli la gonnellina e falla tua.Then take off your dress and go make her yours!
- Ascolta, togli le cuffie quando vedi persone muovere le labbra. E' solo un semplice protocollo di una cena con le cuffie.Listen, take off your headphones when you see people's lips moving, it's just simple dinner headphone etiquette.
- Dai, togli i pantaloni.- Come on, take off your pants.
- Isole Galapagos, cose che ti togliGalapagos Island things you take off your body.
- Mamma, togli i tuoi bagagli!- Mother, take off your luggage!
"Mette toglie la camicia e va a seno nudo verso l'armadio.""Mette takes off her blouse and walks bare-breasted to the cupboard."
# La principessa catturata dai vichingi si toglie gli stivali # # perche' i suoi piedi sono dannatamente stanchi # # dopo la corsa #- The captured Viking princess takes off her boots because her feet are so damn tired from running around.
- D'accordo, allora ci fiondiamo dentro... E lei si toglie gli occhiali.all right, so we're getting into it, and she takes off her glasses.
- Gesù si toglie la camicia.- Jesus takes off his shirt...
- Mío padre toglie l'eccedente.- My dad takes off the extra one.
(Uomo) Adesso la tonaca te la togliamo noi!Now we'll take off.
- Le togliamo la giacca.-Let's take off your coat.
- Sì, perché se togliamo la crosta...- If we take off the crust...
- Vuole che ci togliamo i vestiti. No.She wants us to take off our clothes.
Bene, ora togliamo questa mano finta da quattro soldi... e ci mettiamo addosso questo cartello.Okay, I'll just take off this cheap fake hand, and we're gonna put on this sign.
- Cosa ho...? Perche' ti e' stato tolto il caso?Why are you being taken off the case?
- Hanno tolto il fermo alla barca, possiamo partire.I got the plaster taken off the boat. We can sail anytime.
- Non l'ho mai tolto.- I've never taken off.
- Non ti sei neanche tolto la giacca.You haven't even taken off your coat.
- Oppure gli è stato tolto.- Or it was taken off.
- Almeno togliete le scarpe.Tushies or knees. - At least take off your shoes.
- Se lo faccio, vi togliete i pantaloni.- If I do, you take off your pants?
- Vi togliete i pantaloni?- You take off your pants?
Comunque, non è difficile parlare come noi. togliete l'ultima lettera a una parola ed è fatta.It's not hard to talk like us, just take off the last vowel.
Ditemi... Quando andate a casa di qualcuno per la prima volta, vi togliete le scarpe? Mettete i piedi sul tavolino del salotto?Tell me, you go over a man's house for the first time, do you take off your shoes, put your feet up on his coffee table, walk in the kitchen, eat food that doesn't belong to you,
Bene, dopodiche' ci tolgono i vestiti bagnati, e facciamo il resto della scena in biancheria intima.All right, so, then they take off our wet clothes, and we do the rest of the scene in our underwear.
E allora si tolgono gli occhiali e ricominciano a vedere tutto capovolto.And then they take off their glasses, and they see everything upside down again.
E quando si tolgono le maschere?And when they take off the masks?
E' quando un uomo e una donna si tolgono le mutande e poi si mettono nel letto.It's when a man and a woman take off their underpants and then get into the bed.
Gia', ma i suicidi di solito aprono la finestra... - E si tolgono le scarpe.Yeah, but suicides tend to open the window, and they tend to take off their shoes.
Ho appena girato intorno per un minuto, e tolsi.I just turned around for one minute, and they took off.
Io, ah... mi tolsi la veste.I, uh, took off my robe.
Ma prima di lasciarla le tolsi le scarpe.As I was leaving, I took off her shoes.
Me ne feci fare una dozzina... quando mi tolsi la maschera, ma... me n'è rimasta una sola e non la trovo.I had a dozen of them made when I took off the mask, but only have one left and I can't find it.
Mentre loro aspettavano di partire, io arrivai a Blighty, mi tolsi il mio giubbetto di segnalazione e mi diressi verso il traguardo con decisione.As they waited to depart, I arrived back in Blighty, took off my high-visibility jacket and set the finish line firmly in my sights.
All'improvviso, si tolse i vestiti e smise di essere monaco.Suddenly, he took off his robe And gave up being a monk
Allora, ad ogni modo, Phoebe Cates si tolse la parte di sopra e mi cambio' la vita.So, anyway, Phoebe Cates took off her top and it changed my life.
Così si tolse le scarpe, si mise sulla sedia a dondolo e aspettò che si svegliasse."So, she took off her shoes, sat in the rocking chair there..." and waited for him to wake up.
E Fripp fu preso dal panico, si tolse una scarpa... e comincio' a picchiare la scarpa sul palco perche' non riusciva a reggere la tensione.And Fripp panicked, and took off his boot, and started banging the stage with his boot because he couldn't stand the tension!
E Jehoiachin si tolse gli abiti della prigione e mangiò con il re per il resto dei suoi giorni.And Jehoiachin took off his prison clothes, and he took his meals with the king all the days of his life.
Poi ti togliemmo i vestiti e tu facesti quel mugolio da cucciolo che al coach piaceva tanto.So, we took off your clothes and you made this whimpering puppy sound that Coach always loved.
- O magari è perché... se gli toglieste la maschera, le persone scapperebbero urlando per la visione che avrebbero di fronte.- Or maybe it's because if you took off his mask, men would run screaming from the visage they see before them.
- Invece i gerani fiorirono, - le ragazze tolsero i collant e la primavera ricominciò - a riscaldare i nostri cuori.Instead the geraniums bloomed, the girls took off their tights and Spring began to warm our hearts once again.
Due ufficiali si tolsero i berretti e li misero in testa ai ragazzi, altri due diedero a loro i fucili e io scattai la fotografia.Two officers took off their hats and put them on the heads of the boys, two others gave them rifles and I made the picture.
E lentamente andarono verso la casa, si tolsero i loro scarponi da neve e li appoggiarono contro il muro prima di bussare alla porta.And they slowly walked up to the house and took off their snowshoes, leaned 'em up against the wall before knocking on the door.
Mi toglierò questa camicia rossa, che è la nostra... la loro divisa.I will take off that red shirt, our...their uniform.
Un gentiluomo si toglierebbe il cappello... e spegnerebbe la pipa.A gentleman would take off his hat... and put out his pipe.
- Cosa? - Si tolga la scarpa un attimo, forza.Just take off the shoe for me for one sec.
- Intanto voglio che ti tolga i pantaloni.- I want you first to take off your pants.
- Lascia che ti tolga la giacca. - No, Damien...Let me take off this jacket.
- Pesce. - Si tolga le scarpe, prego.- Please, take off shoes.
- Si tolga gli occhiali da sole.take off your sunglasses.
Bene, adesso voglio che vi togliate i caschi, che usciate e che li usiate per scavarvi la fossaAll right. Now I want you to take off your helmets, go outside and dig your own graves with them.
Ora, voglio che togliate una cosa di cui non avete bisogno, velocemente!Now, I want you to take off one thing that you don't need... quickly!
So che, tecnicamente, non e' la vostra notte di nozze, ma... ho bisogno che vi togliate i vestiti.I know it's not technically your wedding night, but, uh... I'm going to need you to take off your clothes.
Aspettiamo che si tolgano i cappotti.Wait until they take off their coats.
Quello che ci serve sono ragazze super mascoline, - che non si tolgano i vestiti.What we need is super butch girls... that don't take off their clothes.
Tutte le infermiere vadano negli alloggi e si tolgano la biancheria intima.Nurses will return to their quarters and take off... their undergarments.
- Lo sto togliendo.- I'm taking off.
- Ora si sta togliendo i pantaloni.Now he's taking off his pants. Boxers?
- Pickles stava togliendo le targhe.Pickles was taking off the plates. (CURSES IN ARABIC)
- Si sta togliendo i vestiti.He's taking off his clothes.
-Sì, mi sto solo togliendo le scarpe. Perché?- Yeah, I'm just taking off my shoes.

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