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Prenotarsi (to book) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of prenotarsi

Present tense
mi prenoto
I book
ti prenoti
you book
si prenota
he/she/it books
ci prenotiamo
we book
vi prenotate
you all book
si prenotano
they book
Present perfect tense
mi sono prenotato
I have booked
ti sei prenotato
you have booked
si è prenotato
he/she/it has booked
ci siamo prenotati
we have booked
vi siete prenotati
you all have booked
si sono prenotati
they have booked
Past preterite tense
mi prenotai
I booked
ti prenotasti
you booked
si prenotò
he/she/it booked
ci prenotammo
we booked
vi prenotaste
you all booked
si prenotarono
they booked
Future tense
mi prenoterò
I will book
ti prenoterai
you will book
si prenoterà
he/she/it will book
ci prenoteremo
we will book
vi prenoterete
you all will book
si prenoteranno
they will book
Conditional mood
mi prenoterei
I would book
ti prenoteresti
you would book
si prenoterebbe
he/she/it would book
ci prenoteremmo
we would book
vi prenotereste
you all would book
si prenoterebbero
they would book
Past impf. tense
mi prenotavo
I used to book
ti prenotavi
you used to book
si prenotava
he/she/it used to book
ci prenotavamo
we used to book
vi prenotavate
you all used to book
si prenotavano
they used to book
Past perfect tense
mi ero prenotato
I had booked
ti eri prenotato
you had booked
si era prenotato
he/she/it had booked
ci eravamo prenotati
we had booked
vi eravate prenotati
you all had booked
si erano prenotati
they had booked
Future perfect tense
mi sarò prenotato
I will have booked
ti sarai prenotato
you will have booked
si sarà prenotato
he/she/it will have booked
ci saremo prenotati
we will have booked
vi sarete prenotati
you all will have booked
si saranno prenotati
they will have booked
Present subjunctive tense
mi prenoti
(if/so that) I book
ti prenoti
(if/so that) you book
si prenoti
(if/so that) he/she/it book
ci prenotiamo
(if/so that) we book
vi prenotiate
(if/so that) you all book
si prenotino
(if/so that) they book
Present perf. subjunctive tense
mi sia prenotato
I have booked
ti sia prenotato
you have booked
si sia prenotato
he/she/it has booked
ci siamo prenotati
we have booked
vi siate prenotati
you all have booked
si siano prenotati
they have booked
Imperative mood
si prenoti
let's book!
si prenotino
Conditional perfect tense
mi sarei prenotato
I would have booked
ti saresti prenotato
you would have booked
si sarebbe prenotato
he/she/it would have booked
ci saremmo prenotati
we would have booked
vi sareste prenotati
you all would have booked
si sarebbero prenotati
they would have booked

Examples of prenotarsi

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
Deve prenotarsi alla reception.You must book an appointment at reception.
Siete tutti peccatori, e fareste meglio a mettervi in pace con Dio, perche' Gesu' e' andato sul sito di EasyJet per prenotarsi un volo per la Terra.Y'all are sinners, and you better get right with God toot sweet, because Jesus just logged onto Orbitz and booked himself a plane ticket back to Earth.
- Vuoi che ti prenoti un trattamento?Would you like me to book you a treatment while you're at it?
ti prenoti quello delle 6:15 domani mattina, cosi' sarai in Nebraska per mezzogiorno....then let me book you the 6:15 tomorrow morning, and you'll be in Nebraska by noon.
Me questo affare lo sara' se non ci prenotiamo, zio.But this deal will be if we don't book, man. Come on.
! Non sapevamo dove andare, lei e i suoi amici sono forti, ho chiesto dove andavano e quando Cosi' ho prenotato per Malia.Well, we weren't sure where the best place to go was, and her and her mates are pretty cool, so I asked them where they was going and when, and that's why I booked Malia.
" Maestro, devo andare a casa, ho prenotato la lavanderia"."I have to get home. I booked the laundry room."
"Lady Flintshire mi ha prenotato un biglietto per l'India e sembra un'opportunita' troppo bella per poterla perdere.""Lady Flintshire has booked my ticket for India "and it seems too good a chance to miss."
"Salve, sono Juliette Langlois, ho prenotato una camera.""Hello, I'm Juliette Langlois, I booked a room..."
"Vi abbiamo prenotato una piazzola di lusso in un campeggio esclusivo nella prestigiosa localita' di New Forest."We have booked one luxury space at an exclusive caravan site "in the prestigious New Forest.
Sapete, le case fuori dal campus vicine alla CRU di solito si prenotano in primavera.Off-campus housing close to CRU usually books by spring.
Si', le tengono chiuse a meno che non le si prenotano come suite.- Yeah, locked unless you book it as a suite.
E' meglio se mi prenoti una sala conferenze. a porte chiuse.You better book me a conference room... blinds down.
Ho bisogno che tu mi prenoti tavoli VIP al "La Playa and Dune", e anche al Pink Elephant, ok?To book me v. i.p. tables At la playa and dune, As well as pink elephant, okay?
Perche' non parli con McCoy e mi prenoti una sala operatoria?Why don't you talk to McCoy and book me in O.R.
"Alti e bassi", classe '96, erano liberi per il nostro grande giorno, e... li ho prenotati!Here comes treble, class of '96 was available for our big day, so... I booked 'em.
- Ma i biglietti sono tutti prenotati...- But the tickets are all booked... - Oh I know, I know
- Tutti i posti sono prenotati.The reserved class is fully booked.
Abbiamo dieci tavoli prenotati per l'apertura.We have ten tables booked for the soft opening.
Alberghi prenotati?Hotels booked?

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