" a badare a noi, non vi sareste dovuti preoccupare." | '..to look after us, you don't need to worry.' |
"Caro Ash, mi dispiace farti questo, ma devi badare al bambino per qualche giorno. | "Dear Ash, sorry to do this to you, "but I need you to look after the kid for a few days. |
"Mi serve aiuto per badare al gregge." Mio signore, non volevo offendervi. | You speak to me as if I was this Rachel in need of help to look after my father's sheep. |
- Andra' tutto bene, sa badare a se stesso. | He'll be all right, he knows how to look after himself. |
- Arliss, so badare a me stessa. | Arliss, I can look after myself. |
- Perche' no? Io bado a Juanita quando e' in casa mia e torna a casa senza un graffio. | I look after Juanita when she's at my house, |
Beh, ci bado io a lei. | Well, I'll look after her. |
Chase se ne va per settimane, ogni volta, io bado ai ragazzi e mi occupo della casa. | Chase is gone for weeks at a time. I look after the kids. I look after the house. |
Ci bado io, ok? | I'll look after him, OK? |
Io bado ai nostri 2 bambini. | I look after our two kids. |
- Hai bisogno di qualcuno che badi a te... | You need someone to look after you. |
- Vogliono che badi a Bernadette. | They want you to look after Bernadette. |
Allora, Tommy... siamo qui perche'... la signora Garcia ha riferito al mio collega che badi a questo posto per i proprietari? | ***** Mrs. Garcia told my colleague that you look after this place for the owners? I keep an eye out. |
Ascolta, saro' li' tra qualche ora, ma voglio che tu faccia la brava, che ascolti quello che dice la signorina Lisbon e che badi a tuo fratello, va bene? | Look, I'm gonna be back in a few hours, but I want you to, uh, be a good girl, and I want you to listen to what Ms. Lisbon says, and I want you to look after your brother, okay? |
Bene, se tu badi a tutti quanti qui, io poi posso... | Right, if you look after everyone here, then I can... |
- Come il pastore che bada al gregge. | - Like the man who looks after sheep. |
Adesso bada solo a quel cavallo. | He used to be a trainer, farrier. Now he just looks after that horse. |
C'e' un'associazione privata che bada al Forte e gli escursionisti sono ammessi solo in certi momenti. | There's a private association that looks after the fort and hikers are only tolerated here at certain times. |
Chi bada a Zafer quando sei a scuola? | Who looks after Zafer when you are at school? |
Chi bada a te, Joanne? Che vuoi dire? | So who looks after you then, Joanne? |
A stento badiamo a noi stessi, come manterremo una famiglia di... cagnolini? | We can barely look after ourselves, how are we going to support a family of baby dogs? |
"Ho badato a lui per tutta la vita. | "I've looked after him all his life. |
- Bado a lui come tu hai badato a me. | I'm just returning the favor. Looking after him like you looked after me. |
April e Andy sono stati via per una notte, e io ho badato a Campione. | April and Andy went away for the night, and I looked after Champion here. |
Ha badato a mia sorella. | He looked after my sister. |
Ha badato ai suoi figli per lei e sua moglie, l'altra settimana, vero? | She looked after your children for you and your wife last week, is that right? Yes. |
E voi, figliola, tenete d'occhio quel che viene portato via, e badate che non vada sprecato nulla. | As for you, my daughter, you will look after all that is cleared off the table and see that nothing is wasted. |
Hanna, Leena, badate alle stronze. | Hanna, Leena, look after these bitches. |
Quindi badate a voi stessi. | So you look after yourselves. |
Voi badate alla parte est e noi ci prendiamo la ovest. | You look after east, and we'll take the west. - Tate's orders? |
Le persone non badano a se stesse. | People don't look after themselves. |
Non seguono le nostre regole o le nostre leggi, badano a loro stessi ed e' questo che noi dobbiamo fare. | They don't follow our rules or our laws, they look after themselves, and that's what we need to do. |
Si'! Dove gli atleti e i fighetti badano a quelli meno popolari. | While the jocks and cool kids look after those less popular. |
Chi baderà a me quando sarò vecchio e debole? | Who will look after me when I am old and weak? |
- E vi baderanno i nonni. Non che... | And grandma and grandpa will look after you. |
E chi baderebbe a te a casa mentre io lavoro? | And who would look after you at home when I'm at work? |
La mia storia è che non posso lavorare, altrimenti chi baderebbe ai miei figli? | My story is, I can't work, because who else would look after my kids? |
Quella Anna che badava ai tuoi figli, quando stavi con Rena? | Anna, who used to look after your with Rena? |
Assicurati che i nostri ragazzi badino a Ryan. | Make sure our boys look after Ryan. |
"E chi sta badando ai ragazzi?" | I'd be all "who's looking after the kids?" |
- Chi stava badando a lui? | - Who was looking after him? |
- E' la bimba a cui sto badando. | It's the little girl I'm looking after. |
Allora... Will sta badando a Roland. | So, Will is looking after Roland. |
Chi sta badando al bambino? La mia vicina. | Who's looking after the baby? |