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Mæta (to meet) conjugation

62 examples
This verb can also mean the following: turn, face, appear, show up, brave, come, confront, encounter, turn up, breast

Conjugation of mæta

Present tense
I meet
you meet
he/she/it meets
we meet
you all meet
they meet
Past tense
I met
you met
he/she/it met
we met
you all met
they met
Future tense
mun mæta
I will meet
munt mæta
you will meet
mun mæta
he/she/it will meet
munum mæta
we will meet
munuð mæta
you all will meet
munu mæta
they will meet
Conditional mood
mundi mæta
I would meet
mundir mæta
you would meet
mundi mæta
he/she/it would meet
mundum mæta
we would meet
munduð mæta
you all would meet
mundu mæta
they would meet
Present continuous tense
er að mæta
I am meeting
ert að mæta
you are meeting
er að mæta
he/she/it is meeting
erum að mæta
we are meeting
eruð að mæta
you all are meeting
eru að mæta
they are meeting
Past continuous tense
var að mæta
I was meeting
varst að mæta
you were meeting
var að mæta
he/she/it was meeting
vorum að mæta
we were meeting
voruð að mæta
you all were meeting
voru að mæta
they were meeting
Future continuous tense
mun vera að mæta
I will be meeting
munt vera að mæta
you will be meeting
mun vera að mæta
he/she/it will be meeting
munum vera að mæta
we will be meeting
munuð vera að mæta
you all will be meeting
munu vera að mæta
they will be meeting
Present perfect tense
hef mætt
I have met
hefur mætt
you have met
hefur mætt
he/she/it has met
höfum mætt
we have met
hafið mætt
you all have met
hafa mætt
they have met
Past perfect tense
hafði mætt
I had met
hafðir mætt
you had met
hafði mætt
he/she/it had met
höfðum mætt
we had met
höfðuð mætt
you all had met
höfðu mætt
they had met
Future perf.
mun hafa mætt
I will have met
munt hafa mætt
you will have met
mun hafa mætt
he/she/it will have met
munum hafa mætt
we will have met
munuð hafa mætt
you all will have met
munu hafa mætt
they will have met
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa mætt
I would have met
mundir hafa mætt
you would have met
mundi hafa mætt
he/she/it would have met
mundum hafa mætt
we would have met
munduð hafa mætt
you all would have met
mundu hafa mætt
they would have met
Mediopassive present tense
I meet
you meet
he/she/it meets
we meet
you all meet
they meet
Mediopassive past tense
I met
you met
he/she/it met
we met
you all met
they met
Mediopassive future tense
mun mætast
I will meet
munt mætast
you will meet
mun mætast
he/she/it will meet
munum mætast
we will meet
munuð mætast
you all will meet
munu mætast
they will meet
Mediopassive conditional mood
mundir mætast
you would meet
mundi mætast
he/she/it would meet
mundum mætast
we would meet
munduð mætast
you all would meet
mundu mætast
they would meet
Mediopassive present continuous tense
er að mætast
I am meeting
ert að mætast
you are meeting
er að mætast
he/she/it is meeting
erum að mætast
we are meeting
eruð að mætast
you all are meeting
eru að mætast
they are meeting
Mediopassive past continuous tense
var að mætast
I was meeting
varst að mætast
you were meeting
var að mætast
he/she/it was meeting
vorum að mætast
we were meeting
voruð að mætast
you all were meeting
voru að mætast
they were meeting
Mediopassive future continuous tense
mun vera að mætast
I will be meeting
munt vera að mætast
you will be meeting
mun vera að mætast
he/she/it will be meeting
munum vera að mætast
we will be meeting
munuð vera að mætast
you all will be meeting
munu vera að mætast
they will be meeting
Mediopassive present perfect tense
hef mæst
I have met
hefur mæst
you have met
hefur mæst
he/she/it has met
höfum mæst
we have met
hafið mæst
you all have met
hafa mæst
they have met
Mediopassive past perfect tense
hafði mæst
I had met
hafðir mæst
you had met
hafði mæst
he/she/it had met
höfðum mæst
we had met
höfðuð mæst
you all had met
höfðu mæst
they had met
Mediopassive future perfect tense
mun hafa mæst
I will have met
munt hafa mæst
you will have met
mun hafa mæst
he/she/it will have met
munum hafa mæst
we will have met
munuð hafa mæst
you all will have met
munu hafa mæst
they will have met
Mediopassive conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa mæst
I would have met
mundir hafa mæst
you would have met
mundi hafa mæst
he/she/it would have met
mundum hafa mæst
we would have met
munduð hafa mæst
you all would have met
mundu hafa mæst
they would have met
Imperative mood
Mediopassive imperative mood

Examples of mæta

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
Ég lofaði Sheilu að mæta á AA-fund.Oh, well, I promised Sheila that I'd go to this AA meeting now.
Hér birtist móðir hans. Forðumst að mæta henni.- Let's not meet her.
Hvar eigum við að mæta?Wait a minute. Where do they want us to meet?
Hún var að fara til lestarstöðvarinnar til að mæta lest mannsins hennar.She just left for station. To meet her husband train.
Takk fyrir að minna mig á fundinn sem ég þarf að mæta á.Thank you for reminding me about the meeting I have to attend.
Ég lofađi Sheilu ađ mæta á AA-fund.Oh well, I promised Sheila that I'd go to this AA meeting now.
Ég lofaði Sheilu að mæta á AA-fund.Oh, well, I promised Sheila that I'd go to this AA meeting now.
Nema hætta ađ dķpa og mæta á AA-fundi alla ævi.Except never take drugs and go to AA meetings for the rest of your life.
Hér birtist móðir hans. Forðumst að mæta henni.- Let's not meet her.
Viđ förum ekki fram til ađ mæta sũndarárás vísundahöfuđsins.We don't move out to meet the feint of the buffalo head.
Ég meina, kæri Abis Mal minn. Ef ūú manst áætlunina er ekki tímabært ađ drengurinn mæti örlögum sínum.I mean, my dear Abis Mal... if you remember the plan... it is not yet time for the boy to meet his end.
Heyrðu, litla... Ég meina, kæri Abis Mal minn. Ef þú manst áætlunina er ekki tímabært að drengurinn mæti örlögum sínum.Look, you little-- I mean, my dear Abis Mal... if you remember the plan... it is not yet time for the boy to meet his end.
Nú mæti ég of seint í garðinn að hitta systkini mín!Now I'm going to be late meeting my brothers and sis in the park! Hey.
Ég mæti ūeim í rafkerfisrũminu. Ratarđu hérna?I'll meet them at the hydraulics chamber.
Ég segi vinum mínum aftignum ættum eða sætri kisu sem ég mæti að ég séTellin' my friends of the social elite Or some cute cat I happen to meet That I'm
Mađur mætir á fund, kemur međ tillögu, ūá eru ljķsin slökkt og síđan fer mađur.You get up in the meeting, you make a motion... the lights go out, then you go out.
Velgjöroarmaour okkar, Newton hershöfoingi, mætir klukkan tiu um morguninn til ao hitta starfsfķlkio.Our generous benefactor, General Newton, will be arriving at 10:00 a.m. to meet the members of the staff.
Stundvísi er afar mikilvæg, þess er vænst að þú mætir á fundinn á réttum tíma.Punctuality is really very important; you are expected to arrive on time for the meeting.
Ūví ég, ūú veist Reservoir Dogs mætir Casablanca!You walk in 'cause I like... Reservoir Dogs meets Casablanca.
Maður mætir ofbeldi með ofbeldi.You meet violence with violence.
Hjá Bjarnholtsskķgi mætum viđ ūeim;Near Birnam Wood shall we meet them.
Hjá Bjarnholtsskógi mætum við þeim; þar liggur þeirra leið.Near Birnam Wood shall we meet them. That way are they coming.
Ég verð sífellt sannfærðari um að hamingja okkar eða óhamingja fari mun frekar eftir því hvernig við mætum atburðunum í lífi okkar en sjálfu eðli atburðanna.I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves.
Söngvarinn Lips mætti međ ķlar og gúmmígetnađarlimi.# Join the heavy metal fight# I remember the first time I heard Metal On Metal.
Ūađ mætti ætla ađ ūú hafir gert ūetta alla ævi.Looks like you have experience... You never thought about... starting a salon or something?
Segja mætti að ég hafi leitað að einhverju."If you want, you might say I was looking for something. "
Flýta mætti fyrir endursköpun ósonlagsins, sem mun taka marga áratugi, með því að draga hraðar úr notkun vernisWórflúorkolefha (HCFC) og metýlbrómíða, með því að tryggja örugga eyðingu klórflúorkolefha (CFC) í halóna í birgðageymslum og á öðrum geymslustöðum og með því að koma í veg fyrir smygl ósoneyðandi efna.The recovery of the ozone layer, which will take many decades, could be accelerated by a more rapid phase-out of HCFCs and methyl bromide, by ensuring the safe destruction of CFCs and halons in stores and other reservoirs, and by preventing the smuggling of ozonedepleting substances.
Það eru nokkur sem mætti gera eitthvað með.You know, there's a few that I can do something with.
Ūú hlustađir á hjartađ og mættir honum á miđri leiđ.You dropped all of your boundaries and you met this guy halfway.
Allt í lagi, vinur minn. þú fékkst háa einkunn í mörgum prófum sem þú mættir í, en þú hefur bara komið í átta tíma. það yrði ritað í sögubækur ef við hittumst bara einu sinni í viku.OK, my friend. You've aced a lot of the exams you've shown up for, but you've only been to eight classes this semester. Now, that'd be a hall of fame run if we only met once a week.
Þú hlustaðir á hjartað og mættir honum á miðri leið.You dropped all of your boundaries and you met this guy halfway.
Ūú mættir vel taka 1-2 sentímetra af mittismálinu.Could do with losing a centimetre or two off your waist.
Kannski veist þú, eftir að við töluðum við Marvin, hví við mættum ofbeldi.Perhaps you can explain why, after contacting Dr. Marvin, we were met with violence.
Kannski veist ūú, eftir ađ viđ töluđum viđ Marvin, hví viđ mættum ofbeldi.Perhaps you can explain why, after contacting Dr. Marvin, we were met with violence.
Undirbúðu þig fyrir viðtalið:•aflaðu þér upplýsinga um fyrirtækið sem þú vilt vinna hjá,• undirbúðu spurningar um starfið sem þú sækir um• mættu alltaf tímalega. Sýndu virðingu fyrir tíma viðmælan-dans.• ef þú getur ekki mætt í viðtal, mundu að hringja til að biðjast afsökunar á fjarveru þinni og fá tíma fyrir annað viðtal.Prepare for the interview:•learn something about the company you want to work for;•prepare some questions about your future post;•always be on time; respect the time of your inter-viewer;•if you are prevented from turning up for interview, remember to call and apologise for your absence and to make a new appointment; be sure you can make it this time;•you are expected to be present in person during the interview.
"Þeir mættu mér á degi sigursins; og það hef ég sannreynt, að þeir vita meira en dauðleg þekking nær."They met me in the day of success. And I have learned by the perfect'st report... ...they have more in them than mortal knowledge.
"Ūeir mættu mér á degi sigursins;"They met me in the day of success.
Við mætumst síðar en ekki með þessa að vopni.I'll meet you someplace, but not with those things.
Byrjaðu á hliðunum, mætumst svo í miðjunni.Start at the sides and I'll meet you in the middle.
Viđ mætumst miđja vegu og allir eru kátir.You meet in the middle. Everyone's happy.
Loksins mætumst við.Finally, we meet.
Viđ mætumst síđar en ekki međ ūessa ađ vopni.I'll meet you someplace, but not with those things.
Ef viđ Kajus Martsíus skyldum mætast höfum viđ gagnkvæmt unniđ eiđ ađ berjast uns yfir lũkur.If we and Caius Martius chance to meet, 'tis sworn between us we shall ever strike till one can do no more.
Augu okkar mætast þegar við horfum á Dakin.Our eyes meet looking at Dakin.
Ūađ er mitt starf ađ hjálpa ūeim ađ mætast miđja vegu.And it's my job, Victor, to help them meet halfway.
"Lũkur ferđ er elskendur mætast"Journeys end with lovers meeting,
Það er mitt starf að hjálpa þeim að mætast miðja vegu.And it's my job, Victor, to help them meet halfway.
Síđast ūegar viđ mættumst missti ég af ūér.Last time we met, I missed you.
Síðast þegar við mættumst missti ég af þér.Last time we met, I missed you.
Augun okkur mættust eitt unaðslegt andartak.Our eyes met and we shared a cosmic moment.
Augun okkur mættust eitt unađslegt andartak.Our eyes met and we shared a cosmic moment.
Lestir okkar mættust í Bombay. þarna er hann aftur í hópnum, fyrirmyndarnemandinn. þarna er annar farþegi.Our trains met in Bombay. And there he is, back in that lot, the model disciple. There's another passenger.
Lestir okkar mættust í Bombay.Our trains met in Bombay.
Það er mitt starf að hjálpa þeim að mætast miðja vegu.And it's my job, Victor, to help them meet halfway.
Þar sem við leitumst við að vernda mannkynið opinberast okkur djúpstæðari sannleikur. Heimar okkar hafa mæst áður./For in our quest /to protect the humans, /a deeper revelation dawns. /Our worlds have met before.
Heimar okkar hafa mæst áđur.Our worlds have met before.
Heimar okkar hafa mæst áður.Our worlds have met before.
Water Bug, ūú getur ekki mætt án hjálms.Water Bug, you can't come out here with no helmet, man.
Undirbúðu þig fyrir viðtalið:•aflaðu þér upplýsinga um fyrirtækið sem þú vilt vinna hjá,• undirbúðu spurningar um starfið sem þú sækir um• mættu alltaf tímalega. Sýndu virðingu fyrir tíma viðmælan-dans.• ef þú getur ekki mætt í viðtal, mundu að hringja til að biðjast afsökunar á fjarveru þinni og fá tíma fyrir annað viðtal.Prepare for the interview:•learn something about the company you want to work for;•prepare some questions about your future post;•always be on time; respect the time of your inter-viewer;•if you are prevented from turning up for interview, remember to call and apologise for your absence and to make a new appointment; be sure you can make it this time;•you are expected to be present in person during the interview.
Það er erfitt val sem ég þekki allt of vel. En eins og þú komst svo vel að orði: Menn geta mætt örlögum sínum á veginum sem þeir völdu til að forðast þau.That's a difficult choice, one I understand all too well... ...but as you so eloquently put it... ...sometimes a man can meet his destiny... ...on the road he took to avoid it.
Hefđu ekki vorir ūegnar lagt ūeim liđ, gætum vér mætt ūeim djarfir, hrundiđ ūeim aftur heim.Were they not stuffed with those that should be ours we might have met them dareful, and beat them backward.
Hefðu ekki vorir þegnar lagt þeim lið, gætum vér mætt þeim djarfir, hrundið þeim aftur heim.Were they not stuffed with those that should be ours... ...we might have met them dareful, and beat them backward.

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