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Merinci (to detail) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah merinci
Present perfect tense
sudah merinci
Future perfect tense
akan sudah merinci
Future recent tense
merinci nanti
Future distant tense
merinci kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang merinci
Past distant tense
dulu merinci
Past recent tense
merinci tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja merinci

Examples of merinci

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ayolah. 25 halaman merinci adat dan sejarah tiga negara yang bertemu hari ini.Come on. 25 pages detailing the customs and history of the three countries who are meeting today.
Rahasia Pemerintah-- gagasan tentang pemerintah federal bisa bertindak, bisa mengawasi, merinci, dan menginterogasi, dan bahkan membunuh warga Amerika tanpa pengawasan atau pertanggungjawaban , tanpa kewajiban untuk menghadirkan orang-orang dengan bukti dalam perbuatan mereka-- itu, dalam pandanganku,Government secrecy-- the idea that the federal government can act, can surveil, can detail, can interrogate, and even kill American citizens with no oversight or accountability, with no obligation to present the people with the evidence that led to their actions-- that, in my view, is the gravest threat to our national security.
Jamie membicarakan soal Lallybroch berulang kali, merinci kehidupan kami bersama, hidup yang selalu dibayangkannya.Jamie spoke repeatedly of Lallybroch, detailing the life we'd have together, the life he'd always imagined.
Selain itu, Kalian akan menerima memo dalam beberapa menit untuk merinci semua produk kita butuh kalian untuk membongkar muatan.As well, you will be receiving a memo in the next couple minutes detailing all the products that we need you guys to unload.
Setiap halaman punya kliping dari sumber yang berbeda, merinci misteri yang aneh.Each page has clippings from different sources, detailing a bizarre mystery.

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