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Menjalani (to undergo) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menjalani

Present tense
I undergo
Past tense
sudah menjalani
I underwent
Present perfect tense
sudah menjalani
I have undergone
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menjalani
I will have undergone
Future recent tense
menjalani nanti
I will undergo
Future distant tense
menjalani kelak
I am going to undergo
Present continuous tense
sedang menjalani
I undergo
Past distant tense
dulu menjalani
I (a long time ago) underwent
Past recent tense
menjalani tadi
I (recently) underwent
Past very recent tense
baru saja menjalani
I (just now) underwent

Examples of menjalani

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tentu saja, anak bermutasi akan harus menjalani pengujian langsung.Of course, the mutated child will have to undergo immediate testing.
Menangkap penjahat adalah bagi mereka yang pernah menjalani pelatihan profesional.Catching criminals are for those who have undergone professional training.
Kota ini masih menjalani transisi lambat , jadi kami berada di , kita keluar .This city is still undergoing a slow transition, so we're in, we're out.
Yu Ri sedang menjalani pengobatan psikologis.Yu Ri is undergoing psychological treatment.
Aku berkewajiban memberitahu Anda. Anda diperintahkan untuk menjalani perawatanI'm obligated to tell you that you've been ordered to undergo treatment.

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