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Memborgol (to handcuff) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah memborgol
Present perfect tense
sudah memborgol
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memborgol
Future recent tense
memborgol nanti
Future distant tense
memborgol kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang memborgol
Past distant tense
dulu memborgol
Past recent tense
memborgol tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja memborgol

Examples of memborgol

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jika kau ingin memborgol seseorang, jangan patahkan ibu jarinya.If you're gonna handcuff somebody, don't break their thumb.
Kau memborgol 2 wanita dan mencuri mobilnya.One little mistake? You handcuffed 2 woman, and stole their car.
Mereka bilang penjahat itu memborgol diri mereka sendiri saat mereka di depanmu.They say that criminals handcuff themselves when they're in front of you.
Kau mencari borgol kecil untuk memborgol cakar kucing?Are you looking for some teeny-weeny handcuffs to slap on some paws?
Sekarang yang harus kau lakukan adalah memborgol dirimu sendiri ke tempat sampah yang ada disana.Now what you're gonna do is, you're gonna handcuff yourself to that dumpster over there.

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