Denyutan jantung makin laju. | Heart rate's up. She's scared. |
Aku kirim e-mail pada mereka tentang kalkulus laju aliran, dan kurasa mereka pasti mengira... | I e-mailed them about the flow rate calculus, and I think there must have been some kind of... |
Pada laju saat ini kemajuan, sembilan jam, Sir. | At their current rate of progress, nine hours, sir. |
Saat kau terjatuh dari jembatan tubuhmu melaju untuk benturan sekitar 10 mil per tingkat jadi dari sini, laju jatuhnya sekitar 70 mil per jam. | When you fall off a bridge, your body accelerates to an impact of roughly 10 miles per story. So, from here, the fall is roughly 70 miles per hour. |
Pada laju yang kita alami, pemanasan global bisa melepas semua CO2 itu di akhir abad ini. | At the rate we're going, global warming could release most of it by the end of the century. |