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Berkokok (to crow) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berkokok

Present tense
I crow
Past tense
sudah berkokok
I crowed
Present perfect tense
sudah berkokok
I have crowed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berkokok
I will have crowed
Future recent tense
berkokok nanti
I will crow
Future distant tense
berkokok kelak
I am going to crow
Present continuous tense
sedang berkokok
I crow
Past distant tense
dulu berkokok
I (a long time ago) crowed
Past recent tense
berkokok tadi
I (recently) crowed
Past very recent tense
baru saja berkokok
I (just now) crowed

Examples of berkokok

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Sebelum ayam berkokok.Before the rooster crows.
Aku akan memutuskan seperti hal itu besok, setelah ayam berkokok.I will decide on such things on the morrow, after the rooster crows.
-Apakah Ayam mulai berkokok?- Are the hens beginning to crow?
- Jangan berkokok.- Don't crow.
Tapi akan pulang tepat sebelum ayam berkokok, tidak seperti terakhir kali.But be home well before the rooster crows, unlike last time.

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