"Allonge-toi sur le ventre !" Je le fais. | "Lie on your belly!" I lie down... |
"Bouche d'obscurité, dents de pierre... descends la gorge jusqu'au ventre d'or... gardé par ceux qui ne vieillirent jamais." | "Mouth of darkness, teeth of stone... down the throat to the belly of gold... guarded by those who never grew old." |
"Couche-toi sur le ventre." Et il l'a fait. | "Lay on the bed, face down." And he did it. |
"Food 4 Philly" a dû ventre leurs biens à perte à Boydon Industries, qui, s'avère être, une filiale appartenant à Zale Collective. | Food 4 Philly was forced to sell their properties at a loss to Boydon Industries, which, it has now been discovered, is a subsidiary company owned by the Zale Collective. |
"Ils marcheront sur le ventre pour entrer aux enfers." | "And they shall be made to crawl on their bellies to enter the kingdom of darkness." |