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Se cailler (to curdle) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of se cailler

Present tense
je me caille
I curdle
tu tu te cailles
you curdle
il/elle/on il/elle/on se caille
he/she/it curdles
nous nous nous caillons
we curdle
vous vous vous caillez
you all curdle
ils/elles ils/elles se caillent
they curdle
Present perfect tense
je me suis caillé
I curdled
tu t’es caillé
you curdled
il/elle/on s’est caillé
he/she/it curdled
nous nous sommes caillés
we curdled
vous vous êtes caillés
you all curdled
ils/elles se sont caillés
they curdled
Past impf. tense
je me caillais
I was curdling
tu tu te caillais
you were curdling
il/elle/on il/elle/on se caillait
he/she/it was curdling
nous nous nous caillions
we were curdling
vous vous vous cailliez
you all were curdling
ils/elles ils/elles se caillaient
they were curdling
Future tense
je me caillerai
I will curdle
tu tu te cailleras
you will curdle
il/elle/on il/elle/on se caillera
he/she/it will curdle
nous nous nous caillerons
we will curdle
vous vous vous caillerez
you all will curdle
ils/elles ils/elles se cailleront
they will curdle
Past perfect tense
je m’étais caillé
I had curdled
tu t’étais caillé
you had curdled
il/elle/on s’était caillé
he/she/it had curdled
nous nous étions caillés
we had curdled
vous vous étiez caillés
you all had curdled
ils/elles s’étaient caillés
they had curdled
Past preterite tense
je me caillai
I curdled
tu tu te caillas
you curdled
il/elle/on il/elle/on se cailla
he/she/it curdled
nous nous nous caillâmes
we curdled
vous vous vous caillâtes
you all curdled
ils/elles ils/elles se caillèrent
they curdled
Past anterior tense
je me fus caillé
I had curdled
tu te fus caillé
you had curdled
il/elle/on se fut caillé
he/she/it had curdled
nous nous fûmes caillés
we had curdled
vous vous fûtes caillés
you all had curdled
ils/elles se furent caillés
they had curdled
Future perfect tense
je me serai caillé
I will have curdled
tu te seras caillé
you will have curdled
il/elle/on se sera caillé
he/she/it will have curdled
nous nous serons caillés
we will have curdled
vous vous serez caillés
you all will have curdled
ils/elles se seront caillés
they will have curdled
Present subjunctive tense
que je me caille
that I curdle
que tu te cailles
that you curdle
qu’il/elle/on se caille
that he/she/it curdle
que nous nous caillions
that we curdle
que vous vous cailliez
that you all curdle
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se caillent
that they curdle
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois caillé
that I have curdled
que tu te sois caillé
that you have curdled
qu’il/elle/on se soit caillé
that he/she/it have curdled
que nous nous soyons caillés
that we have curdled
que vous vous soyez caillés
that you all have curdled
qu’ils/elles se soient caillés
that they have curdled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me caillasse
that I would curdle
que tu te caillasses
that you would curdle
qu’il/elle/on se caillât
that he/she/it would curdle
que nous nous caillassions
that we would curdle
que vous vous caillassiez
that you all would curdle
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se caillassent
that they would curdle
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse caillé
that I had curdled
que tu te fusses caillé
that you had curdled
qu’il/elle/on se fût caillé
that he/she/it had curdled
que nous nous fussions caillés
that we had curdled
que vous vous fussiez caillés
that you all had curdled
qu’ils/elles se fussent caillés
that they had curdled
Conditional mood
je me caillerais
I would curdle
tu tu te caillerais
you would curdle
il/elle/on il/elle/on se caillerait
he/she/it would curdle
nous nous nous caillerions
we would curdle
vous vous vous cailleriez
you all would curdle
ils/elles ils/elles se cailleraient
they would curdle
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais caillé
I would have curdled
tu te serais caillé
you would have curdled
il/elle/on se serait caillé
he/she/it would have curdled
nous nous serions caillés
we would have curdled
vous vous seriez caillés
you all would have curdled
ils/elles se seraient caillés
they would have curdled
Imperative mood
let's curdle!

Examples of se cailler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Faut en vouloir pour aller se cailler dans les Highlands.- Do we want to go in curdle in the Highlands.
Elle a caillé et il faut la monter dans une minute.What's happened? It's curdled, and it's got to go up in a minute.
Je suis caillé comme le lait, Vince.l've gone off, curdled, Vince.
Oe plateau était assez inhabitable jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent enfin tout ce lait caillé de dessous.This set was fairly uninhabitable until they finally dug all that curdled milk product out from underneath.
Rien de pire que du lait caillé sur un tapis.Nothing worse than curdled milk sweating away in the carpets.

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