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Participer (to do) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of participer

Present tense
je participe
I do
tu participes
you do
il/elle/on participe
he/she/it does
nous participons
we do
vous participez
you all do
ils/elles participent
they do
Present perfect tense
j’ai participé
I did
tu as participé
you did
il/elle/on a participé
he/she/it did
nous avons participé
we did
vous avez participé
you all did
ils/elles ont participé
they did
Past impf. tense
je participais
I was doing
tu participais
you were doing
il/elle/on participait
he/she/it was doing
nous participions
we were doing
vous participiez
you all were doing
ils/elles participaient
they were doing
Future tense
je participerai
I will do
tu participeras
you will do
il/elle/on participera
he/she/it will do
nous participerons
we will do
vous participerez
you all will do
ils/elles participeront
they will do
Past perfect tense
j’avais participé
I had done
tu avais participé
you had done
il/elle/on avait participé
he/she/it had done
nous avions participé
we had done
vous aviez participé
you all had done
ils/elles avaient participé
they had done
Past preterite tense
je participai
I did
tu participas
you did
il/elle/on participa
he/she/it did
nous participâmes
we did
vous participâtes
you all did
ils/elles participèrent
they did
Past anterior tense
j’eus participé
I had done
tu eus participé
you had done
il/elle/on eut participé
he/she/it had done
nous eûmes participé
we had done
vous eûtes participé
you all had done
ils/elles eurent participé
they had done
Future perfect tense
j’aurai participé
I will have done
tu auras participé
you will have done
il/elle/on aura participé
he/she/it will have done
nous aurons participé
we will have done
vous aurez participé
you all will have done
ils/elles auront participé
they will have done
Present subjunctive tense
que je participe
that I do
que tu participes
that you do
qu’il/elle/on participe
that he/she/it do
que nous participions
that we do
que vous participiez
that you all do
qu’ils/elles participent
that they do
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie participé
that I have done
que tu aies participé
that you have done
qu’il/elle/on ait participé
that he/she/it have done
que nous ayons participé
that we have done
que vous ayez participé
that you all have done
qu’ils/elles aient participé
that they have done
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je participasse
that I would do
que tu participasses
that you would do
qu’il/elle/on participât
that he/she/it would do
que nous participassions
that we would do
que vous participassiez
that you all would do
qu’ils/elles participassent
that they would do
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse participé
that I had done
que tu eusses participé
that you had done
qu’il/elle/on eût participé
that he/she/it had done
que nous eussions participé
that we had done
que vous eussiez participé
that you all had done
qu’ils/elles eussent participé
that they had done
Conditional mood
je participerais
I would do
tu participerais
you would do
il/elle/on participerait
he/she/it would do
nous participerions
we would do
vous participeriez
you all would do
ils/elles participeraient
they would do
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais participé
I would have done
tu aurais participé
you would have done
il/elle/on aurait participé
he/she/it would have done
nous aurions participé
we would have done
vous auriez participé
you all would have done
ils/elles auraient participé
they would have done
Imperative mood
let's do!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie participé
have done
ayons participé
let's have done
ayez participé
have done

Examples of participer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Kiara, Zira m'a convaincu de participer à un complot, mais je n'en fait plus partie..."Kiara, Zira had a plot, and I was part of it, but I don't wanna be because...
"Même venant de vous c'est irresponsable" C'est très gentil à toi Jing d'offrir de participer, mais, comme on dit en Chine - "Un seul enfant fera l'affaire."Ah, that's very sweet of you to offer to come out as well, Jing, but, er, as they say in China - "one child will do."
"Pourquoi est ce que je dois participer à la construction de chaque château de sable ?""Why does every sand castle require my participation?"
(Ensemble) L'important, c'est de participer.It doesn't matter how you play! - Participation matters most! - Participation matters most!
- Barry peut participer au spectacle !- Turns out Barry can do the show!
As-tu participé à des essais de suspension cellulaire protoplaste.Have you done any unusual lab work in protoplastic cell suspension? Specifically.
Avez vous déjà participé à une TST, Kit?Have you ever done TOE before, Kit?
Ce soir je vous révèle cet épisode, avec des interviews de moi-même, de mon éditeur Dean Learner et de l'acteur Todd Rivers, qui n'a participé à aucun projet convenable depuis.Tonight I entrust this episode to you, along with interviews from myself, my publisher Dean Learner and the actor Todd Rivers, who hasn't done a decent gig since Boon.
J'ai participé à des enquêtes au sein du JAG, parfaitement.I've done jagman investigations, sure.
J'ai participé à des opérations de levage dans la haute Egypte.I've done pulling operations in upper Egypt.
(rires) Je refuse d'être distrait par des événements auxquels je ne participe pas.- Because he doesn't have any sons. I served in the Air Force. Did you?
- Arrête. - Je participe pas aux activités de l'école.- I don't participate in school activities.
- Je participe, c' est tout.- Just doing my part. - Orders.
- Je participe.I'm doing my part too.
Autour de ces 35 ans, Combien de fonction extérieur vous diriez que vous participez avec votre père ?I couldn't. Over 35 years, how many outdoor functions would you say you've attended with your father?
Contribuez-vous à la pollution des eaux souterraines, injectez-vous des pesticides dans votre système, ou augmentez-vous vos ressources de carbone et participez au réchauffement climatique ?You know,do you contributeto groundwater pollution, ingest pesticides intoyour system, or do youexpand your carbon footprintand increase global warming?
Ernie, si vous ne participez pas, je fais faillite!Look, Ernie, if you don't do this, I'm broke. Okay?
Je ne peux pas renverser une peine à perpétuité, mais si vous participez,I can't do anything about the life sentences, but you participate,
Maintenant qu'on est en finale, Vous trois devrez participez à la performance de la dernière chance.Now that we're down to the finals, all three of you will be doing last-chance performances.
Et tu sais... j'ai toujours pensé... que tu aurais été plus heureuse en participant... même si c'était un spectacle moyen.And you know? . I always think thatyou would have been so much happier doing that play, even ifit was just okay.
Quand je vous ai vu parmi cette bande et participant a des exercices dangereux...When I saw you in that group, doing those dangerous things. You!
Vous pourriez nous aider en participant à une reconstitution du vol devant la cour.We'd like your help in doing a virtual recreation of the theft for the hearing. Why me?

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