Example in French | Translation in English |
- Eh, rendez-moi ma fiole. | "Go ding ding dong" |
- Je peux prendre une demi-fiole. | - I can do half a vial. |
Alors notre survie est en danger car on a utilisé la dernière fiole hier. | Well, then our existence is in doubt because we used the last of it yesterday. |
Autre chose. Dans votre armoire, il y a une fiole d'huile. Huilez la serrure et les gonds de votre avant-porte. | Now, in the cupboard by your bed you'll find a feather and a small bottle of oil so that you may oil the lock and hinges on the ante-room door. |
Balance cette fiole affiolante et filons. | Drop that jug o' voodoo and let's get out of here. |