- Il a dû vouloir se distancer. | - and he needed to distance himself. |
Essaie de les distancer. | Get some distance on them. |
Essayez de le distancer. | You try to put as much distance as you can between you and it. |
Et il va terminer la partie. Peut-il éviter à Pittsburgh de se faire distancer ? | Can he can make the big saves to keep the Penguins within striking distance? |
Et je sens que j'ai besoin de me distancer pour pouvoir passer à autre chose, tu vois ? | I just feel like I need to distance myself so I can... I can move on, you know? |
Je me suis pourtant distancé par écrit hier. | But I already distanced myself from this yesterday. In writing. |
Même Guadalmedina s'est distancé. | Even Guadalmedina has distanced himself. |
Spartacus a toute raison de croire qu'il a distancé... les armées de Pompée et de Lucullus. | Spartacus has every reason to believe that he has outdistanced... the pursuing armies of Pompey and of Lucullus. |
" chargée de créer une distance psychologique entre lui | "designed to help create a psychological distance between himself |
""Le procureurgarde toujours avec moi cette distance respectueuse. | The Prosecutor keeps his distance with me. |
"Avec mon appareil." Je l'ai prise avec un flash, la distance entre elle et moi était beaucoup trop petite. | "With my camera. " I did it, and it was a flashbulb. So, the distance that I was from her really was too close. |
"Ces yeux qui scrutent la distance | "With eyes that scan the distance |
"Cette histoire de longue distance craint, hein ? | "This long-distance thing sucks, huh? |
Si vous vous distancez d'elles, Vous vous éloignerez d'Avi. | If you distance yourself from them, you will grow distant from Avi. |
Oui, si un membre d'une dynamique de groupe sent... que le groupe s'est éloigné de son code moral... ce membre manifeste son inconfort... en se distançant et par des micro-expressions de désaccord. | If a member of a group dynamic feels that the group has strayed from its moral code, that member's discomfort manifests itself in physical distancing from the group, micro-expressions of disagreement. |