"Hän antoi tytölle siniset silmät ja vaalean, taipuisan tukan." | " He gave her blue eyes and blond, wavy hair. |
(Ingel:) Lopeta. (Aliide:) Ajattelin leikata tukan, ottaa sähkökiharat. | - Stop. - I want to cut my hair short and get an electrical perm. |
- Haluaisin Oprahin tukan. | Could you do my hair like Oprah's? |
- Haluaisit itse tällaisen tukan. | - Hey. You wish you had this hair. |
- Hän Ronnyn tukan leikkasikin. | Yeah, she's the one who gave him the haircut. (laughing) |
"Kaverit, ei sotketa tukkaa." | "Guys, don't mess with the hair." |
"Kiehkura nymfin tukkaa." | Ok. "Nymph hair, one lock." |
- "Varo tukkaa." | "Watch the hair, huh?" |
- Aluat, että tuuli tuivertaa tukkaa. | Go faster! You like the wind in your hair? -Yeah. |
- Asut mökissä... - En leikkaa tukkaa enkä aja partaa. | - I won't cut my hair, and I won't shave my beard. |
"Pirun tyttö, elämä alussa Tuuli tukassa, purkkaa kengässä" | Devil girl with nothing to lose She got wind in her hair And gum on her shoes |
- Minulla on purkkaa tukassa. | - I have gum in my hair. |
- Mitä sinulla on tukassa? | - What's that in your hair? |
-Hiuspinni tukassa johti sähkön. | Uh,apparently,the bobby pin in his hair conducted the electricity. |
-Hän meni san Franciscoon kukka tukassa maksumiehensä sylissä. | He's gone now. Off to San Francisco with a flower in his hair on his sugar daddy's lap. Yeah. |
"Viis ruskeasta tukasta ja ruskeista silmistä." | "We don't care about brown hair and brown eyes." |
- Eihän Kukaan enää kisko sinua tukasta? | - No one pulls your hair now? |
- Et. Minä... En vedä sinua tukasta jollet pidä siitä. | I... if you don't want me to pull your hair, i won't. |
- Kokeilkaa blondin tukasta. | Try the blonde girl's hair. |
- Minulla on kihara vaimoni tukasta. | - I got a lock of my wife's hair. |
"Jonas, uskallapas koskea Lisan tukkaan." | "Jonas, don't you dare touch Lisa's hair." |
- Koppava ämmä sai purkkaa tukkaan. | This uptight bitch got gum stuck in her hair. Touch? |
- Pedro yrjösi hänen päähän - se levisi koko tukkaan valuen niskaan. | -- so Pedro vomits on his head, right? It goes all over his hair, trickles down his neck. |
- Toimiiko tukkaan tarttuminen? | okay, so leg wrap to hair grab. do... hold on a second. |
Ei luuria tukkaan! | Wait, don't put the phone near your hair. |
-Tuolla tukalla? | With that hair? |
Hän haluaa, että olen kuin hän, mutta paremmalla tukalla. | Because he basically wants me to be like him. Only with better hair. |
Hän sivelee miehen niskaa ja leikkii tämän tukalla. | And gently runs her hand down his neck, playing with his hair. |
Ja sinä, tuolla pienehköllä punkmaisella tukalla - aina huomauttamassa jollain ilkeällä lauseella. | And you, with that little, punky hair always with the cruel remarks. |
Joo, olet vähän kuin Intohimon tuulista - tuolla tukalla. | Yeah, you do look like kind of the Legends of the Fall with the hair working there. |
Ei tämä näytä nuken tukalta. | This doesn't really look like doll's hair. |
En ottaisi neuvoja tuollaiselta tukalta. | Yes! Alan, I wouldn't go taking advice from someone with that haircut. |
Sanoit, että tukkasi näyttää 8-vuotiaan pojan tukalta. Minä pidän siitä. | You said you thought your hair looked like an eight-year-old boy's and I'm just saying I like it. |
- Maggien tukalle. | - To Maggie's hair. |
- Mitä tukalle tapahtui? | - Yeah. - What happened to her hair? |
Kuule, tee jotain tuolle tukalle. | And you know, you might wanna do something about that hair. |
Meidän on tehtäväjotain tuolle tukalle. | Come. We have to do something with that hair. |
Mitä Molesleyn tukalle on tapahtunut? | What's happened to Molesley's hair? |
Ja hän kutsuu sitä "hautojen kauniiksi, leikkaamattomaksi tukaksi." | - And he calls it the beautiful uncut hair of graves. |
"...vaalea tukka." | Golden-haired." |
"Axel Baratheon, musta tukka." | "Axel Baratheon, black of hair." |
"Hei, tyyppi, jolla on surkea tukka ja mielipiteitä." | - ( Lively ) Hey, guy with the lame haircut... - Oh my God. - ... |
"Hänellä oli sama tumma tukka ja ruskeat silmät kuin Penalla." | He had exactly the same brown hair as Benke. The same brown eyes. |
"Hänellä on hiirenarmaa tukka, torahammas ja huono iho, | "Sure, she's got mousy brown hair and a snaggle tooth and an oily forehead. |