Huvin vuoksi selvitämme muskotin. | And then, just for sport, we're going to explain the nutmeg connection. |
Uskotko poliisin haistavan muskotin? | You really expect the police to smell nutmeg? |
- Kulta, onko meillä muskottia? | Honey, do we have nutmeg? |
- Me tarvitaan muskottia! | We need nutmeg! - Nutmeg! |
- Pääasiassa valkoisia vauvoja ja muskottia. | Ground up white babies and nutmeg. |
- Tarvitset muskottia. | We need nutmeg. |
Eikö se kaipaa lisää muskottia? | - Mmm. - You think? You don't think it needs more nutmeg? |
Kuuntelen poliisiradiosta, jos joku puhuu "muskotista." | Um, Sherlock asked me to keep an ear on the police scanner and tell him if anybody mentions the word "nutmeg." |
Puhuit jotain muskotista. | You said something about nutmeg? Mm-hmm. |
Tuleeko muskotista pilveen? | You can get high off nutmeg? |
Joku oppilas oli hurahtanut muskottiin. - Conrad Woodbine. | So, one of their old students had a thing for nutmeg. |
On vaikea keskittyä muskottiin, kun mahdollinen unelmieni mies ei soita minulle. | It's hard to focus on nutmeg when the guy who might be the guy of my dreams refuses to call me. |
Lähetin heille muskotilla kuorrutetun kakun. | I sent them a cake laced with nutmeg. |
Haisee muskotilta. | Yeah, smells like nutmeg. |
Hän tuoksui kanelilta ja muskotilta. | smooth like butter. And she smelled like... cinnamon and nutmeg. |
Suitsukkeet tuoksuivat muskotilta. | They burned incense that smelled like nutmeg. |
Koko alue oli haissut muskotille. | Custodian told police that the area smelled very strongly of nutmeg. |
Jos sanon "muskotti", herääkö Gayle kirkuen? | Like, if I say "nutmeg," will she wake up and start screaming? |