Keitot, veitset, jollat, kalastus vehkeet, säilykkeet, haikarkote... | Soups, knives, desalination tablets, dinghies, fish tackle, canned food... |
- Tunnetko tuon jollan? | Do you recognize that dinghy? |
He ovat kai ottaneet jollan siis Chris ja tyttäreni. | They must've taken the dinghy. - Chris and my daughter. |
Löydämme varmasti jonkin jollan. | Should be able to find a dinghy to use. |
Tulin apuun. En tiedä, mistä jollasta sinä tänne ilmestyit. Emme tarvitse muukalaista pelottelemaan. | Well, Mr. Goropolis, I don't know what dinghy you just jumped off of, but the last thing we need is an outsider scaring... |
Vesihiihtäessä? Putositko jollasta? | Fall out of a dinghy? |
Kiipesin jollaan ja pakenin paikalta. | I climbed over into the dinghy and pulled away. |
Ainoa mahdollisuuteni oli yrittää saavuttaa teidät jollalla. | My only chance was to try to reach you in the dinghy. |
Menen sinne jollalla. | I'll take the dinghy. |
Selviytyjät ne vain jollalla soutelee. | Well, look at which two Survivors found a dinghy together. |
- He sanoivat, että jolla on kateissa. | They did say that a dinghy was missing. |
En tiedä, kauanko se jolla ajelehti minun maatessani siinä. | I don't know how long that dinghy floated around with me lying in it. |
Kenen jolla tuo on? | I wonder whose dinghy that is. |
Kultaseni, tuo on jolla. | Love, that is a dinghy. |
Mikä se on, Pokemonin jolla vai? | What is it, Pokemon's dinghy? |