L:n suosittelemat apurit olivat OK, - mutta he toistivat samaa kaavaa. He aiheuttivat tuhoa rautakangilla. | The two helpers that L had recommended were okay, but they were predisposed to a rather repetitive technique, which consisted of creating as much havoc as possible with a pair of iron bars. |
Poistakaa paholaisen apurit. | - Send out the devil's helpers. |
Pukin apurit ovat tonttuja, eivät poroja | I thought Santa's helpers were elves, not reindeer. |
Äidin pikku apurit. | Mother's little helpers. |
Minulla on sinulle apureita. | I got some helpers for you. |
Te olette varmaan Pukin apureita. | You must be Santa's helpers. |
Vain mies tähtäilemässä joulupukin apureita geigermittarilla | Nah, just a guy pointing a fancy Geiger counter... at a herd of Santa's helpers. |
Se on Tin Tin, yksi T-birdin pikku apureista. | That's Tin Tin, one of T-bird's little helpers. |
Tiedän, että oikealla pukilla - on kiire lahjojen teossa, ja sinä olet vain yksi apureista. | - I know that the real Santa is busy at the North Pole making gifts and you're just one of his helpers. |
Yksi pukin pikku apureista. | Ah, one of Santa's little helpers. |
Vie viesti apureille, Pablo. | Good. Notify our little helpers, Pablo. |
Oletko hommannut apurin? | What's this, Red? Got yourself a helper? |
Mutta B:n pitäisikin pelätä kuningattaren apuria. | But it turns out the queen's helper is the one B should fear. |
Siksi hän jää tänne. Mitä apurista tiedetään? | Now, what have you got on his latest little helper? |
- Ei hän nimeä sinua apuriksi. | Look, even if she does take the plea, she won't name you as her helper. |
- Koska hän on Saatanan apuri. | Because God is punishing her for being Satan's helper, honey. |
- Mutta jos hän oli DJK:n apuri silloin, - - Miksi pitää matalaa profiilia 10 vuotta ja aloittaa taas murhaamaan? | But if he was DJK's helper back in the day, why go quiet for ten years and then suddenly start killing again? |
- Onko selvä, mummin apuri? | Okay, Grandma's big helper boy? |
En selvinnyt 20 vuotta helvetinkolossa nimeltä Maa olemalla joulupukin pikku apuri. | But I didn't survive twenty years on that hellhole we lovingly call Earth by being Santa's little helper. |
Hän on seppä, minä pelkkä apuri. | - He's the blacksmith. I'm just a helper. |