- Kerran, anestesian jälkeen. | just the once,after anesthesia. |
- Oliko anestesian kanssa ongelmia? | - Any problems with the anesthesia? WOMAN: |
Annan sinulle kevyen anestesian. | All right, I'm just gonna give you a little anesthesia. |
Saatat tuntea pientä kipua, mutta hermojärjestelmäsi on sellainen, että on käytännössä mahdotonta lievittää epämukavuutta anestesian avulla. | Now, you may feel some minor discomfort. But your nervous system is configured in such a way that it's essentially impossible for any anesthesia to mitigate the unpleasantness. |
Tietysti voin, mutta palatessa on anestesian jälkivaikutuksia. | Of course I can. It's coming back, under the residual effects of the anesthesia, that's the problem. |
Ei anestesiaa, ei puhdistettuja välineitä. | There is no anesthesia, no antiseptic. |
Tai anestesiaa. | Yeah, or no anesthesia. |
Se on tyypillistä anestesiassa. | Yeah, that's typical from the anesthesia. |
Sitä käytettiin anestesiassa 40-luvulla. | It was used in anesthesia in the '40s. |
- Se ei johdu anestesiasta. | I can't move my legs! It's not the anesthesia. |
Sanoitko, etteivät keuhkoni tykkää anestesiasta? Pidän aina puoliasi. | Did you tell her that my lungs don't do well with anesthesia? |
Miksi äkillinen kiinnostus vanhan koulukunnan anestesiaan? | So, uh, why the sudden interest in old-school anesthesia? |
-Eikä osaa kirjoittaa "anestesia". | - She couldn't spell "anesthesia." |
Se on yleensä anestesia mihin kuollaan. | - True. It's usually the anesthesia that gets you. |
Taylor, anestesia on kauhean kevyt. | You know, Taylor, her anesthesia's awful light. |