Etsi ampumaradat 150 - 200 kilometrin etäisyydellä. | I need you to look for gun ranges between 100 and 150 miles from here. |
Kapakoista, keilaradoista, strippibaareista, ampumaradoista. | Bars, bowling alleys, strip clubs, gun ranges. |
Muut havainnot hänestä ovat monilta eri päiviltä ja eriltä ampumaradoilta. | Other witnesses see him on several separate days at different firing ranges. |
Abby eristi suurta radioaktiivista tuhkaa ampumaradan jätteistä. | Abby isolated large radioactive ash from the debris from the shooting range. |
Asetamme ovet ampumaradan päähän - ja ammumme niitä eri aseilla kymmenen metrin päästä. | Then we'll set up the doors at the end of the firing range, And we'll start shooting at them with a variety of guns From 30 feet away. |
Etkä joudu ostamaan juomia ampumaradan jälkeen. | And you won't have to buy me drinks after range practice. |
Hän yritti ryöstää ampumaradan. | He was killed trying to rob a shooting range, which just proves that Darwin was right. |
Ja ampumaradan hissien viereen. | There's a shooting range next to the elevator bank. |
Harkitsen ampumarataa asuntooni. | I'm thinking of installing a shooting range in my apartment. |
Oletko vahtinut ampumarataa ja etsinyt? | So you've been staking out the shooting range looking for- You. |
Joo hän kertoi ampumaradasta | Yeah, she told me about the shooting range, too. |
- En ole ollut ampumaradalla päiviin. | I have not been to the range in days |
- He lounastivat ampumaradalla ja Abby käy läpi todisteita, mutta emme ole löytäneet mitään. | Well, they ate lunch at the shooting range and Abby's combing through the physical evidence, but we still haven't found the smoking gun. |
- He ovat ampumaradalla. | - They are on the range. |
- Hän tappoi useita miehiä ampumaradalla. | He blew away half a dozen men downstairs on the firing range. |
- Minua jäi häiritsemään, - että emme osuneet maalitauluihin ampumaradalla, - joten annoin ballistiikan tutkia kaksintaistelupistoolit. | It bothered me that we couldn't hit the target at the shooting range, and so I ran ballistics on the dueling pistols. |
- Se upseeri ampumaradalta. | That's the COfrom the shooting range |
- Todellako? Löysin tämän ampumaradalta. | I found this on the firing range. |
Ebua täällä taas, ampumaradalta soitetaan. | ! Ebba here. I've got the firing range on the line. |
Isä-- Minkä lisäksi, rikostekniikka sovitti yhteen, että murhapaikan punaiset kuidut olivat maton kuituja ampumaradalta. Lopettakaa se. | What's more, Forensics matched red fibers from the murder scene with carpet fibers from the firing range. |
Jimmy soitti ampumaradalta. | That was Jimmy from the gun range on the phone. |
- Hae aseesi. Mennään ampumaradalle. | - Bring your gun down to the range. |
- Mene ampumaradalle - ja tee koe puolestani. | Here's my badge. Go down to the pistol range take my test for me. |
- Minulle sanottiin, että tarvitsen aseen. Eli sinun täytyy varata minut ampumaradalle. | I've been told that I need to carry a firearm, so you'll need to book me in at the range. |
- Olisi mahtavaa päästä ampumaradalle. | - I'd love to go to the range with you. |
- Osaan. Sean vei minut ampumaradalle ensitreffeille. | Sean took me to the gun range when we were first dating. |
- Stasin. Tämä on Saksan salaisen poliisin entinen ampumarata. | It's a shooting range the former German secret police. |
-Esitteessä on ampumarata. | There's a range on the pamphlet. |
-Missä ampumarata on? | Where's the rifle range? |
-Onko lähellä ampumarata? | - Is there a target range nearby? |
Eikö poliisien ampumarata käy? | BEN: Why don't we just go to the department range? |