- Ehkäpä voisimme lounastaa altaalla. | - Perhaps we could lunch by the pool. |
- En voi lounastaa äidin kanssa. | I can't have lunch with Mom. I didn't wash my hair. |
- Führer haluaa lounastaa yhdessä. | - The Führer wants to have lunch with him. |
- Haluatko lounastaa vai pelastaa maailman? | You want to have lunch with your sister or save the free world? |
- Hän ja Raul lounastaa siellä päivittäin. | He and raul meet every day for lunch. CAMPOS THE BOSS |
- Kerro totuus hänelle, niin lounastan kanssanne. | Come clean to him and I'll have lunch with you. |
-Minäkin lounastan pomon kanssa. | -Today I'm having lunch with my boss. |
Anteeksi, mutta lounastan tänään vaimoni kanssa. | I'm sorry, but I gotta have lunch with my wife today. |
Asia kerrallaan. Agnes, lounastan klo 11.30, 12.30 ja 14.30. | First, Agnes, pencil me in for lunch at 11:30, 12:30 and 2:30. |
Hän tuskin innostuisi siitä, että lounastan komean miehen kanssa. | I don't think he'd be too crazy about me having lunch with a handsome stranger in Paris. |
- Hänen kanssaanan lounastat? | That's who you're having lunch with, right? |
- Kenen kanssa lounastat? | Who are you lunching? |
- Saat 50 lisää, jos lounastat kanssani. | I'll give you $50 more, you let me buy you lunch. |
Ensin pilaat treffimme, sitten lounastat tyttöystäväni kanssa. | First you bust up our date. Then you're having lunch with my girlfriend! |
Että lounastat Andrew Kleinin kanssa etkä voi... | That you've got lunch with Andrew Klein and that you cannot... - BOTH: |
- Ei, lounastamme vierekkäin. | No, we're having lunch next to each other. |
- En tiedä vielä... Mutta lounastamme huomenna. | I'm still gathering information, but we have lunch with him tomorrow. |
- Miksi lounastamme täällä? | Why are we having lunch in here? |
-Miksi lounastamme täällä? | - Oh, why did we come here for lunch? |
Albanyn konttori tekee töitä lounaallakin mutta Michael päätti venyttää lounastamme tunnilla jotta voimme mennä katsomaan tappelua Dwightin kanssa. | The Albany branch is working right through lunch to prevent downsizing, but Michael, he decided to extend our lunch by an hour so that we could all go down to the dojo and watch him fight Dwight. |
Kello 1 3 lounastatte kuningattaren kanssa. | Yes, a 1:00 luncheon with the queen. |
Keskustelunne jälkeen te ja miehenne lounastatte kai kanssamme. | I hope that after your discussions with my husband, you and your officers will join us for lunch. |
Missä lounastatte? | So what do you do for lunch then? |
He lounastavat yhdessä ja puhuvat oletettavasti työasioita. | They lunch together every day and, I suppose, discuss the work. |
He lounastavat yleensä täällä. | They spend lunch inhere usually. |
Hei, lounastavat leidit! | Yoo hoo, ladies lunching. |
Kamera siirtyy mellakasta villaan, jonka terassilla ihmiset lounastavat. | The camera moves from this vile rioting in the streets to a villa where people picked at lunch on a terrace. |
Mitä he haluavat, kenen kanssa makaavat, missä lounastavat. | What they want, who they sleep with, what they eat for lunch. |
"Hän arkistoi, lounasti, rakasti ja hävisi." | He filed, he lunched, loved and lost. |
Neljä päivää sitten hän lounasti Lontoossa Pellegrinin kanssa, - joka kuvaili häntä hermostuneeksi. | Four days ago he lunched in London with Pellegrin, Who describes him as overwrought, after which he visited his wife's lawyer... |
Mehän lounastimme hautajaisten jälkeisenä päivänä. | Anyone would think I hadn't seen him in months. We lunched togetherthe day after the funeral. |
"Jo ennen lounasta lukitsin itseni vessakoppiin - "ja aloin itkeä. | By lunchtime, I had literally locked myself in a bathroom stall and started crying. |
- Ai, Frank, olen syömässä juuri lounasta. | - Oh, Frank, I'm about to have lunch. |
- Ajattelin tehdä lounasta. | I was going to make lunch. |
- Ajattelin tuoda sinulle lounasta. | Thought I'd bring you some lunch. |
- Belmalla on varmasti lounasta. | It's lunch. I'm sure Belma's cooking up something. Give us a minute. |
Pitäisikö meidän siirtyä lounastamaan Capriccio'sissa? | - I'm sorry,sir. You know,I hear capriccio's has a very nice lunch menu. Maybe we should start lunching there. |
Alakulon vaivatessa Oon lounastanut Tombissa | ♪ If I look full of gloom Then I've lunched at the Tomb |