"Es inútil discutir sobre gusto y más inútil aún, litigar". | "It's useless to argue about taste and even more useless to litigate it." |
Claro, tendremos que litigar. Punto y aparte. | And, of course, we will have to litigate. |
Ellos y apos; nunca he conocido un problema ellos el don apos; t quieren litigar. | They've never met an issue they don't want to litigate. |
Eludimos un caso por homicidio en la muerte de su novio alegando locura, así evitamos tener que litigar sobre el asunto de la culpa por completo. | We sidestepped a manslaughter trial in the death of her boyfriend plead insanity, so we avoided having to litigate on the issue of guilt altogether. |
Esos casos pueden ser difíciles de litigar. | Careful. Those cases can be tough to litigate. |
Yo litigo, no capitulo. | I litigate. I don't capitulate. |
Porque sabes que pasa, se da la vuelta y litiga. | Will Truman turns around and litigates, sucka! |
Bien, no es que quiera discutir, pero ¿no litigamos el caso de la custodia de un chimpance? | Well, noto be argumentative, But didn't we ju litigate chimp-custody case? |
En este Estado, yo litigaría con extrema confianza. | In this state, I would litigate with extreme confidence. |
No es correcto que yo litigue de nuevo el caso. | It's not right for me to re-litigate the case. |
Ese caso ya fue litigado. | That case was litigated. |
Este problema no ha sido litigado, Su Señoría. | The issue's never been litigated, Your Honor. |
Hay un montón de gente en la cárcel hoy sobre la base de declaraciones de culpabilidad que podría haber ganado su caso hubieran litigado él. | There are a lot of people in prison today based on guilty pleas who could have won their case had they litigated it. |
Su cliente puede conservar su máscara... hasta que este asunto haya sido litigado. | Your client may keep the mask Until the issue has been further litigated. |
Eso lo sé, tengo 22 años litigando. | This is what I know from 22 years of litigating. |
Hemos estado litigando con este caso durante tres años. | We have been litigating this case for three years. |
Si Marlo Stanfield está usando un celular, es una cuestión de tiempo antes de que estemos hasta el cuello con mociones previas al juicio litigando un caso de escuchas. | If Marlo Stanfield is using a cellphone, it's just a matter of time before we're up to our asses in pre-trial motions, litigating a wiretap case. |
Son 20 años litigando, esta familia es desconcertante. | I mean 20 years of litigating, this family takes the cake. |