Un rasgo que la gente nunca falla en infravalorar, me temo. | A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid. |
Si nos infravaloramos a nosotros mismos, permitimos que otros también nos infravaloren. | If we undervalue ourselves, then we allow others to undervalue us as well. |
- No infravalores tus logros. | - Don't undervalue your achievements. |
Así que, desconfía de las intenciones del Sr. Lowe, pero no desconfíes de su instinto de auto conservación, ni infravalores su importancia para esta expedición. | So distrust Mr. Lowe's intentions all you please, but don't distrust his instinct for selfpreservation, nor should you undervalue his importance to this expedition. |
No te infravalores | Don't undervalue yourself. |
Si nos infravaloramos a nosotros mismos, permitimos que otros también nos infravaloren. | If we undervalue ourselves, then we allow others to undervalue us as well. |
- Ser un viejales está infravalorado. | - Crotchety's undervalued. |
- Su trabajo está infravalorado. | - His works are undervalued. |
Bien, yo puedo ver que mi intención de crear un positivo ambiente de trabajo ha sido completamente infravalorado. | Well, I can see my attention to creating a positive work environment have been completely undervalued. |
La gente siempre lo ha infravalorado. | People have always undervalued him. |
Me han informado que quizá el cuadro esté infravalorado. | It has come to my attention that perhaps the painting is undervalued. |
Te estás infravalorando. | They're undervaluing you. |
¿Has considerado la probabilidad de que estás constantemente infravalorando a esa mujer? | Have you considered the likelihood that you're consistently undervaluing that woman? |