"Pero no cómo enfriarse." | "But not how to cool down." |
Aunque funcione, tardará al menos una hora en enfriarse. | Even if it does, it's going to take at least an hour for mine to cool down. |
Debe enfriarse un poco. | It's gonna have to cool down for a while, all right? |
Déle tiempo para enfriarse. | Give him time to cool down. |
El X-1 necesita enfriarse. | The X-1 needs to cool down. |
Toma un sorbo y enfríate. | - Thank you. - Have a sip and cool down. |
- Volveremos cuando se hayan enfriado. | - We'll come back when they've cooled down. |
Chicos, no os comáis la lasaña hasta que no se haya enfriado. | Guys, do not eat the lasagna till it's cooled down. |
Cuando todo se hubiera enfriado. | When everything had cooled down. |
Esta enfriado. | It's cooled down. |
Este metal-- se ha enfriado ahora. | This metal...it's cooled down now. |
Así que sin el universo enfriándose lo suficiente, nosotros no existiríamos. | So without the universe cooling down to a sufficiently low temperature, we wouldn't exist. |
Eso es el metal en la parte inferior del tanque enfriándose muy rápido a -70. | That's the metal at the bottom of the tank cooling down very rapidly to -70. |