Así que, matemáticamente, como los dos... miembros más atractivos de los Servicios a la Comunidad, creo que estamos genéticamente predispuestos a copular. | So, mathematically, as the two most... attractive members of our Community Service gang, I believe we are genetically predisposed to copulate. |
Bueno, ibamos a copular pero entonces tuvimos que lidiar con tu destino. | Well, we were going to copulate but then we had to go deal with your destiny. |
De hecho, sólo hay una criatura en todo el mundo con la cual ella se niega a copular. | In fact, there is but one creature in all the world with whom she refuses to copulate. |
Dile que está a punto de copular con un animal del espacio. | Yeah. Tell him he's about to copulate with a creature from outer space. |
Entonces desea copular. | Then you wish to copulate. |
No copulo, Detective. | I don't copulate,detective. |
"y por lo tanto copula con usted?" | "and thus it copulates with you?" |
De acuerdo a esa épica, Shiva copula con Madhura por 100 años. | According to the epic, Shiva copulates with Madhura for 100 years. |
Dime ¿qué pasa cuando un humano copula con alguien del mundo espiritual? | Tell me... What happens when a human... copulates with someone from the spirit world? |
El león copula de 30 a 40 veces por día. | "The lion copulates |
Es similar a cuando un mono copula | It's similar to how a monkey copulates |
Hace exactamente una semana que copulamos. | It's been exactly one week since we copulated. |
Puede procreamos, proliferamos, y, Dios dispuesto, copulamos al fin de nuestro natural vive. | May we procreate, proliferate, and God willing, copulate to the end of our natural lives. |
El único problema con las Mujeres Serpientes es que copulan con caballos. Eso las hace raras para mí. | The only trouble with snake women is they copulate with horses, which makes them strange to me. |
Los ricos copulan menos que los pobres. | The rich copulate less often than the poor. |
Orinan, copulan, incluso dan a luz a través de él. | They urinate, copulate, even give birth through it. |
Para eso, tienen que ser muy sumisas para acercarse a un macho que está buscando pareja. Así que ella llega se sienta en el nido y a veces copulan. | So, in order to do that, they have to be very submissive in order to get close to a male, who's maybe advertising for a mate, and so she'll come in, sit in his nest, and sometimes they'll copulate. |
Pero la mayoría de los mamíferos solo copulan en temporada. | But most mammals only copulate seasonally. |
Aterrizó detrás de mi mano y copuló... ¡2 moscas! | Landed on the back of my hand and copulated... 2 flies! |
Dicho de otra manera... hasta que literalmente copuló con su debilitado marido para llegar a matarlo. | Otherwise -- until she literally copulated her ailing husband to his very death. |
Por lo tanto, ustedes dos copularon, sin concebir... | So, you two copulated once without conceiving... |
Un registro telefónico de hace tres semanas "Un masculino anónimo afirma que copulará conmigo hasta matarme." | A phone log, three weeks ago, "Anonymous male states "that he will copulate me to death. " |
Dice que no había copulado contigo durante los cuatro meses previos al incidente | Says she hadn't copulated with you for four months prior to the incident. |
Ha copulado. | He copulated. |
Habéis copulado como hombre y mujer. | You copulated as man and woman. |
Tengo 24 años y sólo he copulado con una mujer. | I'm 24 years old... and I've only ever copulated with one woman. |
Como dos perros copulando. | Serious as two copulating dogs. |
Deberíamos ir al zoológico de Las Vegas y ver animales copulando. | Zoo should go to Las Vegas And see animals copulating. |
Estuve albergado en un chateau, copulando con una joven mujer llamada Fe. | Oh, holed up with a chateau, copulating with a young woman named Faith. |
Fueron vistos copulando, Y pensamos que Nim podria ser el padre de el bebe de Lily. | They were seen copulating, and we think Nim might have been the father of Lily's baby. |
Incluso, si pudiera parecer que la Condesa no practica brujeria tenemos un testigo que ha confirmado que la vió copulando con el mismo diablo. | Even if it seems the Countess may not have practiced witchcraft, We do have one witness who has confirmed that he saw her copulating with the devil himself. |