- Laske ammud alla. | - Stand down. |
Mis sport see on, kui ühel poolel on koerad, odad ja ammud ning teisel pole midagi? | What sport is it where one side has dogs and spears and crossbows and the other nothing? |
"Akna pisarad" tutvustab meile üht kõige haaravama stiiliga ja tundlikumat noort autorit, kelle taolist pole meie kirjandusmaastikul ammu nähtud. | NELSON: The Window Tears has introduced us to the one of the most exciting and sensitive young writers to appear on the literary horizon in a very long time. |
"Oot, professor Jacobs, ajalugu toimus ju ammu?" | Wait, Professor Jacobs, doesn't history happen a long time ago? |
- Ei tea, ammu läinud. | - I don't know, he's long gone. |