Nu skal du forsøge at støde mig bort. | I want you to try to push me away. |
Når De beskytter mig, hvilken tåbe ville så forsøge at gøre mig fortræd? | With you protecting me, what fool would try to harm me? |
- De vil forsøge at afskære os. | - They'll try to cut us off. |
Jeg skal forsøge at udrydde sørøveriet, min kære. | I've been sent to try to blot out all this piracy, my dear. |
Jeg ved da godt, at de vil forsøge at tage alt fra mig herhjemme. | -Of course I see. I know that once I've gone, they'll try to strip me here at home. |
Jeg forsøger at bede! | I'm trying to pray! |
Vi får fuld last og ligger forankret i Gloucester... den 1 . august, og han er stadig herude... og sejler rundt, mens han forsøger at fange fisk... eller også ligner jeg mere en helleflynder, end han gør. | We'll have a full hold and be tied up in Gloucester... by the 1st of August, and he'll still be out here... floundering around, trying to catch fish... or I'll look more like a halibut than he does. |
- De forsøger at omringe os. | They're trying to work around other side You're behaving like fools. |
Så går jeg, og jeg slår dig ihjel, hvis du forsøger at stoppe mig. | I'm going home if I have to walk every step of the way. I'll kill you if you try to stop me. |
Han forsøger at afpresse Senatet, som han forsøgte at afpresse mig. | Mr. President he is trying to blackmail this Senate as he tried to blackmail me. |
Du forsøgte nok at slippe væk, hvad? | You tried to get away, did you? |
Han forsøger at afpresse Senatet, som han forsøgte at afpresse mig. | Mr. President he is trying to blackmail this Senate as he tried to blackmail me. |
Jeg forsøgte at advare dig. | I saw them draw you into this and tried to warn you, but it was no use. |
Men du forsøgte. | No, but you tried to. |
Jeg forsøgte i flere dage at komme hjem. | That's just the trouble. And I tried to get back for days and days. |
Den død, som De dømmer hundredvis af stakkels mænd til dagligt... i et hektisk forsøg på at sende deres sjæle i helvedet før Dem selv... er en lille glæde... sammenlignet med den blødende død i lungerne... som Gud har dømt Dem til. | The death to which you're dooming hundreds of poor men daily... in a frantic effort to send their souls to perdition before your own... is a light pleasantry... compared to the bleeding death in the lungs... to which the great Judge has condemned you. |
Hans forsøg på at modsætte sig den sunde straf at blive sat i Coventry... betød ikke yderligere disciplinær straf. | His attempt to resist the normal, healthy discipline of being put into Coventry... brought no further discipline from us. |
Hør nu her. Hør godt efter og forsøg at forstå. | Listen, Jeff, please and try to understand. |
Lige ét forsøg til. | I'II try 'em once more. |
Jeg sagde før, det ville blive mit sidste forsøg, og jeg mente det. | I said before it was gonna be my last try, and I meant it. |
Kun én har forsøgt ... | One guy tried that on me once. |
Ligesom enhver mand, der har forsøgt at føre sine store idéer ud i livet. | So did every other man who tried to lift his thought up off the ground. |
Jeg har forsøgt at sige dem før, men denne gang skal det være. | I tried to say them once before and l got stopped colder than a mackerel. I'd like to get them said this time. |
Jeg har forsøgt at elske andre. | I've tried to love others. |
Nej, jeg har forsøgt alle måder. | Oh, no, no, son. I've tried every way. |