Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
No hi ha xiulets provinents de les finestres com fa un parell de dècades, com el que Sevval llançava per atraure clients: “Psh psh, psh psh, aquí tens el camí”, explica Sevval, “o sfoot sfoot.” | No catcalls descend from the windows like they did a couple of decades ago, like the kind of catcall Sevval used to attract clients: “Psh psh, psh psh — this is the way,” Sevval explains, “or sfoot sfoot.” |
Va atraure a la Billie amb una Historia sobre un gos perdut. | He lured Billie with a story about a lost dog. |
En èmfasi del Sr Jolly no li atrauen els cigars. | Mr. Jolly’s emphysema don’t care for cigars. |