How to say I Love You in Spanish: 50+ phrases for every situation

Updated on: February 26, 2024

Learning ways to say I Love You in Spanish is crucial for connecting in this truly romantic language.

As one of the world's most passionate and lyrical languages, Spanish provides countless romantic ways to say the words of affection. From playful terms of endearment to soulful love songs, this rich language offers boundless opportunities to convey your feelings.

Whether you want to capture a Spanish speaker's heart or strengthen familial bonds, this article will equip you with the essential "te quiero" and "te amo" phrases and vocabulary you need.

I've compiled over 50 beautiful Spanish language phrases and love quotes to help you show your love. You'll learn the nuances between the commonly used "te quiero" vs "te amo," and how their usage varies based on context and relationships.

By the end, you'll have mastered the language of falling in love in Spanish. From lighthearted flirtation to passionate intensity, get ready to fall deeply in amor...en español!

Saying I Love You in Spanish in a romantic way: 30 phrases with Te Amo 

"Te amo" literally translates to "I love you". It expresses deep romantic love and is usually reserved for serious relationships, not casual dating. Spanish speakers tend to say "te amo" once the relationship is very committed. Use this phrase when you want to declare your true feelings of love to your significant other. Here's how you can express your love with "te amo": 

  1. Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar 

I love you more than words can express.

  1. Te amo con todo mi corazón

I love you with all my heart.

  1. No hay un día en el que no piense en ti y te amo más cada día 

There's not a day that goes by when I don't think of you, and I love you more each day.

  1. Te amo más de lo que puedas imaginar

I love you more than you can imagine.

  1. Aunque las palabras no siempre lo demuestren, siempre recuerda que te amo

Even when words don't always show it, always remember I love you.

  1. Te amo más allá de las estrellas

I love you beyond the stars.

  1. Te amo más que ayer y menos que mañana 

I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

  1. Te amo más de lo que mereces, porque incluso eso es poco

I love you more than you deserve because even that is not enough.

  1. Cada día que paso contigo, descubro nuevas razones para decirte te amo

Every day I spend with you, I discover new reasons to tell you I love you.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar 

I love you more than words can express.

  1. Te amo con locura y sin medida

I love you with madness and without measure.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las estrellas brillan en el cielo

I love you more than the stars shine in the sky.

  1. Mi amor por ti es eterno, te amo siempre

My love for you is eternal; I love you always.

  1. Te amo más allá de las palabras y de los silencios

I love you beyond words and silences.

  1. Te amo con cada latido de mi corazón

I love you with every beat of my heart.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las olas aman a la playa

I love you more than the waves love the shore.

  1. Te amo con todo lo que soy y todo lo que seré

I love you with all that I am and all that I will be.

  1. Te amo hasta el infinito y más allá

I love you to infinity and beyond.

  1. Te amo con una intensidad que ni el tiempo puede disminuir

I love you with an intensity that time cannot diminish.

  1. Te amo con la certeza de que no hay otro igual

I love you with the certainty that there is no other like you.

  1. Te amo con la fuerza de mil tormentas

I love you with the strength of a thousand storms.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden abarcar

I love you more than words can encompass.

  1. Te amo con cada suspiro que respiro

I love you with every breath I take.

  1. Te amo con una pasión que nunca se desvanecerá

I love you with a passion that will never fade.

  1. Te amo con la suavidad del viento y la intensidad del sol

I love you with the gentleness of the wind and the sun's intensity.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las montañas abrazan al cielo

I love you more than the mountains embrace the sky.

  1. Te amo con la esperanza de mil amaneceres

I love you with the hope of a thousand sunrises.

  1. Te amo con la profundidad del océano

I love you with the depth of the ocean.

  1. Te amo con la pureza de un lirio en el jardín

I love you with the purity of a lily in the garden.

  1. Te amo más de lo que las estaciones cambian

I love you more than the seasons change.

Expressing endearment in Spanish to family and friends: Te Quiero 

Wanna tell someone you care in Spanish? Say "te quiero." It translates to "I love you" or "I want you" but it's more lowkey. Spanish speakers use it a lot in romantic and platonic situations with friends, family, crushes - anyone they find special. You express your affection casually by dropping it in a text or call when you feel the sparks but aren't ready for "te amo." 

  1. Te quiero mucho

I love you a lot.

  1. Eres muy especial para mí, te quiero.

You are very special to me; I love you.

  1. Siempre estaré aquí para ti porque te quiero.

I will always be here for you because I love you.

  1. Te quiero como eres.

I love you just the way you are.

  1. Gracias por todo, te quiero muchísimo.

Thank you for everything; I love you very much.

  1. Te quiero más de lo que las palabras pueden decir.

I love you more than words can say.

  1. Eres parte fundamental de mi vida, te quiero mucho.

You are a fundamental part of my life; I love you a lot.

  1. Te quiero con todo mi corazón.

I love you with all my heart.

  1. Aunque a veces no lo demuestre, siempre te quiero.

Even if I don't show it sometimes, I always love you.

  1. Te quiero más cada día que pasa.

I love you more with each passing day.

  1. No hay nadie como tú, te quiero.

There's no one like you; I love you.

  1. Te quiero incondicionalmente.

I love you unconditionally.

  1. Te quiero más que a nada en este mundo.

I love you more than anything in this world.

  1. Te quiero por ser tú.

I love you for being you.

  1. Eres mi familia y te quiero con todo mi ser.

You are my family, and I love you with all my being.

Slang for "I Love You": ways to express love in Spanish across countries

Ever wonder how people in different Spanish-speaking places in Latin America and beyond express love and affection in their own incredible and unique ways? 

It's like a secret code of affection! Learning these words and phrases adds a bit of fun to your language skills and lets you in on the local vibes. 

  1. Te quiero un montón

I love you a lot.

  1. Te amo a morir

I love you to death.

  1. Te amo a lo loco

I love you like crazy.

  1. Te amo a mi

I love you a thousand times.

  1. Te quiero un mundo

I love you a world.

  1. Te amo a más no poder

I love you as much as possible.

  1. Te amo un chorro

I love you a lot (using "chorro," a term common in Mexico).

  1. Te amo a lo bestia

I love you like a beast (passionately).

  1. Te quiero a lo grande

I love you in a big way.

  1. Te amo con todo el power

I love you with all the power.

  1. Te quiero un resto

I love you a lot (in Argentina, "un resto" emphasizes a large quantity or amount).

  1. Te amo a lo máximo

I love you to the maximum.

  1. Te amo con toda la patata

I love you with all my heart (using "patata" as a playful term for heart).

  1. Te quiero a lo grande

I love you in a big way.

  1. TQM: Te quiero mucho. 

I love you a lot.

Spanish love songs

These romantics Spanish songs span different genres, including pop, rock, bachata, and regional Mexican music, showcasing the diverse ways the theme of "Te amo" is expressed in Spanish-language music.


No language learning is truly complete without mastering the romantic phrases unique to the language. And you've done it - you now know how to share your love and appreciation with someone you like.  

You can seamlessly weave "te quiero" and "te amo" into conversations to connect deeply, whether romance or friendship. From playful flirtation to intense devotion, you can now eloquently share feelings in this romantic language.

Hasta luego and keep pursuing your passion for Spanish!

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.