Amesteca (to mix) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to mingle, combine, to intervene, to stir, entangle, intervene, to entangle, stir, mingle, to combine

Conjugation of amesteca

Present tense
I mix
you mix
he/she/it mixes
we mix
you all mix
they mix
Present perfect tense
am amestecat
I have mixed
ai amestecat
you have mixed
a amestecat
he/she/it has mixed
am amestecat
we have mixed
ați amestecat
you all have mixed
au amestecat
they have mixed
Past preterite tense
I mixed
you mixed
he/she/it mixed
we mixed
you all mixed
they mixed
Future tense
voi amesteca
I will mix
vei amesteca
you will mix
va amesteca
he/she/it will mix
vom amesteca
we will mix
veți amesteca
you all will mix
vor amesteca
they will mix
Conditional mood
aș amesteca
I would mix
ai amesteca
you would mix
ar amesteca
he/she/it would mix
am amesteca
we would mix
ați amesteca
you all would mix
ar amesteca
they would mix
Subjunctive present tense
să amestec
(so that/if) I mix
să amesteci
(so that/if) you mix
să amestece
(so that/if) he/she/it mix
să amestecăm
(so that/if) we mix
să amestecați
(so that/if) you all mix
să amestece
(so that/if) they mix
Subjunctive past tense
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) I have mixed
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) you have mixed
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) he/she/it have mixed
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) we have mixed
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) you all have mixed
să fi amestecat
(so that/if) they have mixed
Past impf. tense
I was mixing
you were mixing
he/she/it was mixing
we were mixing
you all were mixing
they were mixing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu amesteca
do not mix!
nu amestecați
do not mix!
Past pluperfect tense
I had mixed
you had mixed
he/she/it had mixed
we had mixed
you all had mixed
they had mixed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să amestec
I am going to mix
ai să amesteci
you are going to mix
are să amestece
he/she/it is going to mix
avem să amestecăm
we are going to mix
aveți să amestecați
you all are going to mix
au să amestece
they are going to mix
Future alternative 2 tense
o să amestec
I am going to mix
o să amesteci
you are going to mix
o să amestece
he/she/it is going to mix
o să amestecăm
we are going to mix
o să amestecați
you all are going to mix
o să amestece
they are going to mix
Future perfect tense
voi fi amestecat
I will have mixed
vei fi amestecat
you will have mixed
va fi amestecat
he/she/it will have mixed
vom fi amestecat
we will have mixed
veți fi amestecat
you all will have mixed
vor fi amestecat
they will have mixed
Future in the past tense
aveam să amestec
I was going to mix
aveai să amesteci
you were going to mix
avea să amestece
he/she/it was going to mix
aveam să amestecăm
we were going to mix
aveați să amestecați
you all were going to mix
aveau să amestece
they were going to mix
Conditional past tense
aș fi amestecat
I would have mixed
ai fi amestecat
you would have mixed
ar fi amestecat
he/she/it would have mixed
am fi amestecat
we would have mixed
ați fi amestecat
you all would have mixed
ar fi amestecat
they would have mixed
Presumptive tense
oi amesteca
I might mix
oi amesteca
you might mix
o amesteca
he/she/it might mix
om amesteca
we might mix
oți amesteca
you all might mix
or amesteca
they might mix
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi amestecând
I might be mixing
oi fi amestecând
you might be mixing
o fi amestecând
he/she/it might be mixing
om fi amestecând
we might be mixing
oți fi amestecând
you all might be mixing
or fi amestecând
they might be mixing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi amestecat
I might have mixed
oi fi amestecat
you might have mixed
o fi amestecat
he/she/it might have mixed
om fi amestecat
we might have mixed
oți fi amestecat
you all might have mixed
or fi amestecat
they might have mixed

Examples of amesteca

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"? Poți amesteca acestea cu alcool""Can you mix these with alcohol?"
"Cei puri nu se pot amesteca cu cei impuri".Pure must not mix with impure.
"Putem amesteca-le cu alcool" ""Can we mix these with alcohol""
- "Nu amesteca tăria cu şampania"?- Never mix bourbon with champagne?
- Ce ? Ce obţii, atunci când se amesteca zece părţi de Jameson... cu o jumătate de duzină de whisky irlandez ?What do you get when you mix ten shots of Jameson ... with a half dozen Irish drink?
! Niciodata nu amestec placintele.I never mix my pies.
"Asa s-a nascut cultura waponi... un amestec de influente polineziene, celte, ebraice si latine."Thus was born the Waponi culture... "... a mix of Polynesian, Celtic, Hebrew, and Latin influences.
"Orice amestec sau compoziţie de mercur cu un alt metal sau aliaj."Any blending or mixture of mercury with another metal or with alloy.
"Un amestec format din 10 părţi conţine 1 parte de suc şi 9 de apa...""A ten-quart mixture consists of one part juice to nine parts water..."
"regia sa este un amestec"his directing is a mixture
! Te-am avertizat de multe ori să nu amesteci afacerile cu placarea.I warned you not to mix business with pleasure.
- Ar fi bine să nu te amesteci în asta.- You'd better not get mixed up in this.
- Dacă amesteci asta cu evenimentele...You mix that in with this solar event, and you have a recipe...
- De ce te amesteci în politică?- Why mix with politics?
- Exact. Trebuie să amesteci ierburi, să spui incantaţii, să faci altare...You gotta mix herbs and chant, build an altar.
Acesta este aspirat prin diferenţa de presiune, în sus, prin aceste conducte şi în jos, în creuzetul de reacţie unde se amestecă cu pilitura de fier pe care am turnat-o aici.It's drawn by vacuum pressure up... through these pipes and down into the reaction crucible here where... it mixes with the iron filings that I've poured in here.
Acolo unde apa rece se amestecă împreună cu apa caldă, apare un ciudat efect luminiscent - un semn clar al forţei curentului.Where the cold water mixes with warmer water at the surface, there is a strange shimmering effect a clear sign that the currents are running strongly.
Acum, odată ce sângele lui Heracles se amestecă în formula lui Caracatiţă...Now, once Heracles' blood mixes with Octopus' formula...
Aduce nu ştiu ce praf şi îl amestecă într-un mod special cu iarba.It gets the dirt, mixes it in with the weed in a special way.
Alimentarea pneumatică împinge combustibilul, amestecă lichidul cu aerul înainte să-l ducă în camera de combustie.Well, the intake vacuum pressure pulls the fuel through And mixes liquid with air Before it sucks it into the combustion chamber.
"Arta este în de ce..." "... abilitatea de a citi între firimituri..." "... să nu mai amestecăm metafore."The art is in the whys the ability to read between the crumbs not to mix metaphors.
- Am vrut doar să amestecăm lucrurile un pic.- Just wanted to mix things up a little.
- Doar rutina domnule Hatch. Vrem să amestecăm pozele cu cele ale domnului Elliot.We want to mix in some photos with Mr. Elliott's,
- N-o vrei? Păi ideea e să amestecăm cât mai multe arome posibil.Well, the whole plan is to mix as many flavors as possible.
- Nu mai sunt sigur nici eu. Dar încep să cred că nu vom mai fi nimic dacă mai amestecăm munca şi plăcerea.I'm not sure anymore, but I'm starting to think we won't be anything if we keep mixing work and pleasure.
", Dar ca boabe amestecat iaurt e? ti pe cale sa manânce a expirat.""but that mixed berry yogurt you're about to eat has expired."
"A amestecat apă cu boabe de ienupăr şi alcool etilic, a lăsat compoziţia să se aşeze în timp de s-a apucat de cină."She mixed some water with juniper berries and denatured alcohol, let the mixture set while she went off to fix supper.
"A amestecat toată mâncarea.""she has mixed all the food together"
"A amestecat zahărul cu chilly""she's herself mixed the chillies with the jaggery"
Nu amestecați Oxys și ISRS, bine?Don't mix Oxys and SSRis, okay?
Nu amestecați divorț cu stocuriDon't mix up divorce with stocks
Nu amestecați profesionale cu personalul.Never mix the professional with the personal.
Sunteți sigur că vreți să amestecați afacerile cu plăcerea?Are you sure you want to mix business with pleasure?
La chimicalele acelea pe care le amestecai?At those chemicals you were mixing?
Ceea ce nu ştiau este că amestecau betonul pentru a construi o comunitate globală.Little did they know they were mixing concrete to build the global village.
- Max, amestecând alcolul cu calmantele poate duce la..- Max, mixing alcohol with pain medication could lead to--
Acum este singur în apartamentul său mare, amestecând alcoolul şi sedativele.Now he's alone in his big apartment mixing alcohol and pills.
Amestecând culori deschise obţinem alb, amestecând culori de pigment obţinem negru.Mixing different colors of light makes white, mixing different colors of pigment makes black.
Dacă aş pune un video cu mine amestecând aluat cu sânii aş avea 8 milioane.I could put up a video of me mixing cake batter with my boobs and it will get eight million hits.
Felul în care treci limitele, amestecând viaţa personală cu cea profesională arată o lipsă de raţiune.The way you've crossed boundaries- mixing your personal And your professional life- shows an alarming lack of judgment.

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