Considerar (to consider) conjugation

48 examples
This verb can also mean the following: think, think highly of

Conjugation of considerar

Present tense
I consider
you consider
he/she considers
we consider
you all consider
they consider
Present perfect tense
he considerat
I have considered
has considerat
you have considered
ha considerat
he/she has considered
hem considerat
we have considered
heu considerat
you all have considered
han considerat
they have considered
Future tense
I will consider
you will consider
he/she will consider
we will consider
you all will consider
they will consider
Conditional mood
I would consider
you would consider
he/she would consider
we would consider
you all would consider
they would consider
Past perfect tense
havia considerat
I had considered
havies considerat
you had considered
havia considerat
he/she had considered
havíem considerat
we had considered
havíeu considerat
you all had considered
havien considerat
they had considered
Past impf. tense
I was considering
you were considering
he/she was considering
we were considering
you all were considering
they were considering
Imperative mood
let him/her consider!
let's consider!
let them consider!
Imperative negative mood
no consideris
don't consider!
no consideri
don't let him/her consider!
no considerem
let's not consider!
no considereu
don't consider!
no considerin
don't let them consider!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria considerat
I would have considered
hauries considerat
you would have considered
hauria considerat
he/she would have considered
hauríem considerat
we would have considered
hauríeu considerat
you all would have considered
haurien considerat
they would have considered
Future perfect tense
hauré considerat
I will have considered
hauràs considerat
you will have considered
haurà considerat
he/she will have considered
haurem considerat
we will have considered
haureu considerat
you all will have considered
hauren considerat
they will have considered
Preterite past tense
I considered
you considered
he/she considered
we considered
you all considered
they considered
Past anterior tense
haguí considerat
I had considered
hagueres considerat
you had considered
hagué considerat
he/she had considered
haguérem considerat
we had considered
haguéreu considerat
you all had considered
haguéren considerat
they had considered
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) consider
(so that you) consider
(so that he/she) considers
(so that we) consider
(so that you all) consider
(so that they) consider
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was considering
(so that you) were considering
(so that he/she) was considering
(so that we) were considering
(so that you all) were considering
(so that they) were considering
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi considerat
(so that I) have considered
hagis considerat
(so that you) have considered
hagi considerat
(so that he/she) has considered
hàgim considerat
(so that we) have considered
hàgiu considerat
(so that you all) have considered
hagin considerat
(so that they) have considered
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués considerat
(so that I) had considered
haguessis considerat
(so that you) had considered
hagués considerat
(so that he/she) had considered
haguéssim considerat
(so that we) had considered
haguéssiu considerat
(so that you all) had considered
haguessin considerat
(so that they) had considered
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi considerar
(so that I) considered
vagis considerar
(so that you) considered
vagi considerar
(so that he/she) considered
vàgim considerar
(so that we) considered
vàgiu considerar
(so that you all) considered
vagin considerar
(so that they) considered
Periphastic past tense
vaig considerar
I considered
vas considerar
you considered
va considerar
he/she considered
vam considerar
we considered
vau considerar
you all considered
van considerar
they considered
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver considerat
I had considered
vas haver considerat
you had considered
va haver considerat
he/she had considered
vam haver considerat
we had considered
vau haver considerat
you all had considered
van haver considerat
they had considered

Examples of considerar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
A més, cal tenir en compte que els nous Estats membres tenen una certatradició històrica pel que fa als temes relacionats amb les minories, però no tanta en laintegració d’immigració. Tampoc no hi ha quòrum a l’hora de considerar si els“immigrants”, independentment de la denominació que rebin, han de ser consideratscom un únic grup.New Member States have historically placedemphasis on addressing minority issues, rather than on the integration of immigrants.Neither is there agreement on whether ‘immigrants’, however identified, should beconsidered as one group.
En realitat, se’ls sol considerar com a individus o com a membres desubcategories específiques definides per l’origen nacional o ètnic, per la religió, pelgènere, per l’edat o per la raó de la seva arribada al país (migració econòmica, refugiatso reagrupació familiar) o per les seves habilitats (dels altament especialitzats a la màd’obra no especialitzada).Rather, they may be considered as individuals or as membersof specific sub-categories defined by national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, age or byreason of their arrival (economic migrants, refugees, or family members) or their skills(from high-skilled to low skilled).
David Bahati, el parlamentari ugandès que va proposar el projecte de llei el 2009, ha tornat a considerar la possibilitat de presentar aquesta mesura legislativa tan severa, introduint-hi alguns canvis.Ugandan member of parliament, David Bahati, who proposed the bill back in 2009 has again considered tabling the draconian bill but with changes.
Espanya, tanmateix, no els ho posarà fàcil als catalans, ja que qualsevol intent de dividir Espanya pot considerar-se il·legal sota la Constitució, escrita el 1978 després de la caiguda de la dictadura de Francisco Franco.Spain, however, will not make it easy for the Catalans to vote, as any attempt to divide Spain can be considered illegal under the country's constitution, written in 1978 after the fall of Francisco Franco's dictatorship.
Segons l’agència de notícies estatal, Xinhua News Online, les dades recollides per importants departaments de seguiment a 118 ciutats revelen que un 64% de les aigües subterrànies de les ciutats està greument contaminada, un 33% ho està lleument i només un 3% es pot considerar moderadament neta.According to Xinhua News Online, data taken from relevant monitoring departments in 118 cities has shown that about 64% of the underground water in the cities has been severely contaminated, 33% of the underground water has been lightly contaminated, and only 3% of the underground water in the cities is considered moderately clean.
Però potser el perill recau en això: em considero un home modern que es pren seriosament les dones, que defensa la igualtat i la quota femenina.But maybe that is where the danger lies. I consider myself to be a modern man, who takes women seriously and supports gender equality.
Per mi, els murs del nacionalisme només van caure amb el pas del temps i ja no em considero un representant de Pakistan.For me the walls of nationalism only fell down over the years and I do not consider myself a representative of Pakistan anymore.
A més tamb el considero ...I'm proud to also consider my [speaks Spanish].
Sr. Boyles, em considero un individu prou intel·ligent, ...però ara mateix no el puc seguir.Mr. Boyles, I consider myself a fairly intelligent guy. But I'm not following you here.
A més tamb el considero ... la meva amiga cubana.I'm proud to also consider my.
Segur, si consideres divertit el que t'exploti la teva pròpia tropa.Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own troops fun.
Des d'ara, doncs, també pot demanar a la Comissió que prengui iniciatives que considera importants.Parliament can request the Commission to take a particular initiative where it considers it important.
Per primera vegada, cada Parlament estatal podrà tornar a examinar lespropostes i tindrà la possibilitat d’emetre un dictamen motivat si considera que nos’ha respectat el principi de subsidiarietat.For the first time, every national parliamentwill be able to re-examine the proposals and issue a reasoned opinion if itconsiders that the principle of subsidiarity has not been respected.
Són una prova per a un règim que considera que entre el poble no existeix la intel·ligència.It is a test for a regime who considers that the intelligence of the people is non-existant.
Ahestan considera que els problemes no es resolen sense votar, perquè la participació política del poble pot ser una resposta contundent contra els enemics ("un puny a la boca").Ahestan considers that problems do not get solved by not taking part in the election because the political participation of the people can be a strong answer to enemies ("a fist to their mouth").
El MIL considera que la comunitat autònoma espanyola de Galícia forma part de l'espai de la llengua portuguesa.MIL considers the Spanish region of Galicia as an integral part of the Portuguese language space.
Ens adherim als principis de no violència a les nostres activitats, les nostres paraules, els nostres cors; no considerem cap khmer un enemic; volem justícia i una reconciliació nacional que perduri.We adhere to the principles of Non-Violence in our activities, our words, our hearts; we do not consider any Khmer as an enemy; we want justice and lasting national reconciliation.
No és el primer que han matat, tret que no considerem persones els immigrants morts a mans dels membres d'Alba Daurada.He wasn't the first one killed. Not unless we consider the immigrants murdered by Golden Dawn as non-humans.
Est és un procés molt important, sobretot si considerem les experiències profundament doloroses de víctimes i supervivents.This is a very important process, particularly considering the deeply painful experiences of victims and survivors.
Només dic que ho considerem.- Peter... - I'm just saying consider it.
Tenia ganes de capturar el bot, argüint que podia ser considerat com un vaixell, legítima presa, per tant, d'un pirata; pero comprengué que hom el recercaria per tots cantons, i que aixo podia acabar descobrint-lo.He was moved to capture the skiff, arguing that it might be considered a ship and therefore legitimate prey for a pirate, but he knew a thorough search would be made for it and that might end in revelations.
En aquest cas, per definició,s’ha considerat que una acció a nivell comunitari és més eficaç que una acciórealitzada de manera dispersa per cadascun dels Estats.These are “exclusive” competences.It has been considered that by definition an action at Union level is more effectivethan disjointed action by each of the Member States.
La connexió de drogues entre la República Dominicana i Puerto Rico va arribar als titulars el 2011: el septembre hi havia el cas infame de la sentència de Figueroa Acosta , considerat un dels casos més escandalosos de tràfic de drogues a les dues illes.The drug connection between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico has also made headlines this year: September saw was the sentencing of the infamous Figueroa Acosta case , considered one of the most scandalous cases of drug trafficking in both these islands.
Membre del parliament d'Uganda, David Bahati, que va proposar el projecte el 2009 ha considerat tornant a presentar-lo però amb alguns canvis.Ugandan member of parliament, David Bahati, who proposed the bill back in 2009 has again considered tabling the draconian bill but with changes.
El president Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov es va adreçar a la nació en aquest Dia del Meló, recordant-los que "des de temps immemorials, el Turkmenistan ha estat considerat la pàtria dels millors melons del món".President Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov made an address to the nation this Melon Day reminding them that "since ancient times Turkmenistan has been considered the homeland of the best melons in the world."
Així, si podeu dedicar uns minuts i fer arribar aquesta carta als vostres amics, als vostres contactes, als polítics de la vostra zona… a qui considereu… ens fareu un gran favor.Therefore, if you can dedicate a few minutes and send this letter to your friends, contacts, local representatives, or whomever you consider, you will be doing us a big favor.
Espero que em considereu com a candidat a jutge.I hope that you will consider me for an appointment to a judgeship.
Manteniu-la i considereu el deute pagat.Keep it and consider the debt paid.
Però mentre alguns lloen un creixement econòmic "sostenible", uns altres consideren que la presidenta Dilma Rouseff té una perspectiva de desenvolupament errònia .But, while some praise a “sustainable” economic growth, others consider that President Dilma Rouseff has a misleading perspective of development .
Actualment no existeix cap llei a l’Iran, però si les autoritats consideren l’obra subversiva, aquesta es converteix senzillament en un crim.Currently, no law exists in Iran, but if authorities consider the work to be subversive; in that case, the art might become a crime.
El blocaire iranià "Hagh mosalam ma" ("El nostre dret definitiu") adopta un enfocament satíric i traça paral·lelismes entre la suposada missió espacial i les eleccions presidencials iranianes, que molts consideren manipulades.Iranian blogger 'Hagh mosalam ma' ('Our definite right') takes a satirical approach, and draws parallels between the alleged space mission with the 2009 Iranian presidential election that many consider was rigged.
Tothom odia l'ambaixadora nord-americana Anne Paterson i molts egipcis la consideren la versió americana de Lord Cromer.US ambassador Anne Paterson is so much hated and many Egyptians consider her the American version of Lord Cromer.
Escribano argumenta que la supremacia lingüística dels castellà ha fet que, amb el temps, els catalanoparlants interioritzen el prejudici cap a la seua llengua, que consideren d'inferior categoria.Escribano argues that the language supremacy of Spanish has allowed, over time, for Catalan-speaking people to interiorize their prejudice toward their own language, considering it of an inferior status.
Miri, la majoria de gent consideraria important trobar una llista de noms escrita amb tinta ultraviolada invisible.See, most people would consider finding a list of names written in subsonic ultraviolet invisible ink important.
¿Com pot ser que quan els oprimits intenten lluitar per fugir de les injusticies que els envolten se'ls consideri terroristes perillosos?How come is it that when the oppressed try to fight to lift the unjustise they live in, they are considered as dangerous terrorists.
Així que consideri això:So consider this:
Bé, com a mínim consideri l'element d'interès humà.Well, at least consider the human-interest angle here.
Espero que consideris molt seriosament l'aspecte positiu de col·locar un actiu americà en el lloc més alt de la cadena de comandament iranià.I expect you to consider deeply the upside of placing a US asset at the very top of the Iranian food chain.
Espero que consideris això com una oferta de pau.I hope you'll consider this an adequate peace offering.
La Constitució estableix un nou mecanisme que permet que els ciutadansparticipin més en el procediment legislatiu de la Unió Europea, sempre quesiguin més d’un milió i representin un nombre significatiu d’Estats membres.Mitjançant aquest nou mecanisme, els ciutadans poden invitar la Comissió Europea a sotmetre al legislador la proposta de llei que considerin necessària.The Constitution also introduces a new mechanism which allows direct inputfrom Union citizens, if they number at least a million and represent a significantnumber of Member States. Using this new mechanism, citizens can ask the Commission to submit to the legislator a legislative proposal which they considernecessary.
• La integració europea seguirà en els àmbits en què els Estats membres considerin que convé als seus interessos treballar junts dins el marc tradicional de la UE (sobre temes com el comerç, la globalització, el mercat comú, el desenvolupament social i regional, la recerca i el desenvolupament, mesures per promoure el creixement i l’ocupació i molts altres).• European integration will continue in the fields in which the member states consider it is in their best interests to work together within the traditional EU framework (on issues like trade, globalisation, the single market, regional and social development, research and development, measures to promote growth and jobs and many others.)
Si em permets, els teus pares probablement no considerin això ficar-se.If you don ' t want to meddle, why are you meddling? Your parents don't consider this meddling.
. Si em permets, els teus pares probablement no considerin això ficar-se.If I may,your parents probably don't consider this meddling.
El grup de dones parlamentàries felicita els ciutadans que han denunciat el delicte, considerant que era un atac als Drets Humans.The Group of Parliamentary women congratulates the citizens who reported the crime, considering it an attack on Human Rights
El parlament turc fa temps que lladra segons el so de la veu del seu amo i està considerant restringir els fonaments sobre els quals, i el període de l'embaràs durant el qual, les dones turques poden sol·licitar un avortament.Already, the Turkish parliament has been barking at its master’s voice and is considering restricting the grounds on which, and the term of their pregnancy during which, women may seek an abortion.
Però afortunadament el dron amb càmera que ens va filmar davant l'edifici del Capitoli Provincial de la Ciutat de Cebu la vesprada del 25 de gener de 2015 es va desplaçar sols uns 35 metres sobre nosaltres i va captar una fracció de la comunitat de Global Voices reunida en una molt respetable i vistosa (considerant la rapidesa amb què l'havíem fet) formació en columna i en cercle representant els 10 anys de la nostra existència.But fortunately the drone-mounted camera that filmed us in front of Cebu City’s grand Provincial Capitol building on the afternoon of January 25, 2015 hovered only a few hundred feet above us, a fraction of the Global Voices community assembled into a very respectable-looking—considering how quickly we did it—column-and-circle formation representing the 10 years of our existence.
És el menys que podem fer, considerant...It's the least we can do, considering.
Estem... estem considerant això realment?Are we... are we really considering this?

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