-Jag är rädd att tappa den igen. | - I'm scared I'll drop it again. |
Alla historier om att tappa tvålen är sanna. | I tell you, all of the rumors about dropping the soap are true. |
Berätta en sak, vad gör du när du inte är upptagen med att få män att tappa hakan? | So you have to tell me something. What do you do when you're not making men's jaw drop? |
Det stämmer precis Det går inte att göra det tricket utan att tappa någon oliv. | You can't do that trick without dropping some of the olives. |
Det var inte meningen att tappa det i floden. Fisken slingrade sig. | I really didn't mean to drop it in the river, it's just that fish was... he was all squiggly. |
! Jag råkade tappa min morgonintervall. | I accidently dropped my... morning interval. |
- Du skulle bara tappa mig. | Yeah, with my luck, you'd drop me. |
- Folk lär tappa hakan. | [Laughs] You know some jaws are gonna drop. |
- För Guds skull, tappa inte pengarna! - Det ska jag inte! | - For God's sake, don't drop the money! |
- Hur kan man tappa en sprayburk? | - Well. Who could drop a big can of spray paint for God´s sake? |
- 10:22... Jag tappar mina nycklar och flyttar Reuben till hans plats. | I drop my keys and move Reuben to his mark. |
- Du tappar kameran. | - Your turn to drop it. |
- Du tappar mig, Ben. | - Ben, youre gonna drop me. |
- Han tappar väl den inte? | - He's not gonna drop that, is he? |
- Han tappar. | He's dropping back. |
- Ja. Han blev tappad på huvudet. | Wet-nurse dropped him on his head. |
Blev du tappad från en hög höjd som barn? | - You're very sorry, sir? Were you dropped as a child from very great height? |
Blev du tappad i golvet av dina föräldrar? | Your parents dropped you on your head? |
Han regerade över sin firma Cossack med järnhand och vithårig peruk med metallband, så att han såg ut som Dog the Bounty Hunter, tappad i en fritös. | He lorded over his company Cossack with an iron fist and a white-maned hair metal band wig that looked like Dog the Bounty Hunter had been dropped into a deep fryer. |
Men ibland inte, ett dubbelfel en tappad boll, dålig retur, säg vad, och alltid när Isla Jonas ligger under. | But any time they didn't - a double fault, a dropped ball, bad return, you name it - and always when Isla Jonas are behind. |
"Du tappade den där atombomben på Japan!" | You dropped that atomic bomb on Japan. |
"Hallå. Jag tappade nåt - trosorna." | "Hey, I dropped something, my panties." |
"Jag utlovar 150 yard, 7 tacklingar och inga tappade passningar." | I commit to 20 carries, 150 yards, seven tackles and no dropped passes." |
"Till Pills, var receptarie som gav ifran ett vral" "när han tappade vitaminerna i vart periskophal." | "For Pills, the pharmacist's mate, a mournful knell. He dropped his vitamins down the periscope well." |
," "jag tappade nyckeln" för jag vill ut. | I don't want to hear any of this "Where is the key?" "I dropped the key. " I want out. |
- Du har visst tappat några kilon? | Man, you have dropped some weight, haven't you? |
- Han har tappat en sko i maten. | Hammer said he'll look at my pony, I think he dropped a shoe. |
- Han har tappat sitt boardingkort. | He dropped his boarding pass. kevin: This plane can't leave. |
- Hans mamma måste ha tappat honom. | His mother must have dropped him on his head Before she took off, |
- Jag har tappat den. | Try your phone. I dropped it. |