Men om nån skulle få göra nånting så vore det för att gagna vår bild. Han skulle inte vara ett offer. | Should something be done, would to tell the story he wanted to tell... not going to be a victim. |
- Nästa punkt verkar lite oortodox. Men det kan nog gagna oss båda. | l realize the next item may seem unorthodox, but l believe it can be beneficial to both of us. |
Arrangemanget verkar inte gagna någon här. | I don't think this arrangement's doing anyone any good here. |
Det skulle inte gagna nån av oss. | That won't do either of us any good, will it? |
Jag vill att det här ska gagna oss båda i slutänden. | I want something to be done that will benifit us both. |
Lite gammaldags detektivarbete skulle gagna dig. | A iittle old school detecting would do you good, my friend. |
- Det gagnar inte kyrkan. | Oh, that does the Church no good at all. |
-Hur gagnar det här det vi gör? | I don't see how this benefits what we're doing |
Alberto, giftermål kusiner emellan gagnar inte rasens skönhet. Titta på dem. | All these marriages between cousins do not improve the beauty of the race. |
Att låta dig försvinna nånstans gagnar ingen av oss. | Having you disappear into some black hole somewhere doesn't serve either of our interests. |
De gör det som gagnar dem. Det spelar ingen roll hur många som springer på mötena. Kollektiva vinster. | Our administrators only do what's good for them, no matter how many people go to those goddamn meetings, they should call it collective ball scratching. |
Denna elva sidor långa handskrivna förklaring gagnade inte er sak. | I'm sorry to talk about you as though you weren't here, but this 11-page handwritten brief didn't help, son. |
Det gagnade er, men hur hjälpte det 150 miljoner kvinnor därute? | Being a woman, who has served as Solicitor General, one of the few in the history of the court. Well, that advanced your interests, but what did that do for 150 million women out there? |
Jag erbjöd dem mitt liv och sa att om det inte gagnade Rom att jag blev kejsare låt mig då dödas. | and if I'm to be crowned Caesar, I would change all he did. |