De har redan offrat Mattys hälsa för att gynna hans bror en gång. | - Of course they do. They already sacrificed Matty's health to benefit his brother once. |
Jag vet inte vad det är du vill ha av mig, men jag vet att du inte förser mig med information för att gynna mig. | I don't know what it is you want from me, but I know you are not feeding me information for my own benefit. |
Nå, vissa gör det kanske för att gynna sig själva, andra av rädsla. | Well, as for that, some may do it for favor, and some for fear. |
Och tror du påven kommer att gynna Englands kungliga hov framför kungen av Frankrike? | And do you think the Pope will favor England's royal runt over the King of France? |
Att hjälpa oss kan gynna honom. | i don't know-- clerking for the d.a. looks real good on his resume. |
De har redan offrat Mattys hälsa för att gynna hans bror en gång. | - Of course they do. They already sacrificed Matty's health to benefit his brother once. |
Det måste ju gynna oss alla. | How could that do anything but benefit us all? |
Det skulle bara gynna honom. | We'd only he doing him a favor. |
Det var just vad jag ville höra, det skulle säkert gynna oss båda. | That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I don't see why, a little sit down like this. Can't be profitable for the both of us. |
"En 48-årig man äger en godisbutik, vilket gynnar hans pedofili." | A 48-year-old guy owns a sweet shop which he uses to further his paedophilic desires. |
- Du måste göra vad som gynnar dig. | Well, you have to do what's best for you no matter what. |
- Jag erbjuder ett avtal som gynnar oss alla. | I'm offering a deal that benefits us all, Hondo. |
- Om du dödar mig... - ...hur gynnar det dig? | Now, if you kill me, what good will that do you? |
Att kungen dödar sitt eget folk gynnar inte dig. | The king killing his own people doesn't benefit you at all. |
- Tyvärr gynnade han mig inte. | I regret to say he did not honor me with his patronage. |
De tvekade inte att tvinga på mig deras vilja när det gynnade dem. | But they didn't hesitate to impose their collective will on me when it served their interests, did they? |
Det sista avtalet gynnade inte mig - min man dog i Vicksburg. | Last treaty didn't do me much good - my husband died at Vicksburg. |
Det vet du, men Forbes- omslaget gynnade inte dig. | Now you already know this, but that Forbes cover did you no favors. |
Det har gynnat den här stan och hon har hjälpt företaget. | For her passion for animal insemination, what it's done for this community and what she's done for this company. |
Du tål inte Vanessa, och du har aldrig gjort något som inte gynnat dig. | You can't stand Vanessa, and you've never done anything When something wasn't in it for you. |