Pintar (to paint) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of pintar

Present tense
I paint
you paint
he/she paints
we paint
you all paint
they paint
Present perfect tense
tenho pintado
I have painted
tens pintado
you have painted
tem pintado
he/she has painted
temos pintado
we have painted
tendes pintado
you all have painted
têm pintado
they have painted
Past preterite tense
I painted
you painted
he/she painted
we painted
you all painted
they painted
Future tense
I will paint
you will paint
he/she will paint
we will paint
you all will paint
they will paint
Conditional mood
I would paint
you would paint
he/she would paint
we would paint
you all would paint
they would paint
Past imperfect tense
I used to paint
you used to paint
he/she used to paint
we used to paint
you all used to paint
they used to paint
Past perfect tense
tinha pintado
I had painted
tinhas pintado
you had painted
tinha pintado
he/she had painted
tínhamos pintado
we had painted
tínheis pintado
you all had painted
tinham pintado
they had painted
Future perfect tense
terei pintado
I will have painted
terás pintado
you will have painted
terá pintado
he/she will have painted
teremos pintado
we will have painted
tereis pintado
you all will have painted
terão pintado
they will have painted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha pintado
I have painted
tenhas pintado
you have painted
tenha pintado
he/she has painted
tenhamos pintado
we have painted
tenhais pintado
you all have painted
tenham pintado
they have painted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have painted
(if/so that) you will have painted
(if/so that) he/she will have painted
(if/so that) we will have painted
(if/so that) you all will have painted
(if/so that) they will have painted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver pintado
I will have painted
tiveres pintado
you will have painted
tiver pintado
he/she will have painted
tivermos pintado
we will have painted
tiverdes pintado
you all will have painted
tiverem pintado
they will have painted
Imperative mood
let's paint!
Imperative negative mood
não pintes
do not paint!
não pinte
let him/her/it not paint!
não pintemos
let us not paint!
não pinteis
do not paint!
não pintem
do not paint!

Examples of pintar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Vamos sangrá-lo para pintar o meu alpendre."Quick let's drain its blood to paint my boathouse. "
- A vida é uma rosa - Alguém para pintar- # Life smells like a rose - # With someone to paint
- Agora, vou pintar a manta!And now, I'm off to paint the town red.
- Candidato a pintar o seu retrato oficial.-Candidate to paint your official portrait.
- Da Vinci não queria pintar Jesus igual ao resto dos artistas anteriores, queria capturar um homem normal, com as mesmas virtudes, assim, Da Vinci saiu em busca de seu Jesus e acabou por encontrá-lo.Now, Da Vinci he didn't want to paint Jesus just like every other artist before, He wanted to capture a normal man with the same qualities, So Da Vinci went out looking for his Jesus and eventually he found him.
- Como achas que pinto aqueles murais?- You have? How do you think I paint those murals?
- Esqueça, eu pinto, está bem?Look, just forget it! I'll paint it myself, OK?
- Já não pinto, estás a ver?I don't paint, you know.
- Não, eu não pinto.- No, I don't paint.
- Os que eu pinto.Those I paint.
- E tu não? - Porque não o pintas?- Why don´t you paint him ?
- E... tu pintas?And you paint?
- Então tu pintas, hein?So you paint, huh?
- Então, o que pintas?What do you paint, then?
- Então, tu pintas? - Oh, é.So, you paint?
- E também pinta vedações.- And he paints fences.
- Ele pinta.- He paints.
- O papá pinta com as mãos.Daddy paints with his hands.
A História pinta-o de forma diferente, Coronel Green.You're somewhat different than the way history paints you, Colonel Green.
A Izzie pinta um retrato bonito porque gosta de si.Izzie paints a pretty picture because she likes you.
- "Si", pintamos.- Si, we paint.
- Arranjamo-nos todas e pintamos a manta. - Mas...- We'll get all dolled up and paint the town.
- Sim, pintamos, mas sem frases ou simbolos.Yes, but we don't paint slogans all over them.
- Sim, pintamos.- Oh, yeah, we painted.
Acompanhem-nos hoje á medida que pintamos a cidade de vermelho no Turno da Noite.Come with us tonight as we paint the town red on The Night Shift.
"Faca feita a partir dos ossos do Lucas Reem com o cabo pintado de prateado"."Knife made from Lucas Reem bone with a silver-painted handle."
"Já tinha pintado as nalgas de 14 anjos, e ainda não me tinham pago."Having painted the bums on 14 angels, I was still waiting to be paid.
"O nosso futuro terá de ser pintado novamente.""Our future needs repainted."
"The Song Remains the Same" pintado nas costas dos "tops"."The Song Remains the Same" painted on the back of their jackets.
"Vejam o nariz de plástico sobre o rosto pintado" "Trazem genocídio a raça humana"# See a rubber nose on a painted face # bringing genocide to the human race
O que é que pintais?What do you paint?
Porque não pintais o meu rosto?Why not paint my face?
- Não os pintam na India?Don't you paint them in India?
- Tinhamos dito que é um cavalheiro. Os cavalheiros não pintam mulheres nu...Mrs. Bounce, we agreed he is a gentleman, gentlemen just don't paint women without..."
A mãe dele é tão gorda que lhe pintam as unhas na oficina!Reggie's mama's so fat that the bitch gets her toenails painted at earl Scheib!
Achas que se pintam sozinhos?You think they paint themselves?
As coisas não são tão negras como as pintam.Things are never black as they are painted
"Eu redesenhei Taj Mahal e pintei todas as salas"¶ I redesigned the taj mahal and painted every room ¶
"Falto eu, que sou parte da paisagem que pintei.""It is I myself who was part of the landscape I painted."
"O meu trabalho ganhou vida quando a pintei,""My work came alive when I painted you.
- E eu pintei a Capela Sistina!- And I painted the Sistine Chapel!
- E não pintei o teu cão, nunca faria isso.And I never spray-painted your dog. I would never do that.
- Hei Albert, já alguma vez pintaste?- Albert, have you painted before?
- Nada como tu o pintaste.- Not at all how you'd painted him.
1983 PEDACINHOS DE FRANGO. Mas quando a vires, não lhe digas que pintaste consciência histórica numa parede. 2003 BRITNEY SPEARS A MAIS PESQUISADA.Okay, but when you see her, don't tell her that you painted historical consciousness on the wall.
A vida de uma criança está em jogo e tu pintaste da tua imaginação?A kid's life is hanging by a thread and you painted from imagination?
Ainda não pintaste esta casa?- You haven't painted this place yet?
"O Samuel pintou de azul as calças do Pai Natal, mas todos sabemos que as calças dele são vermelhas."And said Samuel painted Santa's pants to blue. And we all know that his pants are red.
"Que pintou o seu rabo como uma dália."Who painted his ass like a dahlia
- A Trelis pintou aquilo.-Trelis painted those.
- A minha mãe pintou.My mum painted it.
- A mulher dele pintou isto.- His wife painted this.
"Uns putos pintaram-me a porta, venham depressa!"?"Children have painted my door, come quickly"?
'Além disso, pintaram algumas pessoas como animais. Agora terminou tudo.'Plus they painted some people up like animals, and now it's over.
- Eles pintaram o nosso cão...- That team painted our dog...
- Foram os humanos que a pintaram.Humans painted it on me.
- Houve uma altura em que pintaram isto.- No, I think they repainted at some point.
" fonte pintará o jardim ""spring will paint the garden"
Encontrei um pintor... ele pintará Nosso Senhor Jesus... tal como o viu, Irmã.I've found a painter. He will paint Lord Jesus, Like Sister is seeing.
Miguel Ângelo pintará o tecto!Michelangelo will paint the ceiling!
Entrega-mo e eu regressarei e pintaremos a cidade de vermelho com o sangue Patriota.You hand him over, and I will come back, and we will paint the town red with Patriot blood. pintaria o meu rosto.I would paint my face
Eu estou farta de ser um bandida de cultura e ô é engraçado e repugnante lembrar todas as maneiras como eu pintaria o meu rostoI'm getting tired of being a culture bandit and oh... it's funny and sick, recalling all the ways... I would paint my face
Ninguém pintaria assim, se visse bem.Nobody would paint like that if they could see.
O teu sangue pintaria este quarto.Your blood would paint this room.
Se tivesse que descrever o Stig e a Marta desde a primeira vez que nos encontrámos há quatro anos que quadro pouco fidedigno e incompleto pintaria.If I were to take it upon myself to portray Stig and Marta from the first time we met four years ago what an untruthful, incomplete picture I would paint.
Tinha visto Chalfont apenas como a mãe o pintara.I had seen Chalfont only as Mama had painted it.
- Diz-lhe que a pinte com florzinhas.And tell him to paint little flowers on it. 'Cause he's so good with the florals.
- E estás preocupado com que o pinte?- And you're worried about paint in it?
- Queres que pinte um quadro?- Want me to paint you a picture?
- Quero que me pinte.- I want you to paint me.
-Que pinte meu retrato.I want him to paint my portrait.
- Está bem, mas não pintes nada.Okay, but don't paint.
A ponta mais meridional da ilha, de muito difícil acesso e pintes o que vês... exactamente o que vês e tragas de volta.The southernmost tip of the island, very difficult to get to and paint what you see... exactly what you see and bring it back.
Então, pintes as roupas dele como eu queria, e a minha professora, Sra. Porter, que era uma mulher miserável, pegou no meu desenho e mostrou a toda a turma, dizendo:So I painted his clothes the way he wanted. My teacher, Mrs. Porter. She was this ...
Estou um pouco preocupado que tu... que tu realmente não te preocupes em me compreender mais, e não pintes um retrato preciso.I'm a little worried that you... you don't really care to understand me anymore; that you won't paint an accurate portrait.
Há umas pinturas que quero que pintes por cima.I have some graffiti I'd like you to paint over.
Quero que o pinteis.I want you to paint him.
- E pintem a Cruz Vermelha neles- And paint red crosses on them.
- Melhor que a pintem de vermelho.- Better than painting it red.
Achas bem que eles te pintem a casa?So you're fine with them painting your house?
Cortem-nas, pintem-nas e ponham-no algumas flores na cabeça.Have them cut and painted and put flowers on his head. And send over some ice.
E depois pintem tudo.And when you get done, you're gonna paint it.
Filhos de camelos, descendentes de burros, pintai as vossas tolas caras.Children of camels, offspring of donkeys, paint your foolish faces!
Salvais jovens senhoras, pintai-las, e ainda dançais maravilhosamente...You save young ladies, you paint them, and you're a marvelous dancer...
- Estamos pintando as rosas de vermelho. - Meus Deus!We're painting the roses red
- Estamos pintando as rosas de vermelho.We're painting the roses red
- Estou pintando agora.- Oh, I'm painting now.
- Por que vc está pintando Hugo?- What are you painting Hugo for?
- Smithee esteve pintando.-Smithee's been painting again.
- Confie em mim. Na arena, eu pedi para pintarem a área que posso ficar sem ser vista.At the arena, I had Maintenance paint lines to show me where the crowd can't see me.
A empresa dele anda a explorar crianças chinesas a pintarem automóveis.His company is exploiting Chinese children into making automotive paint.
Acho que vão ficar queridos na parede do quarto do bebé, e combinam com qualquer cor que pintarem a parede. Suponho que vai ser com uma cor neutra.I thought they'd be adorable on the nursery wall, and they'll go with whatever color you're planning on painting, which I assume is gender neutral.
Até as pintarem de cinzento.Until they repainted them gray.
Clicando em ratos que nem são ratos ou a pintarem muros sem fim.Clicking away on mouses that aren't even mouses or painting never-ending walls.
"Gostaria de deixar o meu Gran Torino de 1972 a uma pessoa amiga Thao Vang Lor na condição de não lhe cortares o tecto como fazem os mexicanos, nem lhe pintares chamas cretinas como alguns pacóvios bem rascasAnd I'd like to leave my 1972 Gran Torino to ... my friend ... Tao Vang Lor. Under the condition that you don't choptop top the roof like one of those beaners don'tpaintanyidioticflameson it like some white-trash hillbilly anddon'tputabiggayspoileron the rear end like you see on all the other zipper heads' cars
"lavo o meu prato se fores lá para cima "e pintares bebés nus no tecto.""if you get up the and just--you paint naked babies on the ceiling."
A única razão para pintares a carrinha e deixares crescer o cabelo era para impressionar o Cookie Gurnich.You were always into making money. You only reason you painted your Van Day-Glo colors and grew your hair was to impress Cookie Gurnich.
Acho porreiro pintares.I think it's hip you paint.
Adam, quando pintares a porta, não te esqueças de colocar fita no vidro ou vais sujá-lo de tinta.Oh. Adam, when you paint the door, make sure that you put tape on the glass, or you'll get paint on it. Really, mom?
- Ou ficará quando a pintarmos.Or it will be when it's got a lick of paint.
Assim que desfizermos as malas e pintarmos este lugar... Será o nosso lar.Once we've unpacked, and given this place a lick of paint, it'll be our home, yeah?
Devia comprar algo para pintarmos as paredes antes que chegue o Inverno.We should put some paint on the walls before winter comes.
E se pintarmos o chão e as paredes?What if we painted the floors or the walls?
Está na hora de pintarmos outra vez a cozinha.Time to repaint the kitchen.

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