Example in Portuguese | Translation in English |
Tanta madeira, e queres alagar tudo isto? | Great forests! And you want to flood all this? |
E se fecha quando nos alagamos. | Then it won't shut till there's a flood. |
A casa de banho do Farik inundou-se, está tudo alagado. | Farik's toilets overflowed, and the whole place is flooded. |
E o empreiteiro disse que o sub-nível está alagado. | Contractor says the entire sub level is flooded, though. |
Estava tudo alagado. | The place had flooded. |
Está tudo alagado lá embaixo. | It's all flooded downstairs. |
Os moretones se curaram, mas fiquei alagado de medo. | The bruises healed, but l was flooded with fear. |
A tempestade alagou a via, e a ponte está destruída. | Storm has flooded the causeway, and the bridge is destroyed. |
Vieram ondas grandes e alagaram a cidade. | Big waves came up and flooded the whole city. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | غمر | Dutch | inunderen,invalideren, invallen, overspoelen, vollopen, volstromen |
English | flood | Esperanto | inundi |
Finnish | tulvia, upottaa | French | flooder, inonder, submerger |
German | fluten, überfluten, überschwemmen | Greek | πλημμυρίζω, πλιατσικολογώ, πλουμίζω, πλουταίνω, πλουτίζω, ποδίζω, ποιμαίνω |
Indonesian | melimbur, membanjiri, mengaliri, menggenangi | Italian | allagare, ingolfare, ingolfarsi, inondare |
Japanese | 氾濫 | Lithuanian | patvinti, tvinti, užtvindyti |
Macedonian | поплави | Norwegian | oversvømme |
Polish | podtopić, zalać, zalewać, zatapiać | Romanian | inunda |
Russian | заливать, залить, затопить, затоплять | Spanish | arriar, empantanar, inundarse |
Swedish | svämma över, översvämma | Turkish | su basmak |
Vietnamese | lú, lụt lội, lừ |