01:25:32,213 --> 01:25:33,202 もっと? 721 01:25:35,213 --> 01:25:37,202 あなたの番よ、なんで私? 722 01:25:38,213 --> 01:25:39,202 ほら、あげる 723 01:25:43,213 --> 01:25:44,202 悪い子! 724 01:25:48,213 --> 01:25:49,202 悪い子か、、 725 01:26:16,213 --> 01:26:19,202 ダイアナ お茶は砂糖抜きにしてくれ 726 01:26:20,213 --> 01:26:22,202 アイスはクラッシュするな 727 | Dianna. Dianna. |
あげる | It's yours. |
インド製よ あげる | Do you like it? It's yours. |
20%あげる | I'll give you 20%. |
傷を手当して あげます | I was going to clean the wound, sir. |
なんでも あげます! 娘を 亡くして | I lost my child. |
なんでも あげます! | - Everything I have. |
もうけさせて あげます | I will help you. |
悲鳴 あげた? | Did you scream or something? |
"彼らは カビたパンを食べ 残りを 家のない人に あげた" | They ate stale bread, and then gave the bread to the homeless. |
あげて | Get the door. |
私は 彼に何かして あげて 彼も 同じように してくれた | Because I was doing things for him... and he's done things for me. |
私は 彼に何かして あげて | I mean, he comes to this club. |
鍵を あげよう | Well, if you're trapped in the dungeon, there isn't much to be done now, is there? |
こうしよう 食事がすんだら テープを探して あげよう | Hey, listen, when we finish eating, l'll look around, find a tape for you. |
罠に ハマったんだね 鍵を あげよう | Well, if you're trapped in the dungeon, there isn't much to be done now, is there? |