Begitu gencar, dia mencoba segalanya dari disetrum, sesak napas, overdosis... Sh...hush, hush. | It is imperative that he try such diverse methods as electrocution, gas asphyxiation, overdose... |
Aku pikir kau bilang pintu itu penuh sesak? | I thought you said the door was jammed? |
Tolong aku dan hanya hal ini turun tenggorokan saya sampai saya sesak nafas sampai mati. | Do me a favor and just stuff this down my throat until I asphyxiate to death. |
Aku berdoa semoga aku benar bahwa kau tidak akan mengingat perjalanan terkutuk yang penuh sesak ini. | I pray that I was right and that you'll have no memory of this godforsaken ride down the congested LIE. |
Aku tak 't wanna say bukan Serangan Jantung tapi itu baik atau secara Spontan sesak napas di dalam bolus -- | I don 't know. I don 't want to say it's not cardiac arrest but it's either that or an involuntary asphyxiation of a bolus within the-- |