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Mengorok (to snore) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengorok

Present tense
I snore
Past tense
sudah mengorok
I snored
Present perfect tense
sudah mengorok
I have snored
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengorok
I will have snored
Future recent tense
mengorok nanti
I will snore
Future distant tense
mengorok kelak
I am going to snore
Present continuous tense
sedang mengorok
I snore
Past distant tense
dulu mengorok
I (a long time ago) snored
Past recent tense
mengorok tadi
I (recently) snored
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengorok
I (just now) snored

Examples of mengorok

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kapan dia pulang ke rumah, apa yang dia makan, seberapa banyak dia makan, apakah dia mengorok atau tidak, hal-hal seperti itu, Kukatakan padamu untuk tak meninggalkan detail sekecil apapun.When does he get home, what he eats, how much he eats, does he snore or not, that stuff, l told you no detail is too small to leave out.
Elisabeth bilang bahwa aku mengorok.Elisabeth claims that I snore.
Dia kurus, matanya sedih, mengorok, dan tidur seperti orang.She's skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a person.
Kau ingat apa yang harus dilakukan saat kakek mengorok, 'kan ?You remember what to do when Pa snores, right?
Kau tahu, kau satu-satunya manusia yang aku tahu yang mengorok ketika dia sadar?For threats against Puerto Rico, press 3. -You know, You're the only human being I know who snores when he's awake.

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