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Sortir (to bring out) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of sortir

Present tense
je sors
I bring out
tu sors
you bring out
il/elle/on sort
he/she/it brings out
nous sortons
we bring out
vous sortez
you all bring out
ils/elles sortent
they bring out
Present perfect tense
je suis sorti
I brought out
tu es sorti
you brought out
il/elle/on est sorti
he/she/it brought out
nous sommes sortis
we brought out
vous êtes sortis
you all brought out
ils/elles sont sortis
they brought out
Past impf. tense
je sortais
I was bringing out
tu sortais
you were bringing out
il/elle/on sortait
he/she/it was bringing out
nous sortions
we were bringing out
vous sortiez
you all were bringing out
ils/elles sortaient
they were bringing out
Future tense
je sortirai
I will bring out
tu sortiras
you will bring out
il/elle/on sortira
he/she/it will bring out
nous sortirons
we will bring out
vous sortirez
you all will bring out
ils/elles sortiront
they will bring out
Past perfect tense
j’étais sorti
I had brought out
tu étais sorti
you had brought out
il/elle/on était sorti
he/she/it had brought out
nous étions sortis
we had brought out
vous étiez sortis
you all had brought out
ils/elles étaient sortis
they had brought out
Past preterite tense
je sortis
I brought out
tu sortis
you brought out
il/elle/on sortit
he/she/it brought out
nous sortîmes
we brought out
vous sortîtes
you all brought out
ils/elles sortirent
they brought out
Past anterior tense
je fus sorti
I had brought out
tu fus sorti
you had brought out
il/elle/on fut sorti
he/she/it had brought out
nous fûmes sortis
we had brought out
vous fûtes sortis
you all had brought out
ils/elles furent sortis
they had brought out
Future perfect tense
je serai sorti
I will have brought out
tu seras sorti
you will have brought out
il/elle/on sera sorti
he/she/it will have brought out
nous serons sortis
we will have brought out
vous serez sortis
you all will have brought out
ils/elles seront sortis
they will have brought out
Present subjunctive tense
que je sorte
that I bring out
que tu sortes
that you bring out
qu’il/elle/on sorte
that he/she/it bring out
que nous sortions
that we bring out
que vous sortiez
that you all bring out
qu’ils/elles sortent
that they bring out
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je sois sorti
that I have brought out
que tu sois sorti
that you have brought out
qu’il/elle/on soit sorti
that he/she/it have brought out
que nous soyons sortis
that we have brought out
que vous soyez sortis
that you all have brought out
qu’ils/elles soient sortis
that they have brought out
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je sortisse
that I would bring out
que tu sortisses
that you would bring out
qu’il/elle/on sortît
that he/she/it would bring out
que nous sortissions
that we would bring out
que vous sortissiez
that you all would bring out
qu’ils/elles sortissent
that they would bring out
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je fusse sorti
that I had brought out
que tu fusses sorti
that you had brought out
qu’il/elle/on fût sorti
that he/she/it had brought out
que nous fussions sortis
that we had brought out
que vous fussiez sortis
that you all had brought out
qu’ils/elles fussent sortis
that they had brought out
Conditional mood
je sortirais
I would bring out
tu sortirais
you would bring out
il/elle/on sortirait
he/she/it would bring out
nous sortirions
we would bring out
vous sortiriez
you all would bring out
ils/elles sortiraient
they would bring out
Conditional perfect tense
je serais sorti
I would have brought out
tu serais sorti
you would have brought out
il/elle/on serait sorti
he/she/it would have brought out
nous serions sortis
we would have brought out
vous seriez sortis
you all would have brought out
ils/elles seraient sortis
they would have brought out
Imperative mood
bring out!
let's bring out!
bring out!
Past perfect imperative mood
sois sorti
have brought out
soyons sortis
let's have brought out
soyez sortis
have brought out

Examples of sortir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
* open wide come down... * Certaines personnes font sortir de nous des choses dont on ne soupçonnait même pas l'existence.* open wide come down... * some people bring out a side of you that you didn't know you had.
- C'est le moment de sortir l'artillerie lourde.It's time to bring out the big guns.
Alors, je crois que je vais devoir sortir l'artillerie lourde.So I guess I'll bring out the big guns now. Do you keep in touch with Laroche?
Artémis, je te préviens, si tu dégages pas de suite, je vais sortir l'artillerie lourde.Artemis, I'm warning you, if you don't get out of the way right now. I'm going to bring out the big guns.
Attends, je vais sortir les photos de toi bébé.Don't worry, sweetie. l'll bring out the baby pictures any second.
- Il a sorti le plateau de boisson, Eleanor.He has brought out the drinks tray, Eleanor.
- Il a sorti un masque en cuir avec...- He brought out this leather mask with this...
C'est pourquoi il n'a pas sorti ses bottes de tyrans.That's not why he brought out his jackboots.
Et oui, c'est pour ça que les supermarchés on sorti ces sacs, avec des anses super... super résistantes, et qu'on peut attacher super bien.That's why supermarkets brought out these bags, which had super resistant handles and you could tie them super-tight.
Et tu as sorti ta belle montre ... et je me suis dis:And you brought out your beautiful watch... and I thought, he must be very rich.
- Ne sors pas la baguette.- Don't bring out the wand.
Allez, sors la tronçonneuse.Come on, dude, bring out the chainsaw. Let's do it.
Betty, sors-moi les papiers pour un autre client satisfait.Betty, bring out the papers for another satisfied customer. Ha-ha-ha!
Je sors mon arme.I'm gonna bring out the hardware.
Navrátil, sors des chevaux !Navrétil, bring out the horses!
Et on veut 5% de la somme brut... de tout ce que vous sortez de cette grotte.And we want 5% of the gross... of everything you bring out of that cave.
Jenny, sortez les bijoux.Jenny, bring out the jewelry.
Les tuniques Rouges, sortez le rôti de boeuf!Come on, Redcoats, bring out the roast beef!
Ne sortez pas votre reine trop tôt.Don't bring out your queen too early.
Vous sortez la grosse Bertha pour une mouche.You bring out the artillery to kill a fly.

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