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Redire (to say again) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of redire

Present tense
je redis
I say again
tu redis
you say again
il/elle/on redit
he/she/it says again
nous redisons
we say again
vous redites
you all say again
ils/elles redisent
they say again
Present perfect tense
j’ai redit
I said again
tu as redit
you said again
il/elle/on a redit
he/she/it said again
nous avons redit
we said again
vous avez redit
you all said again
ils/elles ont redit
they said again
Past impf. tense
je redisais
I was saying again
tu redisais
you were saying again
il/elle/on redisait
he/she/it was saying again
nous redisions
we were saying again
vous redisiez
you all were saying again
ils/elles redisaient
they were saying again
Future tense
je redirai
I will say again
tu rediras
you will say again
il/elle/on redira
he/she/it will say again
nous redirons
we will say again
vous redirez
you all will say again
ils/elles rediront
they will say again
Past perfect tense
j’avais redit
I had said again
tu avais redit
you had said again
il/elle/on avait redit
he/she/it had said again
nous avions redit
we had said again
vous aviez redit
you all had said again
ils/elles avaient redit
they had said again
Past preterite tense
je redis
I said again
tu redis
you said again
il/elle/on redit
he/she/it said again
nous redîmes
we said again
vous redîtes
you all said again
ils/elles redirent
they said again
Past anterior tense
j’eus redit
I had said again
tu eus redit
you had said again
il/elle/on eut redit
he/she/it had said again
nous eûmes redit
we had said again
vous eûtes redit
you all had said again
ils/elles eurent redit
they had said again
Future perfect tense
j’aurai redit
I will have said again
tu auras redit
you will have said again
il/elle/on aura redit
he/she/it will have said again
nous aurons redit
we will have said again
vous aurez redit
you all will have said again
ils/elles auront redit
they will have said again
Present subjunctive tense
que je redise
that I say again
que tu redises
that you say again
qu’il/elle/on redise
that he/she/it say again
que nous redisions
that we say again
que vous redisiez
that you all say again
qu’ils/elles redisent
that they say again
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie redit
that I have said again
que tu aies redit
that you have said again
qu’il/elle/on ait redit
that he/she/it have said again
que nous ayons redit
that we have said again
que vous ayez redit
that you all have said again
qu’ils/elles aient redit
that they have said again
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je redisse
that I would say again
que tu redisses
that you would say again
qu’il/elle/on redît
that he/she/it would say again
que nous redissions
that we would say again
que vous redissiez
that you all would say again
qu’ils/elles redissent
that they would say again
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse redit
that I had said again
que tu eusses redit
that you had said again
qu’il/elle/on eût redit
that he/she/it had said again
que nous eussions redit
that we had said again
que vous eussiez redit
that you all had said again
qu’ils/elles eussent redit
that they had said again
Conditional mood
je redirais
I would say again
tu redirais
you would say again
il/elle/on redirait
he/she/it would say again
nous redirions
we would say again
vous rediriez
you all would say again
ils/elles rediraient
they would say again
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais redit
I would have said again
tu aurais redit
you would have said again
il/elle/on aurait redit
he/she/it would have said again
nous aurions redit
we would have said again
vous auriez redit
you all would have said again
ils/elles auraient redit
they would have said again
Imperative mood
say again!
let's say again!
say again!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie redit
have said again
ayons redit
let's have said again
ayez redit
have said again

Examples of redire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et je souhaite redire...And I wish to say again that-
Il a hérité de la société de son père à 21 ans. Personne n'a trouvé à y redire.He inherited the company from his father when he was 21 and no one had anything to say against it.
Je vais le redire clairement.I will say again, loud and clear.
Je veux dire, je peux redire à quel point j'ai tout fichu en l'air ?I mean, can I say again how much I screwed up?
Je veux juste te redire que je n'ai pas couché avec elle/Look, may I just say again that I did not sleep with her?
David Boies, l'avocat de la campagne Gore, a redit il y a quelques heures qu'ils contesteraientDavid Boies, the attorney for the Gore campaign, a few hours ago said again they will contest
Alors je redis "violoncelle".So I say again, "cello."
C'est pourquoi je le redis, livrez-moi Clouseau.That's why I say again, give me Clouseau.
Donc je te le redis encore.So can I just say again?
Donc, je le redis:So, I say again:
Je le redis, tu me prends pour quelqu'un de stupide ?I say again, have you ever known me to be a stupid man?
Attendez, redites-moi ça ?Wait, say again?
Je n'ai pas entendu ce que vous avez dit, S'il vous plaît redites le.I can't hear your words, please say again.
Okabe... redites-le.You say again l am not biased?

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