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Naturaliser (to naturalize) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of naturaliser

Present tense
je naturalise
I naturalize
tu naturalises
you naturalize
il/elle/on naturalise
he/she/it naturalizes
nous naturalisons
we naturalize
vous naturalisez
you all naturalize
ils/elles naturalisent
they naturalize
Present perfect tense
j’ai naturalisé
I naturalized
tu as naturalisé
you naturalized
il/elle/on a naturalisé
he/she/it naturalized
nous avons naturalisé
we naturalized
vous avez naturalisé
you all naturalized
ils/elles ont naturalisé
they naturalized
Past impf. tense
je naturalisais
I was naturalizing
tu naturalisais
you were naturalizing
il/elle/on naturalisait
he/she/it was naturalizing
nous naturalisions
we were naturalizing
vous naturalisiez
you all were naturalizing
ils/elles naturalisaient
they were naturalizing
Future tense
je naturaliserai
I will naturalize
tu naturaliseras
you will naturalize
il/elle/on naturalisera
he/she/it will naturalize
nous naturaliserons
we will naturalize
vous naturaliserez
you all will naturalize
ils/elles naturaliseront
they will naturalize
Past perfect tense
j’avais naturalisé
I had naturalized
tu avais naturalisé
you had naturalized
il/elle/on avait naturalisé
he/she/it had naturalized
nous avions naturalisé
we had naturalized
vous aviez naturalisé
you all had naturalized
ils/elles avaient naturalisé
they had naturalized
Past preterite tense
je naturalisai
I naturalized
tu naturalisas
you naturalized
il/elle/on naturalisa
he/she/it naturalized
nous naturalisâmes
we naturalized
vous naturalisâtes
you all naturalized
ils/elles naturalisèrent
they naturalized
Past anterior tense
j’eus naturalisé
I had naturalized
tu eus naturalisé
you had naturalized
il/elle/on eut naturalisé
he/she/it had naturalized
nous eûmes naturalisé
we had naturalized
vous eûtes naturalisé
you all had naturalized
ils/elles eurent naturalisé
they had naturalized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai naturalisé
I will have naturalized
tu auras naturalisé
you will have naturalized
il/elle/on aura naturalisé
he/she/it will have naturalized
nous aurons naturalisé
we will have naturalized
vous aurez naturalisé
you all will have naturalized
ils/elles auront naturalisé
they will have naturalized
Present subjunctive tense
que je naturalise
that I naturalize
que tu naturalises
that you naturalize
qu’il/elle/on naturalise
that he/she/it naturalize
que nous naturalisions
that we naturalize
que vous naturalisiez
that you all naturalize
qu’ils/elles naturalisent
that they naturalize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie naturalisé
that I have naturalized
que tu aies naturalisé
that you have naturalized
qu’il/elle/on ait naturalisé
that he/she/it have naturalized
que nous ayons naturalisé
that we have naturalized
que vous ayez naturalisé
that you all have naturalized
qu’ils/elles aient naturalisé
that they have naturalized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je naturalisasse
that I would naturalize
que tu naturalisasses
that you would naturalize
qu’il/elle/on naturalisât
that he/she/it would naturalize
que nous naturalisassions
that we would naturalize
que vous naturalisassiez
that you all would naturalize
qu’ils/elles naturalisassent
that they would naturalize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse naturalisé
that I had naturalized
que tu eusses naturalisé
that you had naturalized
qu’il/elle/on eût naturalisé
that he/she/it had naturalized
que nous eussions naturalisé
that we had naturalized
que vous eussiez naturalisé
that you all had naturalized
qu’ils/elles eussent naturalisé
that they had naturalized
Conditional mood
je naturaliserais
I would naturalize
tu naturaliserais
you would naturalize
il/elle/on naturaliserait
he/she/it would naturalize
nous naturaliserions
we would naturalize
vous naturaliseriez
you all would naturalize
ils/elles naturaliseraient
they would naturalize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais naturalisé
I would have naturalized
tu aurais naturalisé
you would have naturalized
il/elle/on aurait naturalisé
he/she/it would have naturalized
nous aurions naturalisé
we would have naturalized
vous auriez naturalisé
you all would have naturalized
ils/elles auraient naturalisé
they would have naturalized
Imperative mood
let's naturalize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie naturalisé
have naturalized
ayons naturalisé
let's have naturalized
ayez naturalisé
have naturalized

Examples of naturaliser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
En fait, la plupart de ces notaires sont notoirement connus pour n'avoir naturaliser personne.Now most of these notarios are notorious for not having actually naturalized anybody.
Je crains que le Droit soit utilisé ici comme un moyen de naturaliser l'adopté.I fear the law may be used as a way to naturalize the adoptee.
* ..aujourd'hui gouverné par un Juif naturalisé.- Roman homeland now governed by a naturalized Jew.
C'est un brésilien naturalisé qui vit au Brésil depuis combien d'année Boilesen?He's a naturalized Brazilian who's been there for how long, Boilesen?
II a émigré á Hawai et a été naturalisé.He went to Hawaii as an immigrant and became naturalized.
Il a été naturalisé en 2004.He was naturalized in 2004.
Immigré en 1995, naturalisé en 1998.Immigrated in 1995, naturalized 1998.

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